import copy from os import system from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Tuple, List from .menu import Menu if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class ListManager: def __init__( self, prompt: str, entries: List[Any], base_actions: List[str], sub_menu_actions: List[str] ): """ :param prompt: Text which will appear at the header type param: string | DeferredTranslation :param entries: list/dict of option to be shown / manipulated type param: list :param base_actions: list of actions that is displayed in the main list manager, usually global actions such as 'Add...' type param: list :param sub_menu_actions: list of actions available for a chosen entry type param: list """ self._original_data = copy.deepcopy(entries) self._data = copy.deepcopy(entries) explainer = str(_('\n Choose an object from the list, and select one of the available actions for it to execute')) self._prompt = prompt if prompt else explainer self._separator = '' self._confirm_action = str(_('Confirm and exit')) self._cancel_action = str(_('Cancel')) self._terminate_actions = [self._confirm_action, self._cancel_action] self._base_actions = base_actions self._sub_menu_actions = sub_menu_actions self._last_choice: Optional[str] = None @property def last_choice(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._last_choice def is_last_choice_cancel(self) -> bool: if self._last_choice is not None: return self._last_choice == self._cancel_action return False def run(self) -> List[Any]: while True: # this will return a dictionary with the key as the menu entry to be displayed # and the value is the original value from the self._data container data_formatted = self.reformat(self._data) options, header = self._prepare_selection(data_formatted) system('clear') choice = Menu( self._prompt, options, sort=False, clear_screen=False, clear_menu_on_exit=False, header=header, skip_empty_entries=True, skip=False, show_search_hint=False ).run() if choice.value in self._base_actions: self._data = self.handle_action(choice.value, None, self._data) elif choice.value in self._terminate_actions: break else: # an entry of the existing selection was choosen selected_entry = data_formatted[choice.value] # type: ignore self._run_actions_on_entry(selected_entry) self._last_choice = choice.value # type: ignore if choice.value == self._cancel_action: return self._original_data # return the original list else: return self._data def _prepare_selection(self, data_formatted: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[List[str], str]: # header rows are mapped to None so make sure # to exclude those from the selectable data options: List[str] = [key for key, val in data_formatted.items() if val is not None] header = '' if len(options) > 0: table_header = [key for key, val in data_formatted.items() if val is None] header = '\n'.join(table_header) if len(options) > 0: options.append(self._separator) options += self._base_actions options += self._terminate_actions return options, header def _run_actions_on_entry(self, entry: Any): options = self.filter_options(entry, self._sub_menu_actions) + [self._cancel_action] display_value = self.selected_action_display(entry) prompt = _("Select an action for '{}'").format(display_value) choice = Menu( prompt, options, sort=False, clear_screen=False, clear_menu_on_exit=False, show_search_hint=False ).run() if choice.value and choice.value != self._cancel_action: self._data = self.handle_action(choice.value, entry, self._data) def selected_action_display(self, selection: Any) -> str: """ this will return the value to be displayed in the "Select an action for '{}'" string """ raise NotImplementedError('Please implement me in the child class') def reformat(self, data: List[Any]) -> Dict[str, Optional[Any]]: """ this should return a dictionary of display string to actual data entry mapping; if the value for a given display string is None it will be used in the header value (useful when displaying tables) """ raise NotImplementedError('Please implement me in the child class') def handle_action(self, action: Any, entry: Optional[Any], data: List[Any]) -> List[Any]: """ this function is called when a base action or a specific action for an entry is triggered """ raise NotImplementedError('Please implement me in the child class') def filter_options(self, selection: Any, options: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ filter which actions to show for an specific selection """ return options