import logging import urllib.error import urllib.request from typing import Union, Mapping, Iterable, Dict, Any, List from .general import SysCommand from .output import log def sort_mirrorlist(raw_data :bytes, sort_order=["https", "http"]) -> bytes: """ This function can sort /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist according to the mirror's URL prefix. By default places HTTPS before HTTP but it also preserves the country/rank-order. This assumes /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist looks like the following: ## Comment Server = url or ## Comment #Server = url But the Comments need to start with double-hashmarks to be distringuished from server url definitions (commented or uncommented). """ comments_and_whitespaces = b"" categories = {key: [] for key in sort_order + ["Unknown"]} for line in raw_data.split(b"\n"): if line[0:2] in (b'##', b''): comments_and_whitespaces += line + b'\n' elif line[:6].lower() == b'server' or line[:7].lower() == b'#server': opening, url = line.split(b'=', 1) opening, url = opening.strip(), url.strip() if (category := url.split(b'://',1)[0].decode('UTF-8')) in categories: categories[category].append(comments_and_whitespaces) categories[category].append(opening + b' = ' + url + b'\n') else: categories["Unknown"].append(comments_and_whitespaces) categories["Unknown"].append(opening + b' = ' + url + b'\n') comments_and_whitespaces = b"" new_raw_data = b'' for category in sort_order + ["Unknown"]: for line in categories[category]: new_raw_data += line return new_raw_data def filter_mirrors_by_region(regions :str, destination :str = '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', sort_order :List[str] = ["https", "http"], *args :str, **kwargs :str ) -> Union[bool, bytes]: """ This function will change the active mirrors on the live medium by filtering which regions are active based on `regions`. :param regions: A series of country codes separated by `,`. For instance `SE,US` for sweden and United States. :type regions: str """ region_list = [f'country={region}' for region in regions.split(',')] response = urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.request.Request(f"{'&'.join(region_list)}&protocol=https&protocol=http&ip_version=4&ip_version=6&use_mirror_status=on'", headers={'User-Agent': 'ArchInstall'})) new_list ="#Server", b"Server") if sort_order: new_list = sort_mirrorlist(new_list, sort_order=sort_order) if destination: with open(destination, "wb") as mirrorlist: mirrorlist.write(new_list) return True else: return new_list.decode('UTF-8') def add_custom_mirrors(mirrors: List[str], *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> bool: """ This will append custom mirror definitions in pacman.conf :param mirrors: A list of mirror data according to: `{'url': '', 'signcheck': 'Optional', 'signoptions': 'TrustAll', 'name': 'testmirror'}` :type mirrors: dict """ with open('/etc/pacman.conf', 'a') as pacman: for mirror in mirrors: pacman.write(f"[{mirror['name']}]\n") pacman.write(f"SigLevel = {mirror['signcheck']} {mirror['signoptions']}\n") pacman.write(f"Server = {mirror['url']}\n") return True def insert_mirrors(mirrors :Dict[str, Any], *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> bool: """ This function will insert a given mirror-list at the top of `/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist`. It will not flush any other mirrors, just insert new ones. :param mirrors: A dictionary of `{'url' : 'country', 'url2' : 'country'}` :type mirrors: dict """ original_mirrorlist = '' with open('/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', 'r') as original: original_mirrorlist = with open('/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', 'w') as new_mirrorlist: for mirror, country in mirrors.items(): new_mirrorlist.write(f'## {country}\n') new_mirrorlist.write(f'Server = {mirror}\n') new_mirrorlist.write('\n') new_mirrorlist.write(original_mirrorlist) return True def use_mirrors( regions: Mapping[str, Iterable[str]], destination: str = '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist' ) -> None: log(f'A new package mirror-list has been created: {destination}', level=logging.INFO) with open(destination, 'w') as mirrorlist: for region, mirrors in regions.items(): for mirror in mirrors: mirrorlist.write(f'## {region}\n') mirrorlist.write(f'Server = {mirror}\n') def re_rank_mirrors( top: int = 10, src: str = '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', dst: str = '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', ) -> bool: cmd = SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/rankmirrors -n {top} {src}") if cmd.exit_code != 0: return False with open(dst, 'w') as f: f.write(str(cmd)) return True def list_mirrors(sort_order :List[str] = ["https", "http"]) -> Dict[str, Any]: url = "" regions = {} try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) except urllib.error.URLError as err: log(f'Could not fetch an active mirror-list: {err}', level=logging.WARNING, fg="orange") return regions mirrorlist = if sort_order: mirrorlist = sort_mirrorlist(mirrorlist, sort_order=sort_order) region = 'Unknown region' for line in mirrorlist.split(b'\n'): if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue line = line.decode('UTF-8').strip('\n').strip('\r') if line[:3] == '## ': region = line[3:] elif line[:10] == '#Server = ': regions.setdefault(region, {}) url = line.lstrip('#Server = ') regions[region][url] = True return regions