import os, stat from .exceptions import * from .disk import * from .general import * from .user_interaction import * from .profiles import Profile class Installer(): """ `Installer()` is the wrapper for most basic installation steps. It also wraps :py:func:`~archinstall.Installer.pacstrap` among other things. :param partition: Requires a partition as the first argument, this is so that the installer can mount to `mountpoint` and strap packages there. :type partition: class:`archinstall.Partition` :param boot_partition: There's two reasons for needing a boot partition argument, The first being so that `mkinitcpio` can place the `vmlinuz` kernel at the right place during the `pacstrap` or `linux` and the base packages for a minimal installation. The second being when :py:func:`~archinstall.Installer.add_bootloader` is called, A `boot_partition` must be known to the installer before this is called. :type boot_partition: class:`archinstall.Partition` :param profile: A profile to install, this is optional and can be called later manually. This just simplifies the process by not having to call :py:func:`~archinstall.Installer.install_profile` later on. :type profile: str, optional :param hostname: The given /etc/hostname for the machine. :type hostname: str, optional """ def __init__(self, partition, boot_partition, *, base_packages='base base-devel linux linux-firmware efibootmgr nano', profile=None, mountpoint='/mnt', hostname='ArchInstalled'): self.profile = profile self.hostname = hostname self.mountpoint = mountpoint self.helper_flags = { 'bootloader' : False, 'base' : False, 'user' : False # Root counts as a user, if additional users are skipped. } self.base_packages = base_packages.split(' ') self.partition = partition self.boot_partition = boot_partition def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.partition.mount(self.mountpoint) os.makedirs(f'{self.mountpoint}/boot', exist_ok=True) self.boot_partition.mount(f'{self.mountpoint}/boot') return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # b''.join(sys_command(f'sync')) # No need to, since the underlaying fs() object will call sync. # TODO: if len(args) >= 2 and args[1]: raise args[1] if not (missing_steps := self.post_install_check()): log('Installation completed without any errors. You may now reboot.', bg='black', fg='green') return True else: log('Some required steps were not successfully installed/configured before leaving the installer:', bg='black', fg='red') for step in missing_steps: log(f' - {step}', bg='black', fg='red') return False def post_install_check(self, *args, **kwargs): return [step for step, flag in self.helper_flags.items() if flag is False] def pacstrap(self, *packages, **kwargs): if type(packages[0]) in (list, tuple): packages = packages[0] log(f'Installing packages: {packages}') if (sync_mirrors := sys_command('/usr/bin/pacman -Syy')).exit_code == 0: if (pacstrap := sys_command(f'/usr/bin/pacstrap {self.mountpoint} {" ".join(packages)}', **kwargs)).exit_code == 0: return True else: log(f'Could not strap in packages: {pacstrap.exit_code}') else: log(f'Could not sync mirrors: {sync_mirrors.exit_code}') def genfstab(self, flags='-Pu'): o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/genfstab -pU {self.mountpoint} >> {self.mountpoint}/etc/fstab')) if not os.path.isfile(f'{self.mountpoint}/etc/fstab'): raise RequirementError(f'Could not generate fstab, strapping in packages most likely failed (disk out of space?)\n{o}') return True def set_hostname(self, hostname=None, *args, **kwargs): if not hostname: hostname = self.hostname with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/etc/hostname', 'w') as fh: fh.write(self.hostname + '\n') def set_locale(self, locale, encoding='UTF-8', *args, **kwargs): if not len(locale): return True with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/etc/locale.gen', 'a') as fh: fh.write(f'{locale}.{encoding} {encoding}\n') with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/etc/locale.conf', 'w') as fh: fh.write(f'LANG={locale}.{encoding}\n') return True if sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} locale-gen').exit_code == 0 else False def set_timezone(self, zone, *args, **kwargs): if not len(zone): return True o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/{zone} /etc/localtime')) return True def activate_ntp(self): log(f'Installing and activating NTP.') if self.pacstrap('ntp'): if self.enable_service('ntpd'): return True def enable_service(self, service): log(f'Enabling service {service}') return self.arch_chroot(f'systemctl enable {service}').exit_code == 0 def run_command(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): return sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} {cmd}') def arch_chroot(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): return self.run_command(cmd) def minimal_installation(self): ## Add nessecary packages if encrypting the drive ## (encrypted partitions default to btrfs for now, so we need btrfs-progs) ## TODO: Perhaps this should be living in the function which dictates ## the partitioning. Leaving here for now. if self.partition.filesystem == 'btrfs': #if self.partition.encrypted: self.base_packages.append('btrfs-progs') self.pacstrap(self.base_packages) self.genfstab() with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/etc/fstab', 'a') as fstab: fstab.write('\ntmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0\n') # Redundant \n at the start? who knoes? ## TODO: Support locale and timezone #os.remove(f'{self.mountpoint}/etc/localtime') #sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/{localtime} /etc/localtime') #sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt hwclock --hctosys --localtime') self.set_hostname() self.set_locale('en_US.UTF-8') # TODO: Use python functions for this sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} chmod 700 /root') if self.partition.filesystem == 'btrfs': with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf', 'w') as mkinit: ## TODO: Don't replace it, in case some update in the future actually adds something. mkinit.write('MODULES=(btrfs)\n') mkinit.write('BINARIES=(/usr/bin/btrfs)\n') mkinit.write('FILES=()\n') mkinit.write('HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block encrypt filesystems keyboard fsck)\n') sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} mkinitcpio -p linux') self.helper_flags['base'] = True return True def add_bootloader(self): log(f'Adding bootloader to {self.boot_partition}') o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} bootctl --no-variables --path=/boot install')) with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/boot/loader/loader.conf', 'w') as loader: loader.write('default arch\n') loader.write('timeout 5\n') ## For some reason, blkid and /dev/disk/by-uuid are not getting along well. ## And blkid is wrong in terms of LUKS. #UUID = sys_command('blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args)).decode('UTF-8').strip() with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf', 'w') as entry: entry.write('title Arch Linux\n') entry.write('linux /vmlinuz-linux\n') entry.write('initrd /initramfs-linux.img\n') ## blkid doesn't trigger on loopback devices really well, ## so we'll use the old manual method until we get that sorted out. if self.partition.encrypted: for root, folders, uids in os.walk('/dev/disk/by-uuid'): for uid in uids: real_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, uid)) if not os.path.basename(real_path) == os.path.basename(self.partition.real_device): continue entry.write(f'options cryptdevice=UUID={uid}:luksdev root=/dev/mapper/luksdev rw intel_pstate=no_hwp\n') self.helper_flags['bootloader'] = True return True break else: for root, folders, uids in os.walk('/dev/disk/by-partuuid'): for uid in uids: real_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, uid)) if not os.path.basename(real_path) == os.path.basename(self.partition.path): continue entry.write(f'options root=PARTUUID={uid} rw intel_pstate=no_hwp\n') self.helper_flags['bootloader'] = True return True break raise RequirementError(f'Could not identify the UUID of {self.partition}, there for {self.mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf will be broken until fixed.') def add_additional_packages(self, *packages): return self.pacstrap(*packages) def install_profile(self, profile): profile = Profile(self, profile) log(f'Installing network profile {profile}') return profile.install() def enable_sudo(self, entity :str, group=False): log(f'Enabling sudo permissions for {entity}.') with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/etc/sudoers', 'a') as sudoers: sudoers.write(f'{"%" if group else ""}{entity} ALL=(ALL) ALL\n') return True def user_create(self, user :str, password=None, groups=[], sudo=False): log(f'Creating user {user}') o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} useradd -m -G wheel {user}')) if password: self.user_set_pw(user, password) if groups: for group in groups: o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} gpasswd -a {user} {group}')) if sudo and self.enable_sudo(user): self.helper_flags['user'] = True def user_set_pw(self, user, password): log(f'Setting password for {user}') if user == 'root': # This means the root account isn't locked/disabled with * in /etc/passwd self.helper_flags['user'] = True o = b''.join(sys_command(f"/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c \"echo '{user}:{password}' | chpasswd\"")) pass def set_keyboard_language(language): with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/etc/vconsole.conf', 'w') as vconsole: vconsole.write(f'KEYMAP={language}\n') vconsole.write(f'FONT=lat9w-16\n') return True def add_AUR_support(self): log(f'Building and installing yay support into {self.mountpoint}') self.add_additional_packages(['git', 'base-devel']) # TODO: Remove if not explicitly added at one point o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "useradd -m -G wheel aibuilder"')) o = b''.join(sys_command(f"/usr/bin/sed -i 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/' {self.mountpoint}/etc/sudoers")) o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "su - aibuilder -c \\"(cd /home/aibuilder; git clone\\""')) o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "chown -R aibuilder.aibuilder /home/aibuilder/yay"')) log(f'Building and installing yay.') o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "su - aibuilder -c \\"(cd /home/aibuilder/yay; makepkg -si --noconfirm)\\" >/dev/null"')) o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "userdel aibuilder; rm -rf /hoem/aibuilder"')) o = b''.join(sys_command(f"/usr/bin/sed -i 's/^%wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/' {self.mountpoint}/etc/sudoers")) def yay(self, *packages, **kwargs): if type(packages[0]) in (list, tuple): packages = packages[0] log(f'Installing AUR packages: {packages}') if (sync_mirrors := sys_command('/usr/bin/pacman -Syy')).exit_code == 0: o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "useradd -m -G wheel aibuilder"')) o = b''.join(sys_command(f"/usr/bin/sed -i 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/' {self.mountpoint}/etc/sudoers")) o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "su - aibuilder -c \\"/usr/bin/yay -S --noconfirm {" ".join(packages)}\\" >/dev/null"')) o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "userdel aibuilder; rm -rf /hoem/aibuilder"')) o = b''.join(sys_command(f"/usr/bin/sed -i 's/^%wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/' {self.mountpoint}/etc/sudoers")) return True else: log(f'Could not sync mirrors: {sync_mirrors.exit_code}') def add_AUR_packages(self, *packages): return self.yay(*packages)