.. _help.known_issues: Known Issues ============ | Some issues are out of the `archinstall`_ projects scope, and the ones we know of are listed below. .. _waiting for time sync: Waiting for time sync `#2144`_ ------------------------------ | The usual root cause of this is the network topology. | More specifically `timedatectl show`_ cannot perform a proper time sync against the default servers. | Restarting ``systemd-timesyncd.service`` might work but most often you need to configure ``/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf`` to match your network design. .. note:: If you know your time is correct on the machine, you can run ``archinstall --skip-ntp`` to ignore time sync. Missing Nvidia Proprietary Driver `#2002`_ ------------------------------------------ | In some instances, the nvidia driver might not have all the nessecary packages installed. | This is due to the kernel selection and/or hardware setups requiring additional packages to work properly. A common workaround is to install the package `linux-headers`_ and `nvidia-dkms`_ ARM, 32bit and other CPU types error out `#1686`_, `#2185`_ ----------------------------------------------------------- | This is a bit of a catch-all known issue. | Officially `x86_64`_ is only supported by Arch Linux. | Hence little effort have been put into supporting other platforms. | In theory, other architectures should work but small quirks might arise. | PR's are welcome but please be respectful of the delays in merging. | Other fixes, issues or features will be prioritized for the above reasons. Keyring is out of date `#2213`_ ------------------------------- | Missing key-issues tend to be that the `archlinux-keyring`_ package is out of date, usually as a result of an outdated ISO. | There is an attempt from upstream to fix this issue, and it's the `archlinux-keyring-wkd-sync.service`_ | The service starts almost immediately during boot, and if network is not configured in time — the service will fail. | Subsequently the ``archinstall`` run might operate on a old keyring despite there being an update service for this. | There is really no way to reliably over time work around this issue in ``archinstall``. | Instead, efforts to the upstream service should be considered the way forward. And/or keys not expiring betwene a sane ammount of ISO's. .. note:: The issue can happen on new ISO's too even as little as a few days after release, as some keys might expire right after the keyring is *"burnt in"* to the ISO. .. note:: Another common issue relating to the network not being configured, is that time might not be set correctly - resulting in the keyring not being able to update. See :ref:`waiting for time sync`. AUR packages ------------ | This is also a catch-all issue. | `AUR is unsupported `_, and until that changes we cannot use AUR packages to solve feature requests in ``archinstall``. | This means that feature requests like supporting filesystems such as `ZFS`_ can not be added, and issues cannot be solved by using AUR packages either. .. note:: But in spirit of giving the community options, ``archinstall`` supports :ref:`archinstall.Plugins`, which means you can run ``archinstall --plugin `` and source an AUR plugin. `torxed/archinstall-aur `_ is a reference implementation for plugins: .. code-block:: console # archinstall --plugin https://archlinux.life/aur-plugin `phisch/archinstall-aur `_ is another alternative: .. code-block:: console # archinstall --plugin https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phisch/archinstall-aur/master/archinstall-aur.py .. warning:: This will allow for unsupported usage of AUR during installation. .. _#2213: https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/issues/2213 .. _#2185: https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/issues/2185 .. _#2144: https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/issues/2144 .. _#2002: https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/issues/2002 .. _#1686: https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/issues/1686 .. _linux-headers: https://archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/linux-headers/ .. _nvidia-dkms: https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/nvidia-dkms/ .. _x86_64: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Frequently_asked_questions#What_architectures_does_Arch_support? .. _archlinux-keyring: https://archlinux.org/packages/core/any/archlinux-keyring/ .. _archlinux-keyring-wkd-sync.service: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archlinux-keyring/-/blob/7e672dad10652a80d1cc575d75cdb46442cd7f96/wkd_sync/archlinux-keyring-wkd-sync.service.in .. _ZFS: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/zfs-linux .. _archinstall: https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/ .. _timedatectl show: https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/blob/e6344f93f7e476d05bbcd642f2ed91fdde545870/archinstall/lib/installer.py#L136