from __future__ import annotations import ipaddress from typing import Any, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, List, Dict from import MenuSelectionType, TextInput from ..models.network_configuration import NetworkConfiguration, NicType, Nic from ..networking import list_interfaces from ..output import FormattedOutput, warn from import ListManager, Menu if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class ManualNetworkConfig(ListManager): """ subclass of ListManager for the managing of network configurations """ def __init__(self, prompt: str, preset: List[Nic]): self._actions = [ str(_('Add interface')), str(_('Edit interface')), str(_('Delete interface')) ] super().__init__(prompt, preset, [self._actions[0]], self._actions[1:]) def reformat(self, data: List[Nic]) -> Dict[str, Optional[Nic]]: table = FormattedOutput.as_table(data) rows = table.split('\n') # these are the header rows of the table and do not map to any User obviously # we're adding 2 spaces as prefix because the menu selector '> ' will be put before # the selectable rows so the header has to be aligned display_data: Dict[str, Optional[Nic]] = {f' {rows[0]}': None, f' {rows[1]}': None} for row, iface in zip(rows[2:], data): row = row.replace('|', '\\|') display_data[row] = iface return display_data def selected_action_display(self, nic: Nic) -> str: return nic.iface if nic.iface else '' def handle_action(self, action: str, entry: Optional[Nic], data: List[Nic]): if action == self._actions[0]: # add iface = self._select_iface(data) if iface: nic = Nic(iface=iface) nic = self._edit_iface(nic) data += [nic] elif entry: if action == self._actions[1]: # edit interface data = [d for d in data if d.iface != entry.iface] data.append(self._edit_iface(entry)) elif action == self._actions[2]: # delete data = [d for d in data if d != entry] return data def _select_iface(self, data: List[Nic]) -> Optional[str]: all_ifaces = list_interfaces().values() existing_ifaces = [d.iface for d in data] available = set(all_ifaces) - set(existing_ifaces) choice = Menu(str(_('Select interface to add')), list(available), skip=True).run() if choice.type_ == MenuSelectionType.Skip: return None return choice.single_value def _edit_iface(self, edit_nic: Nic) -> Nic: iface_name = edit_nic.iface modes = ['DHCP (auto detect)', 'IP (static)'] default_mode = 'DHCP (auto detect)' prompt = _('Select which mode to configure for "{}" or skip to use default mode "{}"').format(iface_name, default_mode) mode = Menu(prompt, modes, default_option=default_mode, skip=False).run() if mode.value == 'IP (static)': while 1: prompt = _('Enter the IP and subnet for {} (example: ').format(iface_name) ip = TextInput(prompt, edit_nic.ip).run().strip() # Implemented new check for correct IP/subnet input try: ipaddress.ip_interface(ip) break except ValueError: warn("You need to enter a valid IP in IP-config mode") # Implemented new check for correct gateway IP address gateway = None while 1: gateway = TextInput( _('Enter your gateway (router) IP address or leave blank for none: '), edit_nic.gateway ).run().strip() try: if len(gateway) > 0: ipaddress.ip_address(gateway) break except ValueError: warn("You need to enter a valid gateway (router) IP address") if edit_nic.dns: display_dns = ' '.join(edit_nic.dns) else: display_dns = None dns_input = TextInput(_('Enter your DNS servers (space separated, blank for none): '), display_dns).run().strip() dns = [] if len(dns_input): dns = dns_input.split(' ') return Nic(iface=iface_name, ip=ip, gateway=gateway, dns=dns, dhcp=False) else: # this will contain network iface names return Nic(iface=iface_name) def ask_to_configure_network(preset: Optional[NetworkConfiguration]) -> Optional[NetworkConfiguration]: """ Configure the network on the newly installed system """ options = {n.display_msg(): n for n in NicType} preset_val = preset.type.display_msg() if preset else None warning = str(_('Are you sure you want to reset this setting?')) choice = Menu( _('Select one network interface to configure'), list(options.keys()), preset_values=preset_val, sort=False, allow_reset=True, allow_reset_warning_msg=warning ).run() match choice.type_: case MenuSelectionType.Skip: return preset case MenuSelectionType.Reset: return None case MenuSelectionType.Selection: nic_type = options[choice.single_value] match nic_type: case NicType.ISO: return NetworkConfiguration(NicType.ISO) case NicType.NM: return NetworkConfiguration(NicType.NM) case NicType.MANUAL: preset_nics = preset.nics if preset else [] nics = ManualNetworkConfig('Configure interfaces', preset_nics).run() if nics: return NetworkConfiguration(NicType.MANUAL, nics) return preset