from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Union, Any, TYPE_CHECKING from ..output import log from import storage if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class NicType(str, Enum): ISO = "iso" NM = "nm" MANUAL = "manual" @dataclass class NetworkConfiguration: type: NicType iface: Optional[str] = None ip: Optional[str] = None dhcp: bool = True gateway: Optional[str] = None dns: Union[None, List[str]] = None def __str__(self): if self.is_iso(): return "Copy ISO configuration" elif self.is_network_manager(): return "Use NetworkManager" elif self.is_manual(): if self.dhcp: return f'iface={self.iface}, dhcp=auto' else: return f'iface={self.iface}, ip={self.ip}, dhcp=staticIp, gateway={self.gateway}, dns={self.dns}' else: return 'Unknown type' def as_json(self) -> Dict: exclude_fields = ['type'] data = {} for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k not in exclude_fields: if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 0: v = '' elif v is None: v = '' data[k] = v return data def json(self) -> Dict: # for json serialization when calling json.dumps(...) on this class return self.__dict__ def is_iso(self) -> bool: return self.type == NicType.ISO def is_network_manager(self) -> bool: return self.type == NicType.NM def is_manual(self) -> bool: return self.type == NicType.MANUAL class NetworkConfigurationHandler: def __init__(self, config: Union[None, NetworkConfiguration, List[NetworkConfiguration]] = None): self._configuration = config @property def configuration(self): return self._configuration def config_installer(self, installation: Any): if self._configuration is None: return if isinstance(self._configuration, list): for config in self._configuration: installation.configure_nic(config) installation.enable_service('systemd-networkd') installation.enable_service('systemd-resolved') else: # If user selected to copy the current ISO network configuration # Perform a copy of the config if self._configuration.is_iso(): installation.copy_iso_network_config( enable_services=True) # Sources the ISO network configuration to the install medium. elif self._configuration.is_network_manager(): installation.add_additional_packages(["networkmanager"]) if (profile := storage['arguments'].get('profile_config')) and profile.is_desktop_type_profile: installation.add_additional_packages(["network-manager-applet"]) installation.enable_service('NetworkManager.service') def _backwards_compability_config(self, config: Union[str,Dict[str, str]]) -> Union[List[NetworkConfiguration], NetworkConfiguration, None]: def get(config: Dict[str, str], key: str) -> List[str]: if (value := config.get(key, None)) is not None: return [value] return [] if isinstance(config, str): # is a ISO network return NetworkConfiguration(NicType.ISO) elif config.get('NetworkManager'): # is a network manager configuration return NetworkConfiguration(NicType.NM) elif 'ip' in config: return [NetworkConfiguration( NicType.MANUAL, iface=config.get('nic', ''), ip=config.get('ip'), gateway=config.get('gateway', ''), dns=get(config, 'dns'), dhcp=False )] elif 'nic' in config: return [NetworkConfiguration( NicType.MANUAL, iface=config.get('nic', ''), dhcp=True )] else: # not recognized return None def _parse_manual_config(self, configs: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[List[NetworkConfiguration]]: configurations = [] for manual_config in configs: iface = manual_config.get('iface', None) if iface is None: log(_('No iface specified for manual configuration')) exit(1) if manual_config.get('dhcp', False) or not any([manual_config.get(v, '') for v in ['ip', 'gateway', 'dns']]): configurations.append( NetworkConfiguration(NicType.MANUAL, iface=iface) ) else: ip = manual_config.get('ip', '') if not ip: log(_('Manual nic configuration with no auto DHCP requires an IP address'), fg='red') exit(1) configurations.append( NetworkConfiguration( NicType.MANUAL, iface=iface, ip=ip, gateway=manual_config.get('gateway', ''), dns=manual_config.get('dns', []), dhcp=False ) ) return configurations def _parse_nic_type(self, nic_type: str) -> NicType: try: return NicType(nic_type) except ValueError: options = [e.value for e in NicType] log(_('Unknown nic type: {}. Possible values are {}').format(nic_type, options), fg='red') exit(1) def parse_arguments(self, config: Any): if isinstance(config, list): # new data format self._configuration = self._parse_manual_config(config) elif nic_type := config.get('type', None): # new data format type_ = self._parse_nic_type(nic_type) if type_ != NicType.MANUAL: self._configuration = NetworkConfiguration(type_) else: # manual configuration settings self._configuration = self._parse_manual_config([config]) else: # old style definitions network_config = self._backwards_compability_config(config) if network_config: return network_config return None