import pathlib from .disk import Partition from .general import * from .output import log class luks2: def __init__(self, partition, mountpoint, password, key_file=None, auto_unmount=False, *args, **kwargs): self.password = password self.partition = partition self.mountpoint = mountpoint self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.key_file = key_file self.auto_unmount = auto_unmount self.filesystem = 'crypto_LUKS' self.mapdev = None def __enter__(self): # if self.partition.allow_formatting: # self.key_file = self.encrypt(self.partition, *self.args, **self.kwargs) # else: if not self.key_file: self.key_file = f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(self.partition.path)}.disk_pw" # TODO: Make disk-pw-file randomly unique? if type(self.password) != bytes: self.password = bytes(self.password, 'UTF-8') with open(self.key_file, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(self.password) return self.unlock(self.partition, self.mountpoint, self.key_file) def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # TODO: if self.auto_unmount: self.close() if len(args) >= 2 and args[1]: raise args[1] return True def encrypt(self, partition, password=None, key_size=512, hash_type='sha512', iter_time=10000, key_file=None): if not self.partition.allow_formatting: raise DiskError(f'Could not encrypt volume {partition} due to it having a formatting lock.') log(f'Encrypting {partition} (This might take a while)', level=logging.INFO) if not key_file: if self.key_file: key_file = self.key_file else: key_file = f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(self.partition.path)}.disk_pw" # TODO: Make disk-pw-file randomly unique? if not password: password = self.password if type(password) != bytes: password = bytes(password, 'UTF-8') with open(key_file, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(password) cryptsetup_args = shlex.join([ '/usr/bin/cryptsetup', '--batch-mode', '--verbose', '--type', 'luks2', '--pbkdf', 'argon2id', '--hash', hash_type, '--key-size', str(key_size), '--iter-time', str(iter_time), '--key-file', os.path.abspath(key_file), '--use-urandom', 'luksFormat', partition.path, ]) try: # Try to setup the crypt-device cmd_handle = SysCommand(cryptsetup_args) except SysCallError as err: if err.exit_code == 256: log(f'{partition} is being used, trying to unmount and crypt-close the device and running one more attempt at encrypting the device.', level=logging.DEBUG) # Partition was in use, unmount it and try again partition.unmount() # Get crypt-information about the device by doing a reverse lookup starting with the partition path # For instance: /dev/sda devinfo = json.loads(b''.join(SysCommand(f"lsblk --fs -J {partition.path}")).decode('UTF-8'))['blockdevices'][0] # For each child (sub-partition/sub-device) if len(children := devinfo.get('children', [])): for child in children: # Unmount the child location if child_mountpoint := child.get('mountpoint', None): log(f'Unmounting {child_mountpoint}', level=logging.DEBUG) SysCommand(f"umount -R {child_mountpoint}") # And close it if possible. log(f"Closing crypt device {child['name']}", level=logging.DEBUG) SysCommand(f"cryptsetup close {child['name']}") # Then try again to set up the crypt-device cmd_handle = SysCommand(cryptsetup_args) else: raise err if cmd_handle.exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f'Could not encrypt volume "{partition.path}": {b"".join(cmd_handle)}') return key_file def unlock(self, partition, mountpoint, key_file): """ Mounts a luks2 compatible partition to a certain mountpoint. Keyfile must be specified as there's no way to interact with the pw-prompt atm. :param mountpoint: The name without absolute path, for instance "luksdev" will point to /dev/mapper/luksdev :type mountpoint: str """ from .disk import get_filesystem_type if '/' in mountpoint: os.path.basename(mountpoint) # TODO: Raise exception instead? wait_timer = time.time() while pathlib.Path(partition.path).exists() is False and time.time() - wait_timer < 10: time.sleep(0.025) SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/cryptsetup open {partition.path} {mountpoint} --key-file {os.path.abspath(key_file)} --type luks2') if os.path.islink(f'/dev/mapper/{mountpoint}'): self.mapdev = f'/dev/mapper/{mountpoint}' unlocked_partition = Partition(self.mapdev, None, encrypted=True, filesystem=get_filesystem_type(self.mapdev), autodetect_filesystem=False) unlocked_partition.allow_formatting = self.partition.allow_formatting return unlocked_partition def close(self, mountpoint=None): if not mountpoint: mountpoint = self.mapdev SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/cryptsetup close {self.mapdev}') return os.path.islink(self.mapdev) is False def format(self, path): if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/cryptsetup -q -v luksErase {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f'Could not format {path} with {self.filesystem} because: {b"".join(handle)}')