import pathlib from dataclasses import dataclass, field from enum import Enum from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from .menu import AbstractSubMenu, Selector, MenuSelectionType, Menu, ListManager, TextInput from .networking import fetch_data_from_url from .output import warn, FormattedOutput from .storage import storage if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class SignCheck(Enum): Never = 'Never' Optional = 'Optional' Required = 'Required' class SignOption(Enum): TrustedOnly = 'TrustedOnly' TrustAll = 'TrustAll' @dataclass class CustomMirror: name: str url: str sign_check: SignCheck sign_option: SignOption def table_data(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return { 'Name':, 'Url': self.url, 'Sign check': self.sign_check.value, 'Sign options': self.sign_option.value } def json(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return { 'name':, 'url': self.url, 'sign_check': self.sign_check.value, 'sign_option': self.sign_option.value } @classmethod def parse_args(cls, args: List[Dict[str, str]]) -> List['CustomMirror']: configs = [] for arg in args: configs.append( CustomMirror( arg['name'], arg['url'], SignCheck(arg['sign_check']), SignOption(arg['sign_option']) ) ) return configs @dataclass class MirrorConfiguration: mirror_regions: Dict[str, List[str]] = field(default_factory=dict) custom_mirrors: List[CustomMirror] = field(default_factory=list) @property def regions(self) -> str: return ', '.join(self.mirror_regions.keys()) def json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { 'mirror_regions': self.mirror_regions, 'custom_mirrors': [c.json() for c in self.custom_mirrors] } def mirrorlist_config(self) -> str: config = '' for region, mirrors in self.mirror_regions.items(): for mirror in mirrors: config += f'\n\n## {region}\nServer = {mirror}\n' for cm in self.custom_mirrors: config += f'\n\n## {}\nServer = {cm.url}\n' return config def pacman_config(self) -> str: config = '' for mirror in self.custom_mirrors: config += f'\n\n[{}]\n' config += f'SigLevel = {mirror.sign_check.value} {mirror.sign_option.value}\n' config += f'Server = {mirror.url}\n' return config @classmethod def parse_args(cls, args: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'MirrorConfiguration': config = MirrorConfiguration() if 'mirror_regions' in args: config.mirror_regions = args['mirror_regions'] if 'custom_mirrors' in args: config.custom_mirrors = CustomMirror.parse_args(args['custom_mirrors']) return config class CustomMirrorList(ListManager): def __init__(self, prompt: str, custom_mirrors: List[CustomMirror]): self._actions = [ str(_('Add a custom mirror')), str(_('Change custom mirror')), str(_('Delete custom mirror')) ] super().__init__(prompt, custom_mirrors, [self._actions[0]], self._actions[1:]) def selected_action_display(self, mirror: CustomMirror) -> str: return def handle_action( self, action: str, entry: Optional[CustomMirror], data: List[CustomMirror] ) -> List[CustomMirror]: if action == self._actions[0]: # add new_mirror = self._add_custom_mirror() if new_mirror is not None: data = [d for d in data if !=] data += [new_mirror] elif action == self._actions[1] and entry: # modify mirror new_mirror = self._add_custom_mirror(entry) if new_mirror is not None: data = [d for d in data if !=] data += [new_mirror] elif action == self._actions[2] and entry: # delete data = [d for d in data if d != entry] return data def _add_custom_mirror(self, mirror: Optional[CustomMirror] = None) -> Optional[CustomMirror]: prompt = '\n\n' + str(_('Enter name (leave blank to skip): ')) existing_name = if mirror else '' while True: name = TextInput(prompt, existing_name).run() if not name: return mirror break prompt = '\n' + str(_('Enter url (leave blank to skip): ')) existing_url = mirror.url if mirror else '' while True: url = TextInput(prompt, existing_url).run() if not url: return mirror break sign_check_choice = Menu( str(_('Select signature check option')), [s.value for s in SignCheck], skip=False, clear_screen=False, preset_values=mirror.sign_check.value if mirror else None ).run() sign_option_choice = Menu( str(_('Select signature option')), [s.value for s in SignOption], skip=False, clear_screen=False, preset_values=mirror.sign_option.value if mirror else None ).run() return CustomMirror( name, url, SignCheck(sign_check_choice.single_value), SignOption(sign_option_choice.single_value) ) class MirrorMenu(AbstractSubMenu): def __init__( self, data_store: Dict[str, Any], preset: Optional[MirrorConfiguration] = None ): if preset: self._preset = preset else: self._preset = MirrorConfiguration() super().__init__(data_store=data_store) def setup_selection_menu_options(self): self._menu_options['mirror_regions'] = \ Selector( _('Mirror region'), lambda preset: select_mirror_regions(preset), display_func=lambda x: ', '.join(x.keys()) if x else '', default=self._preset.mirror_regions, enabled=True) self._menu_options['custom_mirrors'] = \ Selector( _('Custom mirrors'), lambda preset: select_custom_mirror(preset=preset), display_func=lambda x: str(_('Defined')) if x else '', preview_func=self._prev_custom_mirror, default=self._preset.custom_mirrors, enabled=True ) def _prev_custom_mirror(self) -> Optional[str]: selector = self._menu_options['custom_mirrors'] if selector.has_selection(): custom_mirrors: List[CustomMirror] = selector.current_selection # type: ignore output = FormattedOutput.as_table(custom_mirrors) return output.strip() return None def run(self, allow_reset: bool = True) -> Optional[MirrorConfiguration]: super().run(allow_reset=allow_reset) if self._data_store.get('mirror_regions', None) or self._data_store.get('custom_mirrors', None): return MirrorConfiguration( mirror_regions=self._data_store['mirror_regions'], custom_mirrors=self._data_store['custom_mirrors'], ) return None def select_mirror_regions(preset_values: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ Asks the user to select a mirror or region Usually this is combined with :ref:`archinstall.list_mirrors`. :return: The dictionary information about a mirror/region. :rtype: dict """ if preset_values is None: preselected = None else: preselected = list(preset_values.keys()) mirrors = list_mirrors() choice = Menu( _('Select one of the regions to download packages from'), list(mirrors.keys()), preset_values=preselected, multi=True, allow_reset=True ).run() match choice.type_: case MenuSelectionType.Reset: return {} case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset_values case MenuSelectionType.Selection: return {selected: mirrors[selected] for selected in choice.multi_value} return {} def select_custom_mirror(prompt: str = '', preset: List[CustomMirror] = []): custom_mirrors = CustomMirrorList(prompt, preset).run() return custom_mirrors def _parse_mirror_list(mirrorlist: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: file_content = mirrorlist.split('\n') file_content = list(filter(lambda x: x, file_content)) # filter out empty lines first_srv_idx = [idx for idx, line in enumerate(file_content) if 'server' in line.lower()][0] mirrors = file_content[first_srv_idx - 1:] mirror_list: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} for idx in range(0, len(mirrors), 2): region = mirrors[idx].removeprefix('## ') url = mirrors[idx + 1].removeprefix('#').removeprefix('Server = ') mirror_list.setdefault(region, []).append(url) return mirror_list def list_mirrors() -> Dict[str, List[str]]: regions: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} if storage['arguments']['offline']: with pathlib.Path('/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist').open('r') as fp: mirrorlist = else: url = "" try: mirrorlist = fetch_data_from_url(url) except ValueError as err: warn(f'Could not fetch an active mirror-list: {err}') return regions regions = _parse_mirror_list(mirrorlist) sorted_regions = {} for region, urls in regions.items(): sorted_regions[region] = sorted(urls, reverse=True) return sorted_regions