import getpass, pathlib, os, shutil, re import sys, time, signal, ipaddress from .exceptions import * from .profiles import Profile from .locale_helpers import search_keyboard_layout from .output import log, LOG_LEVELS from .storage import storage from .networking import list_interfaces ## TODO: Some inconsistencies between the selection processes. ## Some return the keys from the options, some the values? def get_terminal_height(): return shutil.get_terminal_size().lines def get_terminal_width(): return shutil.get_terminal_size().columns def get_longest_option(options): return max([len(x) for x in options]) def check_for_correct_username(username): if re.match(r'^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*\$?$', username) and len(username) <= 32: return True log( "The username you entered is invalid. Try again", level=LOG_LEVELS.Warning, fg='red' ) return False def do_countdown(): SIG_TRIGGER = False def kill_handler(sig, frame): print() exit(0) def sig_handler(sig, frame): global SIG_TRIGGER SIG_TRIGGER = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, kill_handler) original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) for i in range(5, 0, -1): print(f"{i}", end='') for x in range(4): sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.25) print(".", end='') if SIG_TRIGGER: abort = input('\nDo you really want to abort (y/n)? ') if abort.strip() != 'n': exit(0) if SIG_TRIGGER is False: SIG_TRIGGER = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) print() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler) return True def get_password(prompt="Enter a password: "): while (passwd := getpass.getpass(prompt)): passwd_verification = getpass.getpass(prompt='And one more time for verification: ') if passwd != passwd_verification: log(' * Passwords did not match * ', fg='red') continue if len(passwd.strip()) <= 0: break return passwd return None def print_large_list(options, padding=5, margin_bottom=0, separator=': '): highest_index_number_length = len(str(len(options))) longest_line = highest_index_number_length + len(separator) + get_longest_option(options) + padding max_num_of_columns = get_terminal_width() // longest_line max_options_in_cells = max_num_of_columns * (get_terminal_height()-margin_bottom) if (len(options) > max_options_in_cells): for index, option in enumerate(options): print(f"{index}: {option}") else: for row in range(0, (get_terminal_height()-margin_bottom)): for column in range(row, len(options), (get_terminal_height()-margin_bottom)): spaces = " "*(longest_line - len(options[column])) print(f"{str(column): >{highest_index_number_length}}{separator}{options[column]}", end = spaces) print() def ask_for_superuser_account(prompt='Create a required super-user with sudo privileges: ', forced=False): while 1: new_user = input(prompt).strip(' ') if not new_user and forced: # TODO: make this text more generic? # It's only used to create the first sudo user when root is disabled in log(' * Since root is disabled, you need to create a least one (super) user!', fg='red') continue elif not new_user and not forced: raise UserError("No superuser was created.") elif not check_for_correct_username(new_user): continue password = get_password(prompt=f'Password for user {new_user}: ') return {new_user: {"!password" : password}} def ask_for_additional_users(prompt='Any additional users to install (leave blank for no users): '): users = {} super_users = {} while 1: new_user = input(prompt).strip(' ') if not new_user: break if not check_for_correct_username(new_user): continue password = get_password(prompt=f'Password for user {new_user}: ') if input("Should this user be a sudo (super) user (y/N): ").strip(' ').lower() in ('y', 'yes'): super_users[new_user] = {"!password" : password} else: users[new_user] = {"!password" : password} return users, super_users def ask_for_a_timezone(): timezone = input('Enter a valid timezone (examples: Europe/Stockholm, US/Eastern) or press enter to use UTC: ').strip() if timezone == '': timezone = 'UTC' if (pathlib.Path("/usr")/"share"/"zoneinfo"/timezone).exists(): return timezone else: log( f"Time zone {timezone} does not exist, continuing with system default.", level=LOG_LEVELS.Warning, fg='red' ) def ask_for_audio_selection(): audio = "pulseaudio" # Default for most desktop environments pipewire_choice = input("Would you like to install pipewire instead of pulseaudio as the default audio server? [Y/n] ").lower() if pipewire_choice in ("y", ""): audio = "pipewire" return audio def ask_to_configure_network(): # Optionally configure one network interface. #while 1: # {MAC: Ifname} interfaces = { 'ISO-CONFIG' : 'Copy ISO network configuration to installation', 'NetworkManager':'Use NetworkManager to control and manage your internet connection', **list_interfaces() } nic = generic_select(interfaces, "Select one network interface to configure (leave blank to skip): ") if nic and nic != 'Copy ISO network configuration to installation': if nic == 'Use NetworkManager to control and manage your internet connection': return {'nic': nic,'NetworkManager':True} # Current workaround: # For selecting modes without entering text within brackets, # printing out this part separate from options, passed in # `generic_select` modes = ['DHCP (auto detect)', 'IP (static)'] for index, mode in enumerate(modes): print(f"{index}: {mode}") mode = generic_select(['DHCP', 'IP'], f"Select which mode to configure for {nic} or leave blank for DHCP: ", options_output=False) if mode == 'IP': while 1: ip = input(f"Enter the IP and subnet for {nic} (example: ").strip() # Implemented new check for correct IP/subnet input try: ipaddress.ip_interface(ip) break except ValueError: log( "You need to enter a valid IP in IP-config mode.", level=LOG_LEVELS.Warning, fg='red' ) gateway = input('Enter your gateway (router) IP address or leave blank for none: ').strip() # Implemented new check for correct gateway IP address while 1: try: if len(gateway) == 0: gateway = None else: ipaddress.ip_address(gateway) break except ValueError: log( "You need to enter a valid gateway (router) IP address.", level=LOG_LEVELS.Warning, fg='red' ) dns = None if len(dns_input := input('Enter your DNS servers (space separated, blank for none): ').strip()): dns = dns_input.split(' ') return {'nic': nic, 'dhcp': False, 'ip': ip, 'gateway' : gateway, 'dns' : dns} else: return {'nic': nic} elif nic: return nic return {} def ask_for_disk_layout(): options = { 'keep-existing' : 'Keep existing partition layout and select which ones to use where', 'format-all' : 'Format entire drive and setup a basic partition scheme', 'abort' : 'Abort the installation' } value = generic_select(options, "Found partitions on the selected drive, (select by number) what you want to do: ", allow_empty_input=False, sort=True) return next((key for key, val in options.items() if val == value), None) def ask_for_main_filesystem_format(): options = { 'btrfs' : 'btrfs', 'ext4' : 'ext4', 'xfs' : 'xfs', 'f2fs' : 'f2fs' } value = generic_select(options, "Select which filesystem your main partition should use (by number or name): ", allow_empty_input=False) return next((key for key, val in options.items() if val == value), None) def generic_select(options, input_text="Select one of the above by index or absolute value: ", allow_empty_input=True, options_output=True, sort=False): """ A generic select function that does not output anything other than the options and their indexes. As an example: generic_select(["first", "second", "third option"]) 0: first 1: second 2: third option When the user has entered the option correctly, this function returns an item from list, a string, or None """ # Checking if options are different from `list` or `dict` if type(options) not in [list, dict]: log(" * It looks like there are something wrong with provided options. Maybe it's time to open an issue on GitHub! * ", fg='red') log(" * Here are the link: * ", fg='yellow') raise RequirementError("generic_select() requires list or dictionary as options.") # To allow only `list` and `dict`, converting values of options here. # Therefore, now we can only provide the dictionary itself if type(options) == dict: options = list(options.values()) if sort: options = sorted(options) # As we pass only list and dict (converted to list), we can skip converting to list if len(options) == 0: log(" * It looks like there are no options to choose from. Maybe it's time to open an issue on GitHub! * ", fg='red') log(" * Here are the link: * ", fg='yellow') raise RequirementError('generic_select() requires at least one option to operate.') # Added ability to disable the output of options items, # if another function displays something different from this if options_output: for index, option in enumerate(options): print(f"{index}: {option}") # The new changes introduce a single while loop for all inputs processed by this function # Now the try...except...else block handles validation for invalid input from the user while True: try: selected_option = input(input_text) if len(selected_option.strip()) == 0: # `allow_empty_input` parameter handles return of None on empty input, if necessary # Otherwise raise `RequirementError` if allow_empty_input: return None raise RequirementError('Please select an option to continue') # Replaced `isdigit` with` isnumeric` to discard all negative numbers elif selected_option.isnumeric(): selected_option = int(selected_option) if selected_option >= len(options): raise RequirementError(f'Selected option "{selected_option}" is out of range') selected_option = options[selected_option] elif selected_option in options: break # We gave a correct absolute value else: raise RequirementError(f'Selected option "{selected_option}" does not exist in available options') except RequirementError as err: log(f" * {err} * ", fg='red') continue else: break return selected_option def select_disk(dict_o_disks): """ Asks the user to select a harddrive from the `dict_o_disks` selection. Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_drives`. :param dict_o_disks: A `dict` where keys are the drive-name, value should be a dict containing drive information. :type dict_o_disks: dict :return: The name/path (the dictionary key) of the selected drive :rtype: str """ drives = sorted(list(dict_o_disks.keys())) if len(drives) >= 1: for index, drive in enumerate(drives): print(f"{index}: {drive} ({dict_o_disks[drive]['size'], dict_o_disks[drive].device, dict_o_disks[drive]['label']})") drive = generic_select(drives, 'Select one of the above disks (by number or full path) or leave blank to skip partitioning: ', options_output=False) if not drive: return drive drive = dict_o_disks[drive] return drive raise DiskError('select_disk() requires a non-empty dictionary of disks to select from.') def select_profile(options): """ Asks the user to select a profile from the `options` dictionary parameter. Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_profiles`. :param options: A `dict` where keys are the profile name, value should be a dict containing profile information. :type options: dict :return: The name/dictionary key of the selected profile :rtype: str """ profiles = sorted(list(options)) if len(profiles) >= 1: for index, profile in enumerate(profiles): print(f"{index}: {profile}") print(' -- The above list is a set of pre-programmed profiles. --') print(' -- They might make it easier to install things like desktop environments. --') print(' -- (Leave blank and hit enter to skip this step and continue) --') selected_profile = generic_select(profiles, 'Enter a pre-programmed profile name if you want to install one: ', options_output=False) return Profile(None, selected_profile) raise RequirementError("Selecting profiles require a least one profile to be given as an option.") def select_language(options, show_only_country_codes=True): """ Asks the user to select a language from the `options` dictionary parameter. Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_keyboard_languages`. :param options: A `dict` where keys are the language name, value should be a dict containing language information. :type options: dict :param show_only_country_codes: Filters out languages that are not len(lang) == 2. This to limit the number of results from stuff like dvorak and x-latin1 alternatives. :type show_only_country_codes: bool :return: The language/dictionary key of the selected language :rtype: str """ DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_LANGUAGE = 'us' if show_only_country_codes: languages = sorted([language for language in list(options) if len(language) == 2]) else: languages = sorted(list(options)) if len(languages) >= 1: for index, language in enumerate(languages): print(f"{index}: {language}") # Current workaround for passing `generic_select`, # if these values are provided as input languages.extend(['?', 'help']) languages_length = len(languages) print(f' -- You can enter ? ({languages_length - 2}) or help ({languages_length - 1}) to search for more languages, or skip to use US layout --') selected_language = generic_select(languages, 'Select one of the above keyboard languages (by number or full name): ', options_output=False) if not selected_language: return DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_LANGUAGE elif selected_language in ('?', 'help'): while True: filter_string = input('Search for layout containing (example: "sv-"): ') new_options = list(search_keyboard_layout(filter_string)) if len(new_options) <= 0: log(f"Search string '{filter_string}' yielded no results, please try another search or Ctrl+D to abort.", fg='yellow') continue return select_language(new_options, show_only_country_codes=False) # I'm leaving "options" on purpose here. # Since languages possibly contains a filtered version of # all possible language layouts, and we might want to write # for instance sv-latin1 (if we know that exists) without having to # go through the search step. return selected_language raise RequirementError("Selecting languages require a least one language to be given as an option.") def select_mirror_regions(mirrors, show_top_mirrors=True): """ Asks the user to select a mirror or region from the `mirrors` dictionary parameter. Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_mirrors`. :param mirrors: A `dict` where keys are the mirror region name, value should be a dict containing mirror information. :type mirrors: dict :param show_top_mirrors: Will limit the list to the top 10 fastest mirrors based on rank-mirror *(Currently not implemented but will be)*. :type show_top_mirrors: bool :return: The dictionary information about a mirror/region. :rtype: dict """ # TODO: Support multiple options and country codes, SE,UK for instance. regions = sorted(list(mirrors.keys())) selected_mirrors = {} if len(regions) >= 1: print_large_list(regions, margin_bottom=4) print(' -- You can skip this step by leaving the option blank --') selected_mirror = generic_select(regions, 'Select one of the above regions to download packages from (by number or full name): ', options_output=False) if not selected_mirror: # Returning back empty options which can be both used to # do "if x:" logic as well as do `x.get('mirror', {}).get('sub', None)` chaining return {} # I'm leaving "mirrors" on purpose here. # Since region possibly contains a known region of # all possible regions, and we might want to write # for instance Sweden (if we know that exists) without having to # go through the search step. selected_mirrors[selected_mirror] = mirrors[selected_mirror] return selected_mirrors