import getpass, pathlib, os, shutil, re import sys, time, signal, ipaddress from .exceptions import * from .profiles import Profile from .locale_helpers import list_keyboard_languages, verify_keyboard_layout, search_keyboard_layout from .output import log, LOG_LEVELS from .storage import storage from .networking import list_interfaces from .general import sys_command from .hardware import AVAILABLE_GFX_DRIVERS, hasUEFI ## TODO: Some inconsistencies between the selection processes. ## Some return the keys from the options, some the values? def get_terminal_height(): return shutil.get_terminal_size().lines def get_terminal_width(): return shutil.get_terminal_size().columns def get_longest_option(options): return max([len(x) for x in options]) def check_for_correct_username(username): if re.match(r'^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*\$?$', username) and len(username) <= 32: return True log( "The username you entered is invalid. Try again", level=LOG_LEVELS.Warning, fg='red' ) return False def do_countdown(): SIG_TRIGGER = False def kill_handler(sig, frame): print() exit(0) def sig_handler(sig, frame): global SIG_TRIGGER SIG_TRIGGER = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, kill_handler) original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) for i in range(5, 0, -1): print(f"{i}", end='') for x in range(4): sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.25) print(".", end='') if SIG_TRIGGER: abort = input('\nDo you really want to abort (y/n)? ') if abort.strip() != 'n': exit(0) if SIG_TRIGGER is False: SIG_TRIGGER = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) print() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler) return True def get_password(prompt="Enter a password: "): while (passwd := getpass.getpass(prompt)): passwd_verification = getpass.getpass(prompt='And one more time for verification: ') if passwd != passwd_verification: log(' * Passwords did not match * ', fg='red') continue if len(passwd.strip()) <= 0: break return passwd return None def print_large_list(options, padding=5, margin_bottom=0, separator=': '): highest_index_number_length = len(str(len(options))) longest_line = highest_index_number_length + len(separator) + get_longest_option(options) + padding max_num_of_columns = get_terminal_width() // longest_line max_options_in_cells = max_num_of_columns * (get_terminal_height()-margin_bottom) if (len(options) > max_options_in_cells): for index, option in enumerate(options): print(f"{index}: {option}") else: for row in range(0, (get_terminal_height()-margin_bottom)): for column in range(row, len(options), (get_terminal_height()-margin_bottom)): spaces = " "*(longest_line - len(options[column])) print(f"{str(column): >{highest_index_number_length}}{separator}{options[column]}", end = spaces) print() def ask_for_superuser_account(prompt='Username for required super-user with sudo privileges: ', forced=False): while 1: new_user = input(prompt).strip(' ') if not new_user and forced: # TODO: make this text more generic? # It's only used to create the first sudo user when root is disabled in log(' * Since root is disabled, you need to create a least one (super) user!', fg='red') continue elif not new_user and not forced: raise UserError("No superuser was created.") elif not check_for_correct_username(new_user): continue password = get_password(prompt=f'Password for user {new_user}: ') return {new_user: {"!password" : password}} def ask_for_additional_users(prompt='Any additional users to install (leave blank for no users): '): users = {} super_users = {} while 1: new_user = input(prompt).strip(' ') if not new_user: break if not check_for_correct_username(new_user): continue password = get_password(prompt=f'Password for user {new_user}: ') if input("Should this user be a sudo (super) user (y/N): ").strip(' ').lower() in ('y', 'yes'): super_users[new_user] = {"!password" : password} else: users[new_user] = {"!password" : password} return users, super_users def ask_for_a_timezone(): while True: timezone = input('Enter a valid timezone (examples: Europe/Stockholm, US/Eastern) or press enter to use UTC: ').strip().strip('*.') if timezone == '': timezone = 'UTC' if (pathlib.Path("/usr")/"share"/"zoneinfo"/timezone).exists(): return timezone else: log( f"Specified timezone {timezone} does not exist.", level=LOG_LEVELS.Warning, fg='red' ) def ask_for_bootloader() -> str: bootloader = "systemd-bootctl" if hasUEFI()==False: bootloader="grub-install" else: bootloader_choice = input("Would you like to use GRUB as a bootloader instead of systemd-boot? [y/N] ").lower() if bootloader_choice == "y": bootloader="grub-install" return bootloader def ask_for_audio_selection(): audio = "pulseaudio" # Default for most desktop environments pipewire_choice = input("Would you like to install pipewire instead of pulseaudio as the default audio server? [Y/n] ").lower() if pipewire_choice in ("y", ""): audio = "pipewire" return audio def ask_to_configure_network(): # Optionally configure one network interface. #while 1: # {MAC: Ifname} interfaces = { 'ISO-CONFIG' : 'Copy ISO network configuration to installation', 'NetworkManager':'Use NetworkManager to control and manage your internet connection', **list_interfaces() } nic = generic_select(interfaces, "Select one network interface to configure (leave blank to skip): ") if nic and nic != 'Copy ISO network configuration to installation': if nic == 'Use NetworkManager to control and manage your internet connection': return {'nic': nic,'NetworkManager':True} # Current workaround: # For selecting modes without entering text within brackets, # printing out this part separate from options, passed in # `generic_select` modes = ['DHCP (auto detect)', 'IP (static)'] for index, mode in enumerate(modes): print(f"{index}: {mode}") mode = generic_select(['DHCP', 'IP'], f"Select which mode to configure for {nic} or leave blank for DHCP: ", options_output=False) if mode == 'IP': while 1: ip = input(f"Enter the IP and subnet for {nic} (example: ").strip() # Implemented new check for correct IP/subnet input try: ipaddress.ip_interface(ip) break except ValueError: log( "You need to enter a valid IP in IP-config mode.", level=LOG_LEVELS.Warning, fg='red' ) # Implemented new check for correct gateway IP address while 1: gateway = input('Enter your gateway (router) IP address or leave blank for none: ').strip() try: if len(gateway) == 0: gateway = None else: ipaddress.ip_address(gateway) break except ValueError: log( "You need to enter a valid gateway (router) IP address.", level=LOG_LEVELS.Warning, fg='red' ) dns = None if len(dns_input := input('Enter your DNS servers (space separated, blank for none): ').strip()): dns = dns_input.split(' ') return {'nic': nic, 'dhcp': False, 'ip': ip, 'gateway' : gateway, 'dns' : dns} else: return {'nic': nic} elif nic: return nic return {} def ask_for_disk_layout(): options = { 'keep-existing' : 'Keep existing partition layout and select which ones to use where', 'format-all' : 'Format entire drive and setup a basic partition scheme', 'abort' : 'Abort the installation' } value = generic_select(options, "Found partitions on the selected drive, (select by number) what you want to do: ", allow_empty_input=False, sort=True) return next((key for key, val in options.items() if val == value), None) def ask_for_main_filesystem_format(): options = { 'btrfs' : 'btrfs', 'ext4' : 'ext4', 'xfs' : 'xfs', 'f2fs' : 'f2fs' } value = generic_select(options, "Select which filesystem your main partition should use (by number or name): ", allow_empty_input=False) return next((key for key, val in options.items() if val == value), None) def generic_select(options, input_text="Select one of the above by index or absolute value: ", allow_empty_input=True, options_output=True, sort=False): """ A generic select function that does not output anything other than the options and their indexes. As an example: generic_select(["first", "second", "third option"]) 0: first 1: second 2: third option When the user has entered the option correctly, this function returns an item from list, a string, or None """ # Checking if options are different from `list` or `dict` if type(options) not in [list, dict]: log(f" * Generic select doesn't support ({type(options)}) as type of options * ", fg='red') log(" * If problem persists, please create an issue on * ", fg='yellow') raise RequirementError("generic_select() requires list or dictionary as options.") # To allow only `list` and `dict`, converting values of options here. # Therefore, now we can only provide the dictionary itself if type(options) == dict: options = list(options.values()) if sort: options = sorted(options) # As we pass only list and dict (converted to list), we can skip converting to list if len(options) == 0: log(f" * Generic select didn't find any options to choose from * ", fg='red') log(" * If problem persists, please create an issue on * ", fg='yellow') raise RequirementError('generic_select() requires at least one option to proceed.') # Added ability to disable the output of options items, # if another function displays something different from this if options_output: for index, option in enumerate(options): print(f"{index}: {option}") # The new changes introduce a single while loop for all inputs processed by this function # Now the try...except...else block handles validation for invalid input from the user while True: try: selected_option = input(input_text) if len(selected_option.strip()) == 0: # `allow_empty_input` parameter handles return of None on empty input, if necessary # Otherwise raise `RequirementError` if allow_empty_input: return None raise RequirementError('Please select an option to continue') # Replaced `isdigit` with` isnumeric` to discard all negative numbers elif selected_option.isnumeric(): selected_option = int(selected_option) if selected_option >= len(options): raise RequirementError(f'Selected option "{selected_option}" is out of range') selected_option = options[selected_option] elif selected_option in options: break # We gave a correct absolute value else: raise RequirementError(f'Selected option "{selected_option}" does not exist in available options') except RequirementError as err: log(f" * {err} * ", fg='red') continue else: break return selected_option def select_disk(dict_o_disks): """ Asks the user to select a harddrive from the `dict_o_disks` selection. Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_drives`. :param dict_o_disks: A `dict` where keys are the drive-name, value should be a dict containing drive information. :type dict_o_disks: dict :return: The name/path (the dictionary key) of the selected drive :rtype: str """ drives = sorted(list(dict_o_disks.keys())) if len(drives) >= 1: for index, drive in enumerate(drives): print(f"{index}: {drive} ({dict_o_disks[drive]['size'], dict_o_disks[drive].device, dict_o_disks[drive]['label']})") log(f"You can skip selecting a drive and partitioning and use whatever drive-setup is mounted at /mnt (experimental)", fg="yellow") drive = generic_select(drives, 'Select one of the above disks (by name or number) or leave blank to use /mnt: ', options_output=False) if not drive: return drive drive = dict_o_disks[drive] return drive raise DiskError('select_disk() requires a non-empty dictionary of disks to select from.') def select_profile(options): """ Asks the user to select a profile from the `options` dictionary parameter. Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_profiles`. :param options: A `dict` where keys are the profile name, value should be a dict containing profile information. :type options: dict :return: The name/dictionary key of the selected profile :rtype: str """ profiles = sorted(list(options)) if len(profiles) >= 1: for index, profile in enumerate(profiles): print(f"{index}: {profile}") print(' -- The above list is a set of pre-programmed profiles. --') print(' -- They might make it easier to install things like desktop environments. --') print(' -- (Leave blank and hit enter to skip this step and continue) --') selected_profile = generic_select(profiles, 'Enter a pre-programmed profile name if you want to install one: ', options_output=False) if selected_profile: return Profile(None, selected_profile) else: raise RequirementError("Selecting profiles require a least one profile to be given as an option.") def select_language(options, show_only_country_codes=True): """ Asks the user to select a language from the `options` dictionary parameter. Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_keyboard_languages`. :param options: A `generator` or `list` where keys are the language name, value should be a dict containing language information. :type options: generator or list :param show_only_country_codes: Filters out languages that are not len(lang) == 2. This to limit the number of results from stuff like dvorak and x-latin1 alternatives. :type show_only_country_codes: bool :return: The language/dictionary key of the selected language :rtype: str """ DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_LANGUAGE = 'us' if show_only_country_codes: languages = sorted([language for language in list(options) if len(language) == 2]) else: languages = sorted(list(options)) if len(languages) >= 1: for index, language in enumerate(languages): print(f"{index}: {language}") print(" -- You can choose a layout that isn't in this list, but whose name you know --") print(" -- Also, you can enter '?' or 'help' to search for more languages, or skip to use US layout --") while True: selected_language = input('Select one of the above keyboard languages (by name or full name): ') if not selected_language: return DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_LANGUAGE elif selected_language.lower() in ('?', 'help'): while True: filter_string = input("Search for layout containing (example: \"sv-\") or enter 'exit' to exit from search: ") if filter_string.lower() == 'exit': return select_language(list_keyboard_languages()) new_options = list(search_keyboard_layout(filter_string)) if len(new_options) <= 0: log(f"Search string '{filter_string}' yielded no results, please try another search.", fg='yellow') continue return select_language(new_options, show_only_country_codes=False) elif selected_language.isnumeric(): selected_language = int(selected_language) if selected_language >= len(languages): log(' * Selected option is out of range * ', fg='red') continue return languages[selected_language] elif verify_keyboard_layout(selected_language): return selected_language else: log(" * Given language wasn't found * ", fg='red') raise RequirementError("Selecting languages require a least one language to be given as an option.") def select_mirror_regions(mirrors, show_top_mirrors=True): """ Asks the user to select a mirror or region from the `mirrors` dictionary parameter. Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_mirrors`. :param mirrors: A `dict` where keys are the mirror region name, value should be a dict containing mirror information. :type mirrors: dict :param show_top_mirrors: Will limit the list to the top 10 fastest mirrors based on rank-mirror *(Currently not implemented but will be)*. :type show_top_mirrors: bool :return: The dictionary information about a mirror/region. :rtype: dict """ # TODO: Support multiple options and country codes, SE,UK for instance. regions = sorted(list(mirrors.keys())) selected_mirrors = {} if len(regions) >= 1: print_large_list(regions, margin_bottom=4) print(' -- You can skip this step by leaving the option blank --') selected_mirror = generic_select(regions, 'Select one of the above regions to download packages from (by number or full name): ', options_output=False) if not selected_mirror: # Returning back empty options which can be both used to # do "if x:" logic as well as do `x.get('mirror', {}).get('sub', None)` chaining return {} # I'm leaving "mirrors" on purpose here. # Since region possibly contains a known region of # all possible regions, and we might want to write # for instance Sweden (if we know that exists) without having to # go through the search step. selected_mirrors[selected_mirror] = mirrors[selected_mirror] return selected_mirrors raise RequirementError("Selecting mirror region require a least one region to be given as an option.") def select_driver(options=AVAILABLE_GFX_DRIVERS): """ Some what convoluted function, which's job is simple. Select a graphics driver from a pre-defined set of popular options. (The template xorg is for beginner users, not advanced, and should there for appeal to the general public first and edge cases later) """ if len(options) >= 1: lspci = sys_command(f'/usr/bin/lspci') for line in lspci.trace_log.split(b'\r\n'): if b' vga ' in line.lower(): if b'nvidia' in line.lower(): print(' ** nvidia card detected, suggested driver: nvidia **') elif b'amd' in line.lower(): print(' ** AMD card detected, suggested driver: AMD / ATI **') selected_driver = generic_select(options, input_text="Select your graphics card driver: ", sort=True) initial_option = selected_driver if type(options[initial_option]) == dict: driver_options = sorted(options[initial_option].keys()) selected_driver_package_group = generic_select(driver_options, input_text=f"Which driver-type do you want for {initial_option}: ") if selected_driver_package_group in options[initial_option].keys(): print(options[initial_option][selected_driver_package_group]) selected_driver = options[initial_option][selected_driver_package_group] else: raise RequirementError(f"Selected driver-type does not exist for {initial_option}.") return selected_driver_package_group return selected_driver raise RequirementError("Selecting drivers require a least one profile to be given as an option.")