{ "args" : { "password" : "", "_filebrowser" : "nemo gpicview-gtk3", "_webbrowser" : "chromium", "_window_manager" : "awesome", "_keyboard_layout" : "sv-latin1", "_virtulization" : "qemu ovmf", "_pentest" : "nfs-utils smbmap crackmapexec samba bloodhound responder smbclient openvpn nmap tcpdump python-psutil python-systemd python-pycryptodomex screen", "post" : "don't reboot" }, "post" : { "Install workstation packages": { "pacman -Syy --noconfirm openssh sshfs git {_webbrowser} {_window_manager} {_virtulization} {_filebrowser} dhclient gnu-free-fonts ttf-liberation xorg-server xorg-xrandr xorg-xinit xterm nano wget pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pavucontrol smbclient cifs-utils xscreensaver" : {"pass-args" : true} }, "Setup virtulization" : { "sh -c \"Description=\\\"Bridge for virtual machines\\\"\nInterface=br0\nConnection=bridge\nBindsToInterfaces=(eno1)\nIP=no\nExecUpPost=\\\"ip link set dev br0 address $(cat /sys/class/net/eno1/address); IP=dhcp; ip_set\\\"\nExecDownPre=\\\"IP=dhcp\\\"\n\n## Ignore (R)STP and immediately activate the bridge\nSkipForwardingDelay=yes\"" : null }, "Setup loclization" : { "sh -c \"echo 'setxkbmap se' >> /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc\"" : null, "sh -c \"echo 'KEYMAP={_keyboard_layout}\nFONT=lat9w-16' >> /etc/vconsole.conf\"" : {"pass-args" : true} }, "Configure desktop environment" : "awesome", "Configure pentest environment" : { "curl -O https://blackarch.org/strap.sh" : null, "chmod +x strap.sh" : null, "sh strap.sh" : {"debug" : true}, "rm -rf /etc/pacman.d/gnupg" : null, "pacman-key --populate" : null, "pacman-key --update" : null, "sh strap.sh" : {"debug" : true}, "touch /mnt/etc/openvpn/client/customer.conf" : {"no-chroot" : true}, "sed -i 's/After=network.target/After=openvpn-client@customer.service\n&/' /mnt/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service" : {"no-chroot" : true}, "sed -i 's/ExecStart=/ExecStartPre=\\/usr\\/bin\\/sleep 30\n&/' /mnt/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service" : {"no-chroot" : true}, "echo 'Interface=eno1\nConnection=ethernet\nIP=dhcp' > /mnt/etc/netctl/LAN" : {"no-chroot" : true}, "git clone https://github.com/Torxed/dumper.git" : null, "mkdir /mnt/etc/dumper" : {"no-chroot" : true}, "cp dumper/config.json /etc/dumper/" : null, "cp dumper/dumper.py /usr/bin/" : null, "chmod 440 /etc/dumper/config.json" : null, "chmod 540 /usr/bin/dumper.py" : null, "cp dumper/systemd/dumper\\@.service /etc/systemd/system/" : null, "sed -i 's/#ListenAddress' /mnt/etc/ssh/sshd_config" : {"no-chroot" : true}, "rm -rf dumper" : null, "netctl enable LAN" : null, "systemctl enable dumper@eno1.service" : null, "systemctl enable sshd" : null } } }