import fcntl import os import logging import socket import struct from collections import OrderedDict from .exceptions import * from .general import SysCommand from .storage import storage from .output import log def get_hw_addr(ifname): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) info = fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8927, struct.pack('256s', bytes(ifname, 'utf-8')[:15])) return ':'.join('%02x' % b for b in info[18:24]) def list_interfaces(skip_loopback=True): interfaces = OrderedDict() for index, iface in socket.if_nameindex(): if skip_loopback and iface == "lo": continue mac = get_hw_addr(iface).replace(':', '-').lower() interfaces[mac] = iface return interfaces def check_mirror_reachable(): if (exit_code := SysCommand("pacman -Sy").exit_code) == 0: return True elif exit_code == 256: log("check_mirror_reachable() uses 'pacman -Sy' which requires root.", level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") return False def enrich_iface_types(interfaces: dict): result = {} for iface in interfaces: if os.path.isdir(f"/sys/class/net/{iface}/bridge/"): result[iface] = 'BRIDGE' elif os.path.isfile(f"/sys/class/net/{iface}/tun_flags"): # ethtool -i {iface} result[iface] = 'TUN/TAP' elif os.path.isdir(f"/sys/class/net/{iface}/device"): if os.path.isdir(f"/sys/class/net/{iface}/wireless/"): result[iface] = 'WIRELESS' else: result[iface] = 'PHYSICAL' else: result[iface] = 'UNKNOWN' return result def get_interface_from_mac(mac): return list_interfaces().get(mac.lower(), None) def wireless_scan(interface): interfaces = enrich_iface_types(list_interfaces().values()) if interfaces[interface] != 'WIRELESS': raise HardwareIncompatibilityError(f"Interface {interface} is not a wireless interface: {interfaces}") SysCommand(f"iwctl station {interface} scan") if '_WIFI' not in storage: storage['_WIFI'] = {} if interface not in storage['_WIFI']: storage['_WIFI'][interface] = {} storage['_WIFI'][interface]['scanning'] = True # TODO: Full WiFi experience might get evolved in the future, pausing for now 2021-01-25 def get_wireless_networks(interface): # TODO: Make this oneliner pritter to check if the interface is scanning or not. if '_WIFI' not in storage or interface not in storage['_WIFI'] or storage['_WIFI'][interface].get('scanning', False) is False: import time wireless_scan(interface) time.sleep(5) for line in SysCommand(f"iwctl station {interface} get-networks"): print(line)