.. _help.issues: Issue tracker & bugs ==================== Issues and bugs should be reported over at `https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/issues `_. General questions, enhancements and security issues can be reported over there too. For quick issues or if you need help, head over to the Discord server which has a help channel. Submitting a help ticket ======================== | When submitting a help ticket, please include the :code:`/var/log/archinstall/install.log`. | It can be found both on the live ISO but also in the installed filesystem if the base packages were strapped in. | There are additional worker files, these worker files contain individual command input and output. | These worker files are located in :code:`~/.cache/archinstall/` and do not need to be submitted by default when submitting issues. .. warning:: Worker log-files *may* contain sensitive information such as **passwords** and **private information**. Never submit these logs without going through them manually making sure they're good for submission. Or submit only parts of them which are relevant to the issue itself.