#!/usr/bin/python """ # Purpose ListManager is a widget based on `menu` which allows the handling of repetitive operations in a list. Imagine you have a list and want to add/copy/edit/delete their elements. With this widget you will be shown the list ``` Vamos alla Use ESC to skip > uno : 1 dos : 2 tres : 3 cuatro : 4 ==> Confirm and exit Cancel (Press "/" to search) ``` Once you select one of the elements of the list, you will be promted with the action to be done to the selected element ``` uno : 1 dos : 2 > tres : 3 cuatro : 4 ==> Confirm and exit Cancel (Press "/" to search) Select an action for < {'tres': 3} > Add Copy Edit Delete > Cancel ``` You execute the action for this element (which might or not involve user interaction) and return to the list main page till you call one of the options `confirm and exit` which returns the modified list or `cancel` which returns the original list unchanged. If the list is empty one action can be defined as default (usually Add). We call it **null_action** YOu can also define a **default_action** which will appear below the separator, not tied to any element of the list. Barring explicit definition, default_action will be the null_action ``` ==> Add Confirm and exit Cancel (Press "/" to search) ``` The default implementation can handle simple lists and a key:value dictionary. The default actions are the shown above. A sample of basic usage is included at the end of the source. More sophisticaded uses can be achieved by * changing the action list and the null_action during initialization ``` opciones = ListManager('Vamos alla',opciones,[str(_('Add')),str(_('Delete'))],_('Add')).run() ``` * And using following methods to overwrite/define user actions and other details: * * `reformat`. To change the appearance of the list elements * * `action_list`. To modify the content of the action list once an element is defined. F.i. to avoid Delete to appear for certain elements, or to add/modify action based in the value of the element. * * `exec_action` which contains the actual code to be executed when an action is selected The contents in the base class of this methods serve for a very basic usage, and are to be taken as samples. Thus the best use of this class would be to subclass in your code ``` class ObjectList(archinstall.ListManager): def __init__(prompt,list): self.ObjectAction = [... list of actions ...] self.ObjectNullAction = one ObjectAction super().__init__(prompt,list,ObjectActions,ObjectNullAction) def reformat(self): ... beautfy the output of the list def action_list(self): ... if you need some changes to the action list based on self.target def exec_action(self): if self.action == self.ObjectAction[0]: performFirstAction(self.target, ...) ... resultList = ObjectList(prompt,originallist).run() ``` """ import copy from os import system from typing import Union, Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional from .text_input import TextInput from .menu import Menu if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class ListManager: def __init__( self, prompt :str, base_list :Union[list,dict] , base_actions :list = None, null_action :str = None, default_action :Union[str,list] = None, header :Union[str,list] = None): """ param :prompt Text which will appear at the header type param: string | DeferredTranslation param :base:_list list/dict of option to be shown / mainpulated type param: list | dict param base_actions an alternate list of actions to the items of the object type param: list param: null_action action which will be taken (if any) when base_list is empty type param: string param: default_action action which will be presented at the bottom of the list. Shouldn't need a target. If not present, null_action is set there. Both Null and Default actions can be defined outside the base_actions list, as long as they are launched in exec_action type param: string or list param: header one or more header lines for the list type param: string or list """ explainer = str(_('\n Choose an object from the list, and select one of the available actions for it to execute')) self._prompt = prompt + explainer if prompt else explainer self._null_action = str(null_action) if null_action else None if not default_action: self._default_action = [self._null_action] elif isinstance(default_action,(list,tuple)): self._default_action = default_action else: self._default_action = [str(default_action),] self._header = header if header else None self._cancel_action = str(_('Cancel')) self._confirm_action = str(_('Confirm and exit')) self._separator = '' self._bottom_list = [self._confirm_action, self._cancel_action] self._bottom_item = [self._cancel_action] self._base_actions = base_actions if base_actions else [str(_('Add')), str(_('Copy')), str(_('Edit')), str(_('Delete'))] self._original_data = copy.deepcopy(base_list) self._data = copy.deepcopy(base_list) # as refs, changes are immediate # default values for the null case self.target: Optional[Any] = None self.action = self._null_action def run(self): while True: # this will return a dictionary with the key as the menu entry to be displayed # and the value is the original value from the self._data container data_formatted = self.reformat(self._data) options = list(data_formatted.keys()) if len(options) > 0: options.append(self._separator) if self._default_action: options += self._default_action options += self._bottom_list system('clear') target = Menu( self._prompt, options, sort=False, clear_screen=False, clear_menu_on_exit=False, header=self._header, skip_empty_entries=True, skip=False ).run() if not target.value or target.value in self._bottom_list: self.action = target break if target.value and target.value in self._default_action: self.action = target.value self.target = None self._data = self.exec_action(self._data) continue if isinstance(self._data,dict): data_key = data_formatted[target.value] key = self._data[data_key] self.target = {data_key: key} elif isinstance(self._data, list): self.target = [d for d in self._data if d == data_formatted[target.value]][0] else: self.target = self._data[data_formatted[target.value]] # Possible enhancement. If run_actions returns false a message line indicating the failure self.run_actions(target.value) if target.value == self._cancel_action: # TODO dubious return self._original_data # return the original list else: return self._data def run_actions(self,prompt_data=None): options = self.action_list() + self._bottom_item prompt = _("Select an action for < {} >").format(prompt_data if prompt_data else self.target) choice = Menu( prompt, options, sort=False, clear_screen=False, clear_menu_on_exit=False, preset_values=self._bottom_item, show_search_hint=False ).run() self.action = choice.value if self.action and self.action != self._cancel_action: self._data = self.exec_action(self._data) """ The following methods are expected to be overwritten by the user if the needs of the list are beyond the simple case """ def reformat(self, data: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ method to get the data in a format suitable to be shown It is executed once for run loop and processes the whole self._data structure """ if isinstance(data,dict): return {f'{k}: {v}': k for k, v in data.items()} else: return {str(k): k for k in data} def action_list(self): """ can define alternate action list or customize the list for each item. Executed after any item is selected, contained in self.target """ return self._base_actions def exec_action(self, data: Any): """ what's executed one an item (self.target) and one action (self.action) is selected. Should be overwritten by the user The result is expected to update self._data in this routine, else it is ignored The basic code is useful for simple lists and dictionaries (key:value pairs, both strings) """ # TODO guarantee unicity if isinstance(self._data,list): if self.action == str(_('Add')): self.target = TextInput(_('Add: '),None).run() self._data.append(self.target) if self.action == str(_('Copy')): while True: target = TextInput(_('Copy to: '),self.target).run() if target != self.target: self._data.append(self.target) break elif self.action == str(_('Edit')): tgt = self.target idx = self._data.index(self.target) result = TextInput(_('Edit: '),tgt).run() self._data[idx] = result elif self.action == str(_('Delete')): del self._data[self._data.index(self.target)] elif isinstance(self._data,dict): # allows overwrites if self.target: origkey,origval = list(self.target.items())[0] else: origkey = None origval = None if self.action == str(_('Add')): key = TextInput(_('Key: '),None).run() value = TextInput(_('Value: '),None).run() self._data[key] = value if self.action == str(_('Copy')): while True: key = TextInput(_('Copy to new key:'),origkey).run() if key != origkey: self._data[key] = origval break elif self.action == str(_('Edit')): value = TextInput(_('Edit {}: ').format(origkey), origval).run() self._data[origkey] = value elif self.action == str(_('Delete')): del self._data[origkey] return self._data