from itertools import takewhile from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterator, List from .exceptions import ServiceException, SysCallError from .general import SysCommand from .output import error def list_keyboard_languages() -> Iterator[str]: for line in SysCommand("localectl --no-pager list-keymaps", environment_vars={'SYSTEMD_COLORS': '0'}): yield line.decode('UTF-8').strip() def list_locales() -> List[str]: entries = Path('/etc/locale.gen').read_text().splitlines() # Before the list of locales begins there's an empty line with a '#' in front # so we'll collect the locales from bottom up and halt when we're done. locales = list(takewhile(bool, map(lambda entry: entry.strip('\n\t #'), reversed(entries)))) locales.reverse() return locales def list_x11_keyboard_languages() -> Iterator[str]: for line in SysCommand("localectl --no-pager list-x11-keymap-layouts", environment_vars={'SYSTEMD_COLORS': '0'}): yield line.decode('UTF-8').strip() def verify_keyboard_layout(layout :str) -> bool: for language in list_keyboard_languages(): if layout.lower() == language.lower(): return True return False def verify_x11_keyboard_layout(layout :str) -> bool: for language in list_x11_keyboard_languages(): if layout.lower() == language.lower(): return True return False def set_keyboard_language(locale :str) -> bool: if len(locale.strip()): if not verify_keyboard_layout(locale): error(f"Invalid keyboard locale specified: {locale}") return False try: SysCommand(f'localectl set-keymap {locale}') except SysCallError as err: raise ServiceException(f"Unable to set locale '{locale}' for console: {err}") return True return False def list_timezones() -> Iterator[str]: for line in SysCommand("timedatectl --no-pager list-timezones", environment_vars={'SYSTEMD_COLORS': '0'}): yield line.decode('UTF-8').strip()