# Nationalization Archinstall supports multiple languages, which depend on translations coming from the community :) ## Important Note Before starting a new language translation be aware that a font for that language may not be available on the ISO. Fonts that are using a different character set than Latin will not be displayed correctly. If those languages want to be selected than a proper font has to be set manually in the console. All available console fonts can be found in `/usr/share/kbd/consolefonts` and they can be set with `setfont LatGrkCyr-8x16` ## Adding new languages New languages can be added simply by creating a new folder with the proper language abbreviation (see list `languages.json` if unsure). Run the following command to create a new template for a language ``` mkdir -p /LC_MESSAGES/ && touch /LC_MESSAGES/base.po ``` After that run the script `./locales_generator.sh ` it will automatically populate the new `base.po` file with the strings that need to be translated into the new language. For example the `base.po` might contain something like the following now ``` #: lib/user_interaction.py:82 msgid "Do you really want to abort?" msgstr "" ``` The `msgid` is the identifier of the string in the code as well as the default text to be displayed, meaning that if no translation is provided for a language then this is the text that is going to be shown. To perform translations for a language this file can be edited manually or the neat `poedit` can be used (https://poedit.net/). If editing the file manually, write the translation in the `msgstr` part ``` #: lib/user_interaction.py:82 msgid "Do you really want to abort?" msgstr "Wollen sie wirklich abbrechen?" ``` After the translations have been written, run the script once more `./locales_generator.sh` and it will auto-generate the `base.mo` file with the included translations. After that you're all ready to go and enjoy Archinstall in the new language :)