import getpass, time, json, sys, signal, os import archinstall # Create a storage structure for all our information. # We'll print this right before the user gets informed about the formatting timer.['_guided'] = {}['_guided_hidden'] = {} # This will simply be hidden from printouts and things. print(archinstall.arguments, archinstall.positionals) exit(0) """ This signal-handler chain (and global variable) is used to trigger the "Are you sure you want to abort?" question. """ SIG_TRIGGER = False def kill_handler(sig, frame): print() exit(0) def sig_handler(sig, frame): global SIG_TRIGGER SIG_TRIGGER = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, kill_handler) original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) def perform_installation(device, boot_partition, language, mirrors): """ Performs the installation steps on a block device. Only requirement is that the block devices are formatted and setup prior to entering this function. """ with archinstall.Installer(device, boot_partition=boot_partition,['_guided']['hostname']) as installation: ## if len(mirrors): # Certain services might be running that affects the system during installation. # Currently, only one such service is "reflector.service" which updates /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist # We need to wait for it before we continue since we opted in to use a custom mirror/region. installation.log(f'Waiting for automatic mirror selection has completed before using custom mirrors.') while 'dead' not in (status := archinstall.service_state('reflector')): time.sleep(1) archinstall.use_mirrors(mirrors) # Set the mirrors for the live medium if installation.minimal_installation(): installation.set_mirrors(mirrors) # Set the mirrors in the installation medium installation.set_keyboard_language(language) installation.add_bootloader() # If user selected to copy the current ISO network configuration # Perform a copy of the config if['_guided']['network'] == 'Copy ISO network configuration to installation': installation.copy_ISO_network_config(enable_services=True) # Sources the ISO network configuration to the install medium. # Otherwise, if a interface was selected, configure that interface elif['_guided']['network']: installation.configure_nic(**['_guided']['network']) installation.enable_service('systemd-networkd') installation.enable_service('systemd-resolved') if['_guided']['packages'] and['_guided']['packages'][0] != '': installation.add_additional_packages(['_guided']['packages']) if 'profile' in['_guided'] and len(profile :=['_guided']['profile']['path'].strip()): installation.install_profile(profile) if['_guided']['users']: for user in['_guided']['users']: password = users[user] sudo = False if 'root_pw' not in['_guided_hidden'] or len(['_guided_hidden']['root_pw'].strip()) == 0: sudo = True installation.user_create(user, password, sudo=sudo) if 'root_pw' in['_guided_hidden'] and['_guided_hidden']['root_pw']: installation.user_set_pw('root',['_guided_hidden']['root_pw']) """ First, we'll ask the user for a bunch of user input. Not until we're satisfied with what we want to install will we continue with the actual installation steps. """ if len(keyboard_language := archinstall.select_language(archinstall.list_keyboard_languages()).strip()): archinstall.set_keyboard_language(keyboard_language)['_guided']['keyboard_layout'] = keyboard_language # Set which region to download packages from during the installation mirror_regions = archinstall.select_mirror_regions(archinstall.list_mirrors())['_guided']['mirrors'] = mirror_regions # Ask which harddrive/block-device we will install to harddrive = archinstall.select_disk(archinstall.all_disks())['_guided']['harddrive'] = harddrive if harddrive.has_partitions(): archinstall.log(f" ! {harddrive} contains existing partitions", fg='red') for partition in harddrive: if partition.filesystem_supported(): archinstall.log(f" {partition}") if (option := input('Do you wish to keep existing disk setup or format entire drive? (k/f): ')).lower() in ('k', 'keep'): # If we want to keep the existing partitioning table # Make sure that it's the selected drive mounted under /mnt # That way, we can rely on genfstab and some manual post-installation steps. if harddrive.has_mount_point(['MOUNT_POINT']) is False: raise archinstall.DiskError(f"The selected drive {harddrive} is not pre-mounted to {['MOUNT_POINT']}. This is required when keeping a existing partitioning scheme.") archinstall.log('Using existing partition table reported above.') while (disk_password := getpass.getpass(prompt='Enter disk encryption password (leave blank for no encryption): ')): disk_password_verification = getpass.getpass(prompt='And one more time for verification: ') if disk_password != disk_password_verification: archinstall.log(' * Passwords did not match * ', bg='black', fg='red') continue['_guided']['disk_encryption'] = True break # Ask for a hostname hostname = input('Desired hostname for the installation: ') if len(hostname) == 0: hostname = 'ArchInstall'['_guided']['hostname'] = hostname # Ask for a root password (optional, but triggers requirement for super-user if skipped) while (root_pw := getpass.getpass(prompt='Enter root password (leave blank to leave root disabled): ')): root_pw_verification = getpass.getpass(prompt='And one more time for verification: ') if root_pw != root_pw_verification: archinstall.log(' * Passwords did not match * ', bg='black', fg='red') continue # Storing things in _guided_hidden helps us avoid printing it # when echoing user configuration:['_guided']['_guided_hidden']['root_pw'] = root_pw['_guided']['root_unlocked'] = True break # Ask for additional users (super-user if root pw was not set) users = {} new_user_text = 'Any additional users to install (leave blank for no users): ' if len(root_pw.strip()) == 0: new_user_text = 'Create a super-user with sudo privileges: '['_guided']['users'] = None while 1: new_user = input(new_user_text) if len(new_user.strip()) == 0: if len(root_pw.strip()) == 0: archinstall.log(' * Since root is disabled, you need to create a least one (super) user!', bg='black', fg='red') continue break if not['_guided']['users']:['_guided']['users'] = []['_guided']['users'].append(new_user) new_user_passwd = getpass.getpass(prompt=f'Password for user {new_user}: ') new_user_passwd_verify = getpass.getpass(prompt=f'Enter password again for verification: ') if new_user_passwd != new_user_passwd_verify: archinstall.log(' * Passwords did not match * ', bg='black', fg='red') continue users[new_user] = new_user_passwd break # Ask for archinstall-specific profiles (such as desktop environments etc) while 1: profile = archinstall.select_profile(archinstall.list_profiles()) if profile:['_guided']['profile'] = profile if type(profile) != str: # Got a imported profile['_guided']['profile'] = profile[0] # The second return is a module, and not a handle/object. if not profile[1]._prep_function(): # TODO: See how we can incorporate this into # the general log flow. As this is pre-installation # session setup. Which creates the installation.log file. archinstall.log( ' * Profile\'s preparation requirements was not fulfilled.', bg='black', fg='red' ) continue break else: break # Additional packages (with some light weight error handling for invalid package names)['_guided']['packages'] = None while 1: packages = [package for package in input('Additional packages aside from base (space separated): ').split(' ') if len(package)] if not packages: break try: if archinstall.validate_package_list(packages):['_guided']['packages'] = packages break except archinstall.RequirementError as e: print(e) # Optionally configure one network interface. #while 1: # {MAC: Ifname} interfaces = {'ISO-CONFIG' : 'Copy ISO network configuration to installation', **archinstall.list_interfaces()}['_guided']['network'] = None nic = archinstall.generic_select(interfaces.values(), "Select one network interface to configure (leave blank to skip): ") if nic and nic != 'Copy ISO network configuration to installation': mode = archinstall.generic_select(['DHCP (auto detect)', 'IP (static)'], f"Select which mode to configure for {nic}: ") if mode == 'IP (static)': while 1: ip = input(f"Enter the IP and subnet for {nic} (example: ").strip() if ip: break else: ArchInstall.log( "You need to enter a valid IP in IP-config mode.", level=archinstall.LOG_LEVELS.Warning, bg='black', fg='red' ) if not len(gateway := input('Enter your gateway (router) IP address or leave blank for none: ').strip()): gateway = None dns = None if len(dns_input := input('Enter your DNS servers (space separated, blank for none): ').strip()): dns = dns_input.split(' ')['_guided']['network'] = {'nic': nic, 'dhcp': False, 'ip': ip, 'gateway' : gateway, 'dns' : dns} else:['_guided']['network'] = {'nic': nic} elif nic:['_guided']['network'] = nic print() print('This is your chosen configuration:') archinstall.log("-- Guided template chosen (with below config) --", level=archinstall.LOG_LEVELS.Debug) archinstall.log(json.dumps(['_guided'], indent=4, sort_keys=True, cls=archinstall.JSON), level=archinstall.LOG_LEVELS.Info) print() input('Press Enter to continue.') """ Issue a final warning before we continue with something un-revertable. We mention the drive one last time, and count from 5 to 0. """ print(f' ! Formatting {harddrive} in ', end='') for i in range(5, 0, -1): print(f"{i}", end='') for x in range(4): sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.25) print(".", end='') if SIG_TRIGGER: abort = input('\nDo you really want to abort (y/n)? ') if abort.strip() != 'n': exit(0) if SIG_TRIGGER is False: SIG_TRIGGER = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) print() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler) """ Setup the blockdevice, filesystem (and optionally encryption). Once that's done, we'll hand over to perform_installation() """ with archinstall.Filesystem(harddrive, archinstall.GPT) as fs: # Use partitioning helper to set up the disk partitions. if disk_password: fs.use_entire_disk('luks2') else: fs.use_entire_disk('ext4') if harddrive.partition[1].size == '512M': raise OSError('Trying to encrypt the boot partition for petes sake..') harddrive.partition[0].format('vfat') if disk_password: # First encrypt and unlock, then format the desired partition inside the encrypted part. # archinstall.luks2() encrypts the partition when entering the with context manager, and # unlocks the drive so that it can be used as a normal block-device within archinstall. with archinstall.luks2(harddrive.partition[1], 'luksloop', disk_password) as unlocked_device: unlocked_device.format('btrfs') perform_installation(unlocked_device, harddrive.partition[0], keyboard_language, mirror_regions) else: harddrive.partition[1].format('ext4') perform_installation(harddrive.partition[1], harddrive.partition[0], keyboard_language, mirror_regions)