from __future__ import annotations import re from typing import Any, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional from .utils import get_password from import Menu from import ListManager from ..models.users import User if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class UserList(ListManager): """ subclass of ListManager for the managing of user accounts """ def __init__(self, prompt: str, lusers: List[User]): """ param: prompt type: str param: lusers dict with the users already defined for the system type: Dict param: sudo. boolean to determine if we handle superusers or users. If None handles both types """ self._actions = [ str(_('Add a user')), str(_('Change password')), str(_('Promote/Demote user')), str(_('Delete User')) ] super().__init__(prompt, lusers, self._actions, self._actions[0]) def reformat(self, data: List[User]) -> Dict[str, User]: return {e.display(): e for e in data} def action_list(self): active_user = if else None if active_user is None: return [self._actions[0]] else: return self._actions[1:] def exec_action(self, data: List[User]) -> List[User]: if active_user = else: active_user = None if self.action == self._actions[0]: # add new_user = self._add_user() if new_user is not None: # in case a user with the same username as an existing user # was created we'll replace the existing one data = [d for d in data if d.username != new_user.username] data += [new_user] elif self.action == self._actions[1]: # change password prompt = str(_('Password for user "{}": ').format(active_user.username)) new_password = get_password(prompt=prompt) if new_password: user = next(filter(lambda x: x == active_user, data), 1) user.password = new_password elif self.action == self._actions[2]: # promote/demote user = next(filter(lambda x: x == active_user, data), 1) user.sudo = False if user.sudo else True elif self.action == self._actions[3]: # delete data = [d for d in data if d != active_user] return data def _check_for_correct_username(self, username: str) -> bool: if re.match(r'^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*\$?$', username) and len(username) <= 32: return True return False def _add_user(self) -> Optional[User]: print(_('\nDefine a new user\n')) prompt = str(_('Enter username (leave blank to skip): ')) while True: username = input(prompt).strip(' ') if not username: return None if not self._check_for_correct_username(username): prompt = str(_("The username you entered is invalid. Try again")) + '\n' + prompt else: break password = get_password(prompt=str(_('Password for user "{}": ').format(username))) choice = Menu( str(_('Should "{}" be a superuser (sudo)?')).format(username), Menu.yes_no(), skip=False, ).run() sudo = True if choice.value == Menu.yes() else False return User(username, password, sudo) def ask_for_additional_users(prompt: str = '', defined_users: List[User] = []) -> List[User]: prompt = prompt if prompt else _('Enter username (leave blank to skip): ') users = UserList(prompt, defined_users).run() return users