from import TerminalMenu from ..exceptions import RequirementError from ..output import log from import Iterable import sys import logging class Menu(TerminalMenu): def __init__(self, title, p_options, skip=True, multi=False, default_option=None, sort=True, preset_values=None, cursor_index=None): """ Creates a new menu :param title: Text that will be displayed above the menu :type title: str :param p_options: Options to be displayed in the menu to chose from; if dict is specified then the keys of such will be used as options :type options: list, dict :param skip: Indicate if the selection is not mandatory and can be skipped :type skip: bool :param multi: Indicate if multiple options can be selected :type multi: bool :param default_option: The default option to be used in case the selection processes is skipped :type default_option: str :param sort: Indicate if the options should be sorted alphabetically before displaying :type sort: bool :param preset_values: Predefined value(s) of the menu. In a multi menu, it selects the options included therein. If the selection is simple, moves the cursor to the position of the value :type preset_values: str or list :param cursor_index: The position where the cursor will be located. If it is not in range (number of elements of the menu) it goes to the first position :type cursor_index: int """ # we guarantee the inmutability of the options outside the class. # an unknown number of iterables (.keys(),.values(),generator,...) can't be directly copied, in this case # we recourse to make them lists before, but thru an exceptions # this is the old code, which is not maintenable with more types # options = copy(list(p_options) if isinstance(p_options,(type({}.keys()),type({}.values()))) else p_options) # We check that the options are iterable. If not we abort. Else we copy them to lists # it options is a dictionary we use the values as entries of the list # if options is a string object, each character becomes an entry # if options is a list, we implictily build a copy to mantain immutability if not isinstance(p_options,Iterable): log(f"Objects of type {type(p_options)} is not iterable, and are not supported at Menu",fg="red") log(f"invalid parameter at Menu() call was at <{sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name}>",level=logging.WARNING) raise RequirementError("Menu() requires an iterable as option.") if isinstance(p_options,dict): options = list(p_options.keys()) else: options = list(p_options) if not options: log(" * Menu didn't find any options to choose from * ", fg='red') log(f"invalid parameter at Menu() call was at <{sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name}>",level=logging.WARNING) raise RequirementError('Menu.__init__() requires at least one option to proceed.') if sort: options = sorted(options) self.menu_options = options self.skip = skip self.default_option = default_option self.multi = multi self.preselection(preset_values,cursor_index) menu_title = f'\n{title}\n\n' if skip: menu_title += str(_("Use ESC to skip\n\n")) if default_option: # if a default value was specified we move that one # to the top of the list and mark it as default as well default = f'{default_option} (default)' self.menu_options = [default] + [o for o in self.menu_options if default_option != o] cursor = "> " main_menu_cursor_style = ("fg_cyan", "bold") main_menu_style = ("bg_blue", "fg_gray") super().__init__( menu_entries=self.menu_options, title=menu_title, menu_cursor=cursor, menu_cursor_style=main_menu_cursor_style, menu_highlight_style=main_menu_style, cycle_cursor=True, clear_screen=True, multi_select=multi, show_search_hint=True, preselected_entries=self.preset_values, cursor_index=self.cursor_index ) def _show(self): idx = if idx is not None: if isinstance(idx, (list, tuple)): return [self.default_option if ' (default)' in self.menu_options[i] else self.menu_options[i] for i in idx] else: selected = self.menu_options[idx] if ' (default)' in selected and self.default_option: return self.default_option return selected else: if self.default_option: if self.multi: return [self.default_option] else: return self.default_option return None def run(self): ret = self._show() if ret is None and not self.skip: return return ret def set_cursor_pos(self,pos :int): if pos and 0 < pos < len(self._menu_entries): self._view.active_menu_index = pos else: self._view.active_menu_index = 0 # we define a default def set_cursor_pos_entry(self,value :str): pos = self._menu_entries.index(value) self.set_cursor_pos(pos) def preselection(self,preset_values :list = [],cursor_index :int = None): def from_preset_to_cursor(): if preset_values: if isinstance(preset_values,str): self.cursor_index = self.menu_options.index(preset_values) else: # should return an error, but this is smoother self.cursor_index = self.menu_options.index(preset_values[0]) self.preset_values = preset_values self.cursor_index = cursor_index if preset_values and cursor_index is None: from_preset_to_cursor() if preset_values and not self.multi: # Not supported by the infraestructure self.preset_values = None from_preset_to_cursor() if self.default_option and self.multi: if isinstance(preset_values,str) and self.default_option == preset_values: self.preset_values = f"{preset_values} (default)" elif isinstance(preset_values,(list,tuple)) and self.default_option in preset_values: idx = preset_values.index(self.default_option) self.preset_values[idx] = f"{preset_values[idx]} (default)"