import json import logging import os import pathlib import shlex import time from .disk import Partition from .general import SysCommand from .output import log from .exceptions import SysCallError, DiskError class luks2: def __init__(self, partition, mountpoint, password, key_file=None, auto_unmount=False, *args, **kwargs): self.password = password self.partition = partition self.mountpoint = mountpoint self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.key_file = key_file self.auto_unmount = auto_unmount self.filesystem = 'crypto_LUKS' self.mapdev = None def __enter__(self): if not self.key_file: self.key_file = f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(self.partition.path)}.disk_pw" # TODO: Make disk-pw-file randomly unique? if type(self.password) != bytes: self.password = bytes(self.password, 'UTF-8') with open(self.key_file, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(self.password) return self.unlock(self.partition, self.mountpoint, self.key_file) def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # TODO: if self.auto_unmount: self.close() if len(args) >= 2 and args[1]: raise args[1] return True def encrypt(self, partition, password=None, key_size=512, hash_type='sha512', iter_time=10000, key_file=None): log(f'Encrypting {partition} (This might take a while)', level=logging.INFO) if not key_file: if self.key_file: key_file = self.key_file else: key_file = f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(self.partition.path)}.disk_pw" # TODO: Make disk-pw-file randomly unique? if not password: password = self.password if type(password) != bytes: password = bytes(password, 'UTF-8') with open(key_file, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(password) cryptsetup_args = shlex.join([ '/usr/bin/cryptsetup', '--batch-mode', '--verbose', '--type', 'luks2', '--pbkdf', 'argon2id', '--hash', hash_type, '--key-size', str(key_size), '--iter-time', str(iter_time), '--key-file', os.path.abspath(key_file), '--use-urandom', 'luksFormat', partition.path, ]) try: # Try to setup the crypt-device cmd_handle = SysCommand(cryptsetup_args) except SysCallError as err: if err.exit_code == 256: log(f'{partition} is being used, trying to unmount and crypt-close the device and running one more attempt at encrypting the device.', level=logging.DEBUG) # Partition was in use, unmount it and try again partition.unmount() # Get crypt-information about the device by doing a reverse lookup starting with the partition path # For instance: /dev/sda devinfo = json.loads(b''.join(SysCommand(f"lsblk --fs -J {partition.path}")).decode('UTF-8'))['blockdevices'][0] # For each child (sub-partition/sub-device) if len(children := devinfo.get('children', [])): for child in children: # Unmount the child location if child_mountpoint := child.get('mountpoint', None): log(f'Unmounting {child_mountpoint}', level=logging.DEBUG) SysCommand(f"umount -R {child_mountpoint}") # And close it if possible. log(f"Closing crypt device {child['name']}", level=logging.DEBUG) SysCommand(f"cryptsetup close {child['name']}") # Then try again to set up the crypt-device cmd_handle = SysCommand(cryptsetup_args) else: raise err if cmd_handle.exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f'Could not encrypt volume "{partition.path}": {b"".join(cmd_handle)}') return key_file def unlock(self, partition, mountpoint, key_file): """ Mounts a luks2 compatible partition to a certain mountpoint. Keyfile must be specified as there's no way to interact with the pw-prompt atm. :param mountpoint: The name without absolute path, for instance "luksdev" will point to /dev/mapper/luksdev :type mountpoint: str """ from .disk import get_filesystem_type if '/' in mountpoint: os.path.basename(mountpoint) # TODO: Raise exception instead? wait_timer = time.time() while pathlib.Path(partition.path).exists() is False and time.time() - wait_timer < 10: time.sleep(0.025) SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/cryptsetup open {partition.path} {mountpoint} --key-file {os.path.abspath(key_file)} --type luks2') if os.path.islink(f'/dev/mapper/{mountpoint}'): self.mapdev = f'/dev/mapper/{mountpoint}' unlocked_partition = Partition(self.mapdev, None, encrypted=True, filesystem=get_filesystem_type(self.mapdev), autodetect_filesystem=False) return unlocked_partition def close(self, mountpoint=None): if not mountpoint: mountpoint = self.mapdev SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/cryptsetup close {self.mapdev}') return os.path.islink(self.mapdev) is False def format(self, path): if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/cryptsetup -q -v luksErase {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f'Could not format {path} with {self.filesystem} because: {b"".join(handle)}')