from pathlib import Path import time import re from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Callable, Union from shutil import copy2 from ..general import SysCommand from ..output import warn, error, info from .repo import Repo from .config import Config from ..exceptions import RequirementError from ..plugins import plugins if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class Pacman: def __init__(self, target: Path, silent: bool = False): self.synced = False self.silent = silent = target @staticmethod def run(args :str, default_cmd :str = 'pacman') -> SysCommand: """ A centralized function to call `pacman` from. It also protects us from colliding with other running pacman sessions (if used locally). The grace period is set to 10 minutes before exiting hard if another pacman instance is running. """ pacman_db_lock = Path('/var/lib/pacman/db.lck') if pacman_db_lock.exists(): warn(_('Pacman is already running, waiting maximum 10 minutes for it to terminate.')) started = time.time() while pacman_db_lock.exists(): time.sleep(0.25) if time.time() - started > (60 * 10): error(_('Pre-existing pacman lock never exited. Please clean up any existing pacman sessions before using archinstall.')) exit(1) return SysCommand(f'{default_cmd} {args}') def ask(self, error_message: str, bail_message: str, func: Callable, *args, **kwargs): while True: try: func(*args, **kwargs) break except Exception as err: error(f'{error_message}: {err}') if not self.silent and input('Would you like to re-try this download? (Y/n): ').lower().strip() in 'y': continue raise RequirementError(f'{bail_message}: {err}') def sync(self): if self.synced: return self.ask( 'Could not sync a new package database', 'Could not sync mirrors',, '-Syy', default_cmd='/usr/bin/pacman' ) self.synced = True def strap(self, packages: Union[str, List[str]]): self.sync() if isinstance(packages, str): packages = [packages] for plugin in plugins.values(): if hasattr(plugin, 'on_pacstrap'): if (result := plugin.on_pacstrap(packages)): packages = result info(f'Installing packages: {packages}') self.ask( 'Could not strap in packages', 'Pacstrap failed. See /var/log/archinstall/install.log or above message for error details', SysCommand, f'/usr/bin/pacstrap -C /etc/pacman.conf -K {} {" ".join(packages)} --noconfirm', peek_output=True )