from __future__ import annotations import importlib.util import logging import sys from collections import Counter from functools import cached_property from pathlib import Path from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from types import ModuleType from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Dict, Union from archinstall.default_profiles.profile import Profile, TProfile, GreeterType from .profile_model import ProfileConfiguration from ..hardware import AVAILABLE_GFX_DRIVERS from import MenuSelectionType, Menu, MenuSelection from ..networking import list_interfaces, fetch_data_from_url from ..output import log from import storage if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..installer import Installer _: Any class ProfileHandler: def __init__(self): self._profiles_path: Path = storage['PROFILE'] self._profiles = None # special variable to keep track of a profile url configuration # it is merely used to be able to export the path again when a user # wants to save the configuration self._url_path = None def to_json(self, profile: Optional[Profile]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Serialize the selected profile setting to JSON """ data: Dict[str, Any] = {} if profile is not None: data = { 'main':, 'details': [ for profile in profile.current_selection], } if self._url_path is not None: data['path'] = self._url_path return data def parse_profile_config(self, profile_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Profile]: """ Deserialize JSON configuration """ profile = None # the order of these is important, we want to # load all the default_profiles from url and custom # so that we can then apply whatever was specified # in the main/detail sections if url_path := profile_config.get('path', None): self._url_path = url_path local_path = Path(url_path) if local_path.is_file(): profiles = self._process_profile_file(local_path) self.remove_custom_profiles(profiles) self.add_custom_profiles(profiles) else: self._import_profile_from_url(url_path) if custom := profile_config.get('custom', None): from archinstall.default_profiles.custom import CustomTypeProfile custom_types = [] for entry in custom: custom_types.append( CustomTypeProfile( entry['name'], entry['enabled'], entry.get('packages', []), entry.get('services', []) ) ) self.remove_custom_profiles(custom_types) self.add_custom_profiles(custom_types) # this doesn't mean it's actual going to be set as a selection # but we are simply populating the custom profile with all # possible custom definitions if custom_profile := self.get_profile_by_name('Custom'): custom_profile.set_current_selection(custom_types) if main := profile_config.get('main', None): profile = self.get_profile_by_name(main) if main else None valid: List[Profile] = [] if details := profile_config.get('details', []): resolved = {detail: self.get_profile_by_name(detail) for detail in details if detail} valid = [p for p in resolved.values() if p is not None] invalid = ', '.join([k for k, v in resolved.items() if v is None]) if invalid: log(f'No profile definition found: {invalid}') if profile is not None: profile.set_current_selection(valid) return profile @property def profiles(self) -> List[Profile]: """ List of all available default_profiles """ if self._profiles is None: self._profiles = self._find_available_profiles() return self._profiles @cached_property def _local_mac_addresses(self) -> List[str]: ifaces = list_interfaces() return list(ifaces.keys()) def add_custom_profiles(self, profiles: Union[TProfile, List[TProfile]]): if not isinstance(profiles, list): profiles = [profiles] for profile in profiles: self._profiles.append(profile) self._verify_unique_profile_names(self._profiles) def remove_custom_profiles(self, profiles: Union[TProfile, List[TProfile]]): if not isinstance(profiles, list): profiles = [profiles] remove_names = [ for p in profiles] self._profiles = [p for p in self._profiles if not in remove_names] def get_profile_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Profile]: return next(filter(lambda x: == name, self.profiles), None) # type: ignore def get_top_level_profiles(self) -> List[Profile]: return list(filter(lambda x: x.is_top_level_profile(), self.profiles)) def get_server_profiles(self) -> List[Profile]: return list(filter(lambda x: x.is_server_type_profile(), self.profiles)) def get_desktop_profiles(self) -> List[Profile]: return list(filter(lambda x: x.is_desktop_type_profile(), self.profiles)) def get_custom_profiles(self) -> List[Profile]: return list(filter(lambda x: x.is_custom_type_profile(), self.profiles)) def get_mac_addr_profiles(self) -> List[Profile]: tailored = list(filter(lambda x: x.is_tailored(), self.profiles)) match_mac_addr_profiles = list(filter(lambda x: in self._local_mac_addresses, tailored)) return match_mac_addr_profiles def install_greeter(self, install_session: 'Installer', greeter: GreeterType): packages = [] service = None match greeter: case GreeterType.Lightdm: packages = ['lightdm', 'lightdm-gtk-greeter'] service = ['lightdm'] case GreeterType.Sddm: packages = ['sddm'] service = ['sddm'] case GreeterType.Gdm: packages = ['gdm'] service = ['gdm'] if packages: install_session.add_additional_packages(packages) if service: install_session.enable_service(service) def install_gfx_driver(self, install_session: 'Installer', driver: str): try: driver_pkgs = AVAILABLE_GFX_DRIVERS[driver] if driver else [] additional_pkg = ' '.join(['xorg-server', 'xorg-xinit'] + driver_pkgs) if driver is not None: if 'nvidia' in driver: if "linux-zen" in install_session.base_packages or "linux-lts" in install_session.base_packages: for kernel in install_session.kernels: # Fixes install_session.add_additional_packages(f"{kernel}-headers") # I've had kernel regen fail if it wasn't installed before nvidia-dkms install_session.add_additional_packages("dkms xorg-server xorg-xinit nvidia-dkms") return elif 'amdgpu' in driver_pkgs: # The order of these two are important if amdgpu is installed #808 if 'amdgpu' in install_session.MODULES: install_session.MODULES.remove('amdgpu') install_session.MODULES.append('amdgpu') if 'radeon' in install_session.MODULES: install_session.MODULES.remove('radeon') install_session.MODULES.append('radeon') install_session.add_additional_packages(additional_pkg) except Exception as err: log(f"Could not handle nvidia and linuz-zen specific situations during xorg installation: {err}", level=logging.WARNING, fg="yellow") # Prep didn't run, so there's no driver to install install_session.add_additional_packages("xorg-server xorg-xinit") def install_profile_config(self, install_session: 'Installer', profile_config: ProfileConfiguration): profile = profile_config.profile if profile: profile.install(install_session) if profile and profile_config.gfx_driver: if profile.is_xorg_type_profile() or profile.is_desktop_type_profile(): self.install_gfx_driver(install_session, profile_config.gfx_driver) if profile and profile_config.greeter: self.install_greeter(install_session, profile_config.greeter) def _import_profile_from_url(self, url: str): """ Import default_profiles from a url path """ try: data = fetch_data_from_url(url) b_data = bytes(data, 'utf-8') with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.py') as fp: fp.write(b_data) filepath = Path( profiles = self._process_profile_file(filepath) self.remove_custom_profiles(profiles) self.add_custom_profiles(profiles) except ValueError: err = str(_('Unable to fetch profile from specified url: {}')).format(url) log(err, level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") def _load_profile_class(self, module: ModuleType) -> List[Profile]: """ Load all default_profiles defined in a module """ profiles = [] for k, v in module.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(v, type) and v.__module__ == module.__name__: try: cls_ = v() if isinstance(cls_, Profile): profiles.append(cls_) except Exception: log(f'Cannot import {module}, it does not appear to be a Profile class', level=logging.DEBUG) return profiles def _verify_unique_profile_names(self, profiles: List[Profile]): """ All profile names have to be unique, this function will verify that the provided list contains only default_profiles with unique names """ counter = Counter([ for p in profiles]) duplicates = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] != 1, counter.items())) if len(duplicates) > 0: err = str(_('Profiles must have unique name, but profile definitions with duplicate name found: {}')).format(duplicates[0][0]) log(err, level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") sys.exit(1) def _is_legacy(self, file: Path) -> bool: """ Check if the provided profile file contains a legacy profile definition """ with open(file, 'r') as fp: for line in fp.readlines(): if '__packages__' in line: return True return False def _process_profile_file(self, file: Path) -> List[Profile]: """ Process a file for profile definitions """ if self._is_legacy(file): log(f'Cannot import {file} because it is no longer supported, please use the new profile format') return [] if not file.is_file(): log(f'Cannot find profile file {file}') return [] name = log(f'Importing profile: {file}', level=logging.DEBUG) try: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, file) if spec is not None: imported = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) if spec.loader is not None: spec.loader.exec_module(imported) return self._load_profile_class(imported) except Exception as e: log(f'Unable to parse file {file}: {e}', level=logging.ERROR) return [] def _find_available_profiles(self) -> List[Profile]: """ Search the profile path for profile definitions """ profiles = [] for file in self._profiles_path.glob('**/*.py'): # ignore the abstract default_profiles class if '' in continue profiles += self._process_profile_file(file) self._verify_unique_profile_names(profiles) return profiles def reset_top_level_profiles(self, exclude: List[Profile] = []): """ Reset all top level profile configurations, this is usually necessary when a new top level profile is selected """ excluded_profiles = [ for p in exclude] for profile in self.get_top_level_profiles(): if not in excluded_profiles: profile.reset() def select_profile( self, selectable_profiles: List[Profile], current_profile: Optional[Union[TProfile, List[TProfile]]] = None, title: str = '', allow_reset: bool = True, multi: bool = False, ) -> MenuSelection: """ Helper function to perform a profile selection """ options = { p for p in selectable_profiles} warning = str(_('Are you sure you want to reset this setting?')) preset_value: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None if current_profile is not None: if isinstance(current_profile, list): preset_value = [ for p in current_profile] else: preset_value = choice = Menu( title=title, preset_values=preset_value, p_options=options, allow_reset=allow_reset, allow_reset_warning_msg=warning, multi=multi, sort=True, preview_command=self.preview_text, preview_size=0.5 ).run() if choice.type_ == MenuSelectionType.Selection: value = choice.value if multi: # this is quite dirty and should eb switched to a # dedicated return type instead choice.value = [options[val] for val in value] # type: ignore else: choice.value = options[value] # type: ignore return choice def preview_text(self, selection: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Callback for preview display on profile selection """ profile = self.get_profile_by_name(selection) return profile.preview_text() if profile is not None else None profile_handler = ProfileHandler()