from __future__ import annotations import logging import re from typing import Any, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING from import Menu from import ListManager from ..output import log from import storage from .utils import get_password if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class UserList(ListManager): """ subclass of ListManager for the managing of user accounts """ def __init__(self, prompt: str, lusers: dict, sudo: bool = None): """ param: prompt type: str param: lusers dict with the users already defined for the system type: Dict param: sudo. boolean to determine if we handle superusers or users. If None handles both types """ self.sudo = sudo self.actions = [ str(_('Add an user')), str(_('Change password')), str(_('Promote/Demote user')), str(_('Delete User')) ] self.default_action = self.actions[0] super().__init__(prompt, lusers, self.actions, self.default_action) def reformat(self): def format_element(elem): # secret gives away the length of the password if[elem].get('!password'): pwd = '*' * 16 # pwd = archinstall.secret([elem]['!password']) else: pwd = '' if[elem].get('sudoer'): super = 'Superuser' else: super = ' ' return f"{elem:16}: password {pwd:16} {super}" return list(map(lambda x: format_element(x), def action_list(self): if active_user = list([0] else: active_user = None sudoer =[active_user].get('sudoer', False) if self.sudo is None: return self.actions if self.sudo and sudoer: return self.actions elif self.sudo and not sudoer: return [self.actions[2]] elif not self.sudo and sudoer: return [self.actions[2]] else: return self.actions def exec_action(self): if active_user = list([0] else: active_user = None if self.action == self.actions[0]: # add new_user = self.add_user() # no unicity check, if exists will be replaced elif self.action == self.actions[1]: # change password[active_user]['!password'] = get_password( prompt=str(_('Password for user "{}": ').format(active_user))) elif self.action == self.actions[2]: # promote/demote[active_user]['sudoer'] = not[active_user]['sudoer'] elif self.action == self.actions[3]: # delete del[active_user] def _check_for_correct_username(self, username: str) -> bool: if re.match(r'^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*\$?$', username) and len(username) <= 32: return True log("The username you entered is invalid. Try again", level=logging.WARNING, fg='red') return False def add_user(self): print(_('\nDefine a new user\n')) prompt = str(_("User Name : ")) while True: userid = input(prompt).strip(' ') if not userid: return {} # end if not self._check_for_correct_username(userid): pass else: break if self.sudo: sudoer = True elif self.sudo is not None and not self.sudo: sudoer = False else: sudoer = False sudo_choice = Menu(str(_('Should {} be a superuser (sudoer)?')).format(userid), ['yes', 'no'], skip=False, preset_values='yes' if sudoer else 'no', default_option='no').run() sudoer = True if sudo_choice == 'yes' else False password = get_password(prompt=str(_('Password for user "{}": ').format(userid))) return {userid: {"!password": password, "sudoer": sudoer}} def manage_users(prompt: str, sudo: bool) -> tuple[dict, dict]: # TODO Filtering and some kind of simpler code lusers = {} if storage['arguments'].get('!superusers', {}): lusers.update({ uid: { '!password': storage['arguments']['!superusers'][uid].get('!password'), 'sudoer': True } for uid in storage['arguments'].get('!superusers', {}) }) if storage['arguments'].get('!users', {}): lusers.update({ uid: { '!password': storage['arguments']['!users'][uid].get('!password'), 'sudoer': False } for uid in storage['arguments'].get('!users', {}) }) # processing lusers = UserList(prompt, lusers, sudo).run() # return data superusers = { uid: { '!password': lusers[uid].get('!password') } for uid in lusers if lusers[uid].get('sudoer', False) } users = {uid: {'!password': lusers[uid].get('!password')} for uid in lusers if not lusers[uid].get('sudoer', False)} storage['arguments']['!superusers'] = superusers storage['arguments']['!users'] = users return superusers, users def ask_for_superuser_account(prompt: str) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: prompt = prompt if prompt else str(_('Define users with sudo privilege: ')) superusers, dummy = manage_users(prompt, sudo=True) return superusers def ask_for_additional_users(prompt: str = '') -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str | None]]: prompt = prompt if prompt else _('Any additional users to install (leave blank for no users): ') dummy, users = manage_users(prompt, sudo=False) return users