#!/bin/bash zprofile="/tmp/archlive/airootfs/root/.zprofile" # Packages to add to the archiso profile packages packages=( git python python-pip python-build python-flit python-setuptools python-wheel python-pyparted ) mkdir -p /tmp/archlive/airootfs/root/archinstall-git cp -r . /tmp/archlive/airootfs/root/archinstall-git echo "pip uninstall archinstall -y" > $zprofile echo "cd archinstall-git" >> $zprofile echo "rm -rf dist" >> $zprofile echo "python -m build --wheel --no-isolation" >> $zprofile echo "pip install dist/archinstall*.whl" >> $zprofile echo "echo \"This is an unofficial ISO for development and testing of archinstall. No support will be provided.\"" >> $zprofile echo "echo \"This ISO was built from Git SHA $GITHUB_SHA\"" >> $zprofile echo "echo \"Type archinstall to launch the installer.\"" >> $zprofile cat $zprofile pacman -Sy pacman --noconfirm -S git archiso cp -r /usr/share/archiso/configs/releng/* /tmp/archlive # Add packages to the archiso profile packages for package in "${packages[@]}"; do echo "$package" >> /tmp/archlive/packages.x86_64 done find /tmp/archlive cd /tmp/archlive mkarchiso -v -w work/ -o out/ ./