from __future__ import annotations from typing import List, Any, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING from ..disk import all_blockdevices from ..exceptions import RequirementError from ..hardware import AVAILABLE_GFX_DRIVERS, has_uefi, has_amd_graphics, has_intel_graphics, has_nvidia_graphics from import Menu from import storage from ..translation import DeferredTranslation if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any def select_kernel(preset: List[str] = None) -> List[str]: """ Asks the user to select a kernel for system. :return: The string as a selected kernel :rtype: string """ kernels = ["linux", "linux-lts", "linux-zen", "linux-hardened"] default_kernel = "linux" selected_kernels = Menu(_('Choose which kernels to use or leave blank for default "{}"').format(default_kernel), kernels, sort=True, multi=True, preset_values=preset, default_option=default_kernel).run() return selected_kernels def select_harddrives(preset: List[str] = []) -> List[str]: """ Asks the user to select one or multiple hard drives :return: List of selected hard drives :rtype: list """ hard_drives = all_blockdevices(partitions=False).values() options = {f'{option}': option for option in hard_drives} if preset: preset_disks = {f'{option}': option for option in preset} else: preset_disks = {} selected_harddrive = Menu(_('Select one or more hard drives to use and configure'), list(options.keys()), preset_values=list(preset_disks.keys()), multi=True).run() if selected_harddrive and len(selected_harddrive) > 0: return [options[i] for i in selected_harddrive] return [] def select_driver(options: Dict[str, Any] = AVAILABLE_GFX_DRIVERS) -> str: """ Some what convoluted function, whose job is simple. Select a graphics driver from a pre-defined set of popular options. (The template xorg is for beginner users, not advanced, and should there for appeal to the general public first and edge cases later) """ drivers = sorted(list(options)) if drivers: arguments = storage.get('arguments', {}) title = DeferredTranslation('') if has_amd_graphics(): title += _( 'For the best compatibility with your AMD hardware, you may want to use either the all open-source or AMD / ATI options.' ) + '\n' if has_intel_graphics(): title += _( 'For the best compatibility with your Intel hardware, you may want to use either the all open-source or Intel options.\n' ) if has_nvidia_graphics(): title += _( 'For the best compatibility with your Nvidia hardware, you may want to use the Nvidia proprietary driver.\n' ) title += _('\n\nSelect a graphics driver or leave blank to install all open-source drivers') arguments['gfx_driver'] = Menu(title, drivers).run() if arguments.get('gfx_driver', None) is None: arguments['gfx_driver'] = _("All open-source (default)") return options.get(arguments.get('gfx_driver')) raise RequirementError("Selecting drivers require a least one profile to be given as an option.") def ask_for_bootloader(advanced_options: bool = False, preset: str = None) -> str: if preset == 'systemd-bootctl': preset_val = 'systemd-boot' if advanced_options else elif preset == 'grub-install': preset_val = 'grub' if advanced_options else Menu.yes() else: preset_val = preset bootloader = "systemd-bootctl" if has_uefi() else "grub-install" if has_uefi(): if not advanced_options: bootloader_choice = Menu(_('Would you like to use GRUB as a bootloader instead of systemd-boot?'), Menu.yes_no(), preset_values=preset_val, if bootloader_choice == Menu.yes(): bootloader = "grub-install" else: # We use the common names for the bootloader as the selection, and map it back to the expected values. choices = ['systemd-boot', 'grub', 'efistub'] selection = Menu(_('Choose a bootloader'), choices, preset_values=preset_val).run() if selection != "": if selection == 'systemd-boot': bootloader = 'systemd-bootctl' elif selection == 'grub': bootloader = 'grub-install' else: bootloader = selection return bootloader def ask_for_swap(preset: bool = True) -> bool: if preset: preset_val = Menu.yes() else: preset_val = prompt = _('Would you like to use swap on zram?') choice = Menu(prompt, Menu.yes_no(), default_option=Menu.yes(), preset_values=preset_val).run() return False if choice == else True