import glob
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Dict, Callable

from . import disk
from .exceptions import DiskError, ServiceException, RequirementError, HardwareIncompatibilityError, SysCallError
from .general import SysCommand
from .hardware import SysInfo
from .locale import LocaleConfiguration
from .locale import verify_keyboard_layout, verify_x11_keyboard_layout
from .luks import Luks2
from .mirrors import use_mirrors, MirrorConfiguration, add_custom_mirrors
from .models.bootloader import Bootloader
from .models.network_configuration import NetworkConfiguration
from .models.users import User
from .output import log, error, info, warn, debug
from . import pacman
from .pacman import Pacman
from .plugins import plugins
from .storage import storage

	_: Any

# Any package that the Installer() is responsible for (optional and the default ones)
__packages__ = ["base", "base-devel", "linux-firmware", "linux", "linux-lts", "linux-zen", "linux-hardened"]

# Additional packages that are installed if the user is running the Live ISO with accessibility tools enabled
__accessibility_packages__ = ["brltty", "espeakup", "alsa-utils"]

def accessibility_tools_in_use() -> bool:
	return os.system('systemctl is-active --quiet espeakup.service') == 0

class Installer:
	def __init__(
		target: Path,
		disk_config: disk.DiskLayoutConfiguration,
		disk_encryption: Optional[disk.DiskEncryption] = None,
		base_packages: List[str] = [],
		kernels: Optional[List[str]] = None
		`Installer()` is the wrapper for most basic installation steps.
		It also wraps :py:func:`~archinstall.Installer.pacstrap` among other things.
		self.base_packages = base_packages or __packages__[:3]
		self.kernels = kernels or ['linux']
		self._disk_config = disk_config

		self._disk_encryption = disk_encryption or disk.DiskEncryption(disk.EncryptionType.NoEncryption) Path = target

		self.init_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
		self.milliseconds = int(str(time.time()).split('.')[1])
		self.helper_flags: Dict[str, Any] = {'base': False, 'bootloader': None}

		for kernel in self.kernels:

		# If using accessibility tools in the live environment, append those to the packages list
		if accessibility_tools_in_use():

		self.post_base_install: List[Callable] = []

		# TODO: Figure out which one of these two we'll use.. But currently we're mixing them..
		storage['session'] = self
		storage['installation_session'] = self

		self.modules: List[str] = []
		self._binaries: List[str] = []
		self._files: List[str] = []

		# systemd, sd-vconsole and sd-encrypt will be replaced by udev, keymap and encrypt
		# if HSM is not used to encrypt the root volume. Check mkinitcpio() function for that override.
		self._hooks: List[str] = [
			"base", "systemd", "autodetect", "keyboard",
			"sd-vconsole", "modconf", "block", "filesystems", "fsck"
		self._kernel_params: List[str] = []
		self._fstab_entries: List[str] = []

		self._zram_enabled = False
		self.pacman = Pacman(, storage['arguments'].get('silent', False))

	def __enter__(self) -> 'Installer':
		return self

	def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
		if exc_type is not None:


			# We avoid printing /mnt/<log path> because that might confuse people if they note it down
			# and then reboot, and a identical log file will be found in the ISO medium anyway.
			print(_("[!] A log file has been created here: {}").format(os.path.join(storage['LOG_PATH'], storage['LOG_FILE'])))
			print(_("    Please submit this issue (and file) to"))
			raise exc_val

		if not (missing_steps := self.post_install_check()):
			log('Installation completed without any errors. You may now reboot.', fg='green')
			return True
			warn('Some required steps were not successfully installed/configured before leaving the installer:')

			for step in missing_steps:
				warn(f' - {step}')

			warn(f"Detailed error logs can be found at: {storage['LOG_PATH']}")
			warn("Submit this zip file as an issue to")

			return False

	def _verify_service_stop(self):
		Certain services might be running that affects the system during installation.
		One such service is "reflector.service" which updates /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
		We need to wait for it before we continue since we opted in to use a custom mirror/region.
		info('Waiting for time sync (systemd-timesyncd.service) to complete.')
		while SysCommand('timedatectl show --property=NTPSynchronized --value').decode().rstrip() != 'yes':

		info('Waiting for automatic mirror selection (reflector) to complete.')
		while self._service_state('reflector') not in ('dead', 'failed', 'exited'):

		# info('Waiting for pacman-init.service to complete.')
		# while self._service_state('pacman-init') not in ('dead', 'failed', 'exited'):
		# 	time.sleep(1)

		info('Waiting for Arch Linux keyring sync (archlinux-keyring-wkd-sync) to complete.')
		# Wait for the timer to kick in
		while self._service_started('archlinux-keyring-wkd-sync.timer') is None:

		# Wait for the service to enter a finished state
		while self._service_state('archlinux-keyring-wkd-sync.service') not in ('dead', 'failed', 'exited'):

	def _verify_boot_part(self):
		Check that mounted /boot device has at minimum size for installation
		The reason this check is here is to catch pre-mounted device configuration and potentially
		configured one that has not gone through any previous checks (e.g. --silence mode)

		NOTE: this function should be run AFTER running the mount_ordered_layout function
		boot_mount = / 'boot'
		lsblk_info = disk.get_lsblk_by_mountpoint(boot_mount)

		if len(lsblk_info) > 0:
			if lsblk_info[0].size < disk.Size(200, disk.Unit.MiB):
				raise DiskError(
					f'The boot partition mounted at {boot_mount} is not large enough to install a boot loader. '
					f'Please resize it to at least 200MiB and re-run the installation.'

	def sanity_check(self):

	def mount_ordered_layout(self):
		info('Mounting partitions in order')

		for mod in self._disk_config.device_modifications:
			# partitions have to mounted in the right order on btrfs the mountpoint will
			# be empty as the actual subvolumes are getting mounted instead so we'll use
			# '/' just for sorting
			sorted_part_mods = sorted(mod.partitions, key=lambda x: x.mountpoint or Path('/'))

			enc_partitions = []
			if self._disk_encryption.encryption_type is not disk.EncryptionType.NoEncryption:
				enc_partitions = list(set(sorted_part_mods) & set(self._disk_encryption.partitions))

			# attempt to decrypt all luks partitions
			luks_handlers = self._prepare_luks_partitions(enc_partitions)

			for part_mod in sorted_part_mods:
				if luks_handler := luks_handlers.get(part_mod):
					# mount encrypted partition
					self._mount_luks_partiton(part_mod, luks_handler)
					# partition is not encrypted

	def _prepare_luks_partitions(self, partitions: List[disk.PartitionModification]) -> Dict[disk.PartitionModification, Luks2]:
		return {
			part_mod: disk.device_handler.unlock_luks2_dev(
			for part_mod in partitions
			if part_mod.mapper_name and part_mod.dev_path

	def _mount_partition(self, part_mod: disk.PartitionModification):
		# it would be none if it's btrfs as the subvolumes will have the mountpoints defined
		if part_mod.mountpoint and part_mod.dev_path:
			target = / part_mod.relative_mountpoint
			disk.device_handler.mount(part_mod.dev_path, target, options=part_mod.mount_options)

		if part_mod.fs_type == disk.FilesystemType.Btrfs and part_mod.dev_path:
			self._mount_btrfs_subvol(part_mod.dev_path, part_mod.btrfs_subvols)

	def _mount_luks_partiton(self, part_mod: disk.PartitionModification, luks_handler: Luks2):
		# it would be none if it's btrfs as the subvolumes will have the mountpoints defined
		if part_mod.mountpoint and luks_handler.mapper_dev:
			target = / part_mod.relative_mountpoint
			disk.device_handler.mount(luks_handler.mapper_dev, target, options=part_mod.mount_options)

		if part_mod.fs_type == disk.FilesystemType.Btrfs and luks_handler.mapper_dev:
			self._mount_btrfs_subvol(luks_handler.mapper_dev, part_mod.btrfs_subvols)

	def _mount_btrfs_subvol(self, dev_path: Path, subvolumes: List[disk.SubvolumeModification]):
		for subvol in subvolumes:
			mountpoint = / subvol.relative_mountpoint
			mount_options = subvol.mount_options + [f'subvol={}']
			disk.device_handler.mount(dev_path, mountpoint, options=mount_options)

	def generate_key_files(self):
		for part_mod in self._disk_encryption.partitions:
			gen_enc_file = self._disk_encryption.should_generate_encryption_file(part_mod)

			luks_handler = Luks2(

			if gen_enc_file and not part_mod.is_root():
				info(f'Creating key-file: {part_mod.dev_path}')

			if part_mod.is_root() and not gen_enc_file:
				if self._disk_encryption.hsm_device:

	def sync_log_to_install_medium(self) -> bool:
		# Copy over the install log (if there is one) to the install medium if
		# at least the base has been strapped in, otherwise we won't have a filesystem/structure to copy to.
		if self.helper_flags.get('base-strapped', False) is True:
			if filename := storage.get('LOG_FILE', None):
				absolute_logfile = os.path.join(storage.get('LOG_PATH', './'), filename)

				if not os.path.isdir(f"{}/{os.path.dirname(absolute_logfile)}"):

				shutil.copy2(absolute_logfile, f"{}/{absolute_logfile}")

		return True

	def add_swapfile(self, size='4G', enable_resume=True, file='/swapfile'):
		if file[:1] != '/':
			file = f"/{file}"
		if len(file.strip()) <= 0 or file == '/':
			raise ValueError(f"The filename for the swap file has to be a valid path, not: {}{file}")

		SysCommand(f'dd if=/dev/zero of={}{file} bs={size} count=1')
		SysCommand(f'chmod 0600 {}{file}')
		SysCommand(f'mkswap {}{file}')

		self._fstab_entries.append(f'{file} none swap defaults 0 0')

		if enable_resume:
			resume_uuid = SysCommand(f'findmnt -no UUID -T {}{file}').decode('UTF-8').strip()
			resume_offset = SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/filefrag -v {}{file}').decode('UTF-8').split('0:', 1)[1].split(":", 1)[1].split("..", 1)[0].strip()


	def post_install_check(self, *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> List[str]:
		return [step for step, flag in self.helper_flags.items() if flag is False]

	def set_mirrors(self, mirror_config: MirrorConfiguration):
		for plugin in plugins.values():
			if hasattr(plugin, 'on_mirrors'):
				if result := plugin.on_mirrors(mirror_config):
					mirror_config = result

		destination = f'{}/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'
		if mirror_config.mirror_regions:
			use_mirrors(mirror_config.mirror_regions, destination)
		if mirror_config.custom_mirrors:

	def genfstab(self, flags :str = '-pU'):
		fstab_path = / "etc" / "fstab"
		info(f"Updating {fstab_path}")

			gen_fstab = SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/genfstab {flags} {}').decode()
		except SysCallError as err:
			raise RequirementError(f'Could not generate fstab, strapping in packages most likely failed (disk out of space?)\n Error: {err}')

		if not gen_fstab:
			raise RequirementError(f'Genrating fstab returned empty value')

		with open(fstab_path, 'a') as fp:

		if not fstab_path.is_file():
			raise RequirementError(f'Could not create fstab file')

		for plugin in plugins.values():
			if hasattr(plugin, 'on_genfstab'):
				if plugin.on_genfstab(self) is True:

		with open(fstab_path, 'a') as fp:
			for entry in self._fstab_entries:

		for mod in self._disk_config.device_modifications:
			for part_mod in mod.partitions:
				if part_mod.fs_type != disk.FilesystemType.Btrfs:

				with'r') as fp:
					fstab = fp.readlines()

				# Replace the {installation}/etc/fstab with entries
				# using the compress=zstd where the mountpoint has compression set.
				for index, line in enumerate(fstab):
					# So first we grab the mount options by using subvol=.*? as a locator.
					# And we also grab the mountpoint for the entry, for instance /var/log
					subvoldef = re.findall(',.*?subvol=.*?[\t ]', line)
					mountpoint = re.findall('[\t ]/.*?[\t ]', line)

					if not subvoldef or not mountpoint:

					for sub_vol in part_mod.btrfs_subvols:
						# We then locate the correct subvolume and check if it's compressed,
						# and skip entries where compression is already defined
						# We then sneak in the compress=zstd option if it doesn't already exist:
						if sub_vol.compress and str(sub_vol.mountpoint) == Path(mountpoint[0].strip()) and ',compress=zstd,' not in line:
							fstab[index] = line.replace(subvoldef[0], f',compress=zstd{subvoldef[0]}')

				with'w') as fp:

	def set_hostname(self, hostname: str, *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> None:
		with open(f'{}/etc/hostname', 'w') as fh:
			fh.write(hostname + '\n')

	def set_locale(self, locale_config: LocaleConfiguration):
		modifier = ''
		lang = locale_config.sys_lang
		encoding = locale_config.sys_enc

		# This is a temporary patch to fix #1200
		if '.' in locale_config.sys_lang:
			lang, potential_encoding = locale_config.sys_lang.split('.', 1)

			# Override encoding if encoding is set to the default parameter
			# and the "found" encoding differs.
			if locale_config.sys_enc == 'UTF-8' and locale_config.sys_enc != potential_encoding:
				encoding = potential_encoding

		# Make sure we extract the modifier, that way we can put it in if needed.
		if '@' in locale_config.sys_lang:
			lang, modifier = locale_config.sys_lang.split('@', 1)
			modifier = f"@{modifier}"
		# - End patch

		with open(f'{}/etc/locale.gen', 'a') as fh:
			fh.write(f'{lang}.{encoding}{modifier} {encoding}\n')

		( / "etc" / "locale.conf").write_text(f'LANG={lang}.{encoding}{modifier}\n')

			SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} locale-gen')
		except SysCallError as e:
			error(f'Failed to run locale-gen on target: {e}')

	def set_timezone(self, zone :str, *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> bool:
		if not zone:
			return True
		if not len(zone):
			return True  # Redundant

		for plugin in plugins.values():
			if hasattr(plugin, 'on_timezone'):
				if result := plugin.on_timezone(zone):
					zone = result

		if (Path("/usr") / "share" / "zoneinfo" / zone).exists():
			(Path( / "etc" / "localtime").unlink(missing_ok=True)
			SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/{zone} /etc/localtime')
			return True

			warn(f'Time zone {zone} does not exist, continuing with system default')

		return False

	def activate_time_syncronization(self) -> None:
		info('Activating systemd-timesyncd for time synchronization using Arch Linux and NTP servers')

	def enable_espeakup(self) -> None:
		info('Enabling espeakup.service for speech synthesis (accessibility)')

	def enable_periodic_trim(self) -> None:
		info("Enabling periodic TRIM")
		# fstrim is owned by util-linux, a dependency of both base and systemd.

	def enable_service(self, services: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None:
		if isinstance(services, str):
			services = [services]

		for service in services:
			info(f'Enabling service {service}')

				self.arch_chroot(f'systemctl enable {service}')
			except SysCallError as err:
				raise ServiceException(f"Unable to start service {service}: {err}")

			for plugin in plugins.values():
				if hasattr(plugin, 'on_service'):

	def run_command(self, cmd :str, *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> SysCommand:
		return SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} {cmd}')

	def arch_chroot(self, cmd :str, run_as :Optional[str] = None) -> SysCommand:
		if run_as:
			cmd = f"su - {run_as} -c {shlex.quote(cmd)}"

		return self.run_command(cmd)

	def drop_to_shell(self) -> None:
		subprocess.check_call(f"/usr/bin/arch-chroot {}", shell=True)

	def configure_nic(self, network_config: NetworkConfiguration) -> None:
		conf = network_config.as_systemd_config()

		for plugin in plugins.values():
			if hasattr(plugin, 'on_configure_nic'):
				conf = plugin.on_configure_nic(
				) or conf

		with open(f"{}/etc/systemd/network/10-{network_config.iface}.network", "a") as netconf:

	def copy_iso_network_config(self, enable_services :bool = False) -> bool:
		# Copy (if any) iwd password and config files
		if os.path.isdir('/var/lib/iwd/'):
			if psk_files := glob.glob('/var/lib/iwd/*.psk'):
				if not os.path.isdir(f"{}/var/lib/iwd"):

				if enable_services:
					# If we haven't installed the base yet (function called pre-maturely)
					if self.helper_flags.get('base', False) is False:

						# This function will be called after minimal_installation()
						# as a hook for post-installs. This hook is only needed if
						# base is not installed yet.
						def post_install_enable_iwd_service(*args :str, **kwargs :str):

					# Otherwise, we can go ahead and add the required package
					# and enable it's service:

				for psk in psk_files:
					shutil.copy2(psk, f"{}/var/lib/iwd/{os.path.basename(psk)}")

		# Copy (if any) systemd-networkd config files
		if netconfigurations := glob.glob('/etc/systemd/network/*'):
			if not os.path.isdir(f"{}/etc/systemd/network/"):

			for netconf_file in netconfigurations:
				shutil.copy2(netconf_file, f"{}/etc/systemd/network/{os.path.basename(netconf_file)}")

			if enable_services:
				# If we haven't installed the base yet (function called pre-maturely)
				if self.helper_flags.get('base', False) is False:

					def post_install_enable_networkd_resolved(*args :str, **kwargs :str):
						self.enable_service(['systemd-networkd', 'systemd-resolved'])

				# Otherwise, we can go ahead and enable the services
					self.enable_service(['systemd-networkd', 'systemd-resolved'])

		return True

	def mkinitcpio(self, flags: List[str], locale_config: LocaleConfiguration) -> bool:
		for plugin in plugins.values():
			if hasattr(plugin, 'on_mkinitcpio'):
				# Allow plugins to override the usage of mkinitcpio altogether.
				if plugin.on_mkinitcpio(self):
					return True

		# mkinitcpio will error out if there's no vconsole.
		if (vconsole := Path(f"{}/etc/vconsole.conf")).exists() is False:
			with'w') as fh:

		with open(f'{}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf', 'w') as mkinit:
			mkinit.write(f"MODULES=({' '.join(self.modules)})\n")
			mkinit.write(f"BINARIES=({' '.join(self._binaries)})\n")
			mkinit.write(f"FILES=({' '.join(self._files)})\n")

			if not self._disk_encryption.hsm_device:
				# For now, if we don't use HSM we revert to the old
				# way of setting up encryption hooks for mkinitcpio.
				# This is purely for stability reasons, we're going away from this.
				# * systemd -> udev
				# * sd-vconsole -> keymap
				self._hooks = [hook.replace('systemd', 'udev').replace('sd-vconsole', 'keymap') for hook in self._hooks]

			mkinit.write(f"HOOKS=({' '.join(self._hooks)})\n")

			SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} mkinitcpio {" ".join(flags)}')
			return True
		except SysCallError:
			return False

	def minimal_installation(
		testing: bool = False,
		multilib: bool = False,
		hostname: str = 'archinstall',
		locale_config: LocaleConfiguration = LocaleConfiguration.default()
		for mod in self._disk_config.device_modifications:
			for part in mod.partitions:
				if part.fs_type is not None:
					if (pkg := part.fs_type.installation_pkg) is not None:
					if (module := part.fs_type.installation_module) is not None:
					if (binary := part.fs_type.installation_binary) is not None:

					# There is not yet an fsck tool for NTFS. If it's being used for the root filesystem, the hook should be removed.
					if part.fs_type.fs_type_mount == 'ntfs3' and part.mountpoint ==
						if 'fsck' in self._hooks:

					if part in self._disk_encryption.partitions:
						if self._disk_encryption.hsm_device:
							# Required bby mkinitcpio to add support for fido2-device options

							if 'sd-encrypt' not in self._hooks:
								self._hooks.insert(self._hooks.index('filesystems'), 'sd-encrypt')
							if 'encrypt' not in self._hooks:
								self._hooks.insert(self._hooks.index('filesystems'), 'encrypt')

		if not SysInfo.has_uefi():

		if not SysInfo.is_vm():
			vendor = SysInfo.cpu_vendor()
			if vendor == "AuthenticAMD":
				if (ucode := Path(f"{}/boot/amd-ucode.img")).exists():
			elif vendor == "GenuineIntel":
				if (ucode := Path(f"{}/boot/intel-ucode.img")).exists():
				debug(f"Unknown CPU vendor '{vendor}' detected. Archinstall won't install any ucode")

		# Determine whether to enable multilib/testing repositories before running pacstrap if testing flag is set.
		# This action takes place on the host system as pacstrap copies over package repository lists.
		pacman_conf = pacman.Config(
		if multilib:
			info("The multilib flag is set. This system will be installed with the multilib repository enabled.")
			info("The multilib flag is not set. This system will be installed without multilib repositories enabled.")

		if testing:
			info("The testing flag is set. This system will be installed with testing repositories enabled.")
			if multilib:
			info("The testing flag is not set. This system will be installed without testing repositories enabled.")


		self.helper_flags['base-strapped'] = True


		# Periodic TRIM may improve the performance and longevity of SSDs whilst
		# having no adverse effect on other devices. Most distributions enable
		# periodic TRIM by default.

		# TODO: Support locale and timezone
		# os.remove(f'{}/etc/localtime')
		# sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/{localtime} /etc/localtime')
		# sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt hwclock --hctosys --localtime')

		# TODO: Use python functions for this
		SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} chmod 700 /root')

		self.mkinitcpio(['-P'], locale_config)

		self.helper_flags['base'] = True

		# Run registered post-install hooks
		for function in self.post_base_install:
			info(f"Running post-installation hook: {function}")

		for plugin in plugins.values():
			if hasattr(plugin, 'on_install'):

	def setup_swap(self, kind :str = 'zram'):
		if kind == 'zram':
			info(f"Setting up swap on zram")

			# We could use the default example below, but maybe not the best idea:
			# zram_example_location = '/usr/share/doc/zram-generator/zram-generator.conf.example'
			# shutil.copy2(f"{}{zram_example_location}", f"{}/usr/lib/systemd/zram-generator.conf")
			with open(f"{}/etc/systemd/zram-generator.conf", "w") as zram_conf:


			self._zram_enabled = True
			raise ValueError(f"Archinstall currently only supports setting up swap on zram")

	def _get_boot_partition(self) -> Optional[disk.PartitionModification]:
		for layout in self._disk_config.device_modifications:
			if boot := layout.get_boot_partition():
				return boot
		return None

	def _get_root_partition(self) -> Optional[disk.PartitionModification]:
		for mod in self._disk_config.device_modifications:
			if root := mod.get_root_partition(self._disk_config.relative_mountpoint):
				return root
		return None

	def _add_systemd_bootloader(self, root_partition: disk.PartitionModification):

		if not SysInfo.has_uefi():
			raise HardwareIncompatibilityError

		# TODO: Ideally we would want to check if another config
		# points towards the same disk and/or partition.
		# And in which case we should do some clean up.

		# Install the boot loader
			SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} bootctl --esp-path=/boot install')
		except SysCallError:
			# Fallback, try creating the boot loader without touching the EFI variables
			SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} bootctl --no-variables --esp-path=/boot install')

		# Ensure that the /boot/loader directory exists before we try to create files in it
		loader_dir = / 'boot/loader'
		loader_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

		# Modify or create a loader.conf
		loader_conf = loader_dir / 'loader.conf'

			with as loader:
				loader_data ='\n')
		except FileNotFoundError:
			loader_data = [
				f"default {self.init_time}",
				"timeout 15"

		with'w') as loader:
			for line in loader_data:
				if line[:8] == 'default ':
					loader.write(f'default {self.init_time}_{self.kernels[0]}\n')
				elif line[:8] == '#timeout' and 'timeout 15' not in loader_data:
					# We add in the default timeout to support dual-boot

		# Ensure that the /boot/loader/entries directory exists before we try to create files in it
		entries_dir = loader_dir / 'entries'
		entries_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

		for kernel in self.kernels:
			for variant in ("", "-fallback"):
				# Setup the loader entry
				with open(entries_dir / f'{self.init_time}_{kernel}{variant}.conf', 'w') as entry:
					entry.write('# Created by: archinstall\n')
					entry.write(f'# Created on: {self.init_time}\n')
					entry.write(f'title Arch Linux ({kernel}{variant})\n')
					entry.write(f"linux /vmlinuz-{kernel}\n")
					if not SysInfo.is_vm():
						vendor = SysInfo.cpu_vendor()
						if vendor == "AuthenticAMD":
							entry.write("initrd /amd-ucode.img\n")
						elif vendor == "GenuineIntel":
							entry.write("initrd /intel-ucode.img\n")
								f"Unknown CPU vendor '{vendor}' detected.",
								"Archinstall won't add any ucode to systemd-boot config.",

					entry.write(f"initrd /initramfs-{kernel}{variant}.img\n")
					# blkid doesn't trigger on loopback devices really well,
					# so we'll use the old manual method until we get that sorted out.

					options_entry = f'rw rootfstype={root_partition.safe_fs_type.fs_type_mount} {" ".join(self._kernel_params)}\n'

					for sub_vol in root_partition.btrfs_subvols:
						if sub_vol.is_root():
							options_entry = f"rootflags=subvol={} " + options_entry

					# Zswap should be disabled when using zram.
					if self._zram_enabled:
						options_entry = "zswap.enabled=0 " + options_entry

					if root_partition.safe_fs_type.is_crypto():
						# TODO: We need to detect if the encrypted device is a whole disk encryption,
						#       or simply a partition encryption. Right now we assume it's a partition (and we always have)
						debug('Root partition is an encrypted device, identifying by PARTUUID: {root_partition.partuuid}')

						kernel_options = f"options"

						if self._disk_encryption and self._disk_encryption.hsm_device:
							# Note: lsblk UUID must be used, not PARTUUID for sd-encrypt to work
							kernel_options += f'{root_partition.uuid}=luksdev'
							# Note: tpm2-device and fido2-device don't play along very well:
							kernel_options += f' rd.luks.options=fido2-device=auto,password-echo=no'
							kernel_options += f' cryptdevice=PARTUUID={root_partition.partuuid}:luksdev'

						entry.write(f'{kernel_options} root=/dev/mapper/luksdev {options_entry}')
						debug(f'Identifying root partition by PARTUUID: {root_partition.partuuid}')
						entry.write(f'options root=PARTUUID={root_partition.partuuid} {options_entry}')

		self.helper_flags['bootloader'] = 'systemd'

	def _add_grub_bootloader(
		boot_partition: disk.PartitionModification,
		root_partition: disk.PartitionModification
		self.pacman.strap('grub')  # no need?

		_file = "/etc/default/grub"

		if root_partition.safe_fs_type.is_crypto():
			debug(f"Using UUID {root_partition.uuid} as encrypted root identifier")

			cmd_line_linux = f"sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"\"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"cryptdevice=UUID={root_partition.uuid}:cryptlvm rootfstype={root_partition.safe_fs_type.value}\"/'"
			enable_cryptdisk = "sed -i 's/#GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y/GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y/'"

			SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} {enable_cryptdisk} {_file}")
			cmd_line_linux = f"sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"\"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"rootfstype={root_partition.safe_fs_type.value}\"/'"

		SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} {cmd_line_linux} {_file}")

		info(f"GRUB boot partition: {boot_partition.dev_path}")

		if SysInfo.has_uefi():
			self.pacman.strap('efibootmgr') # TODO: Do we need? Yes, but remove from minimal_installation() instead?

				SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} grub-install --debug --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB --removable', peek_output=True)
			except SysCallError:
					SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} grub-install --debug --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB --removable', peek_output=True)
				except SysCallError as err:
					raise DiskError(f"Could not install GRUB to {}/boot: {err}")
			device = disk.device_handler.get_device_by_partition_path(boot_partition.safe_dev_path)

			if not device:
				raise ValueError(f'Can not find block device: {boot_partition.safe_dev_path}')

				cmd = f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot' \
					f' {}' \
					f' grub-install' \
					f' --debug' \
					f' --target=i386-pc' \
					f' --recheck {device.device_info.path}'

				SysCommand(cmd, peek_output=True)
			except SysCallError as err:
				raise DiskError(f"Failed to install GRUB boot on {boot_partition.dev_path}: {err}")

			SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg')
		except SysCallError as err:
			raise DiskError(f"Could not configure GRUB: {err}")

		self.helper_flags['bootloader'] = "grub"

	def _add_efistub_bootloader(
		boot_partition: disk.PartitionModification,
		root_partition: disk.PartitionModification

		if not SysInfo.has_uefi():
			raise HardwareIncompatibilityError

		# TODO: Ideally we would want to check if another config
		# points towards the same disk and/or partition.
		# And in which case we should do some clean up.

		for kernel in self.kernels:
			# Setup the firmware entry
			label = f'Arch Linux ({kernel})'
			loader = f"/vmlinuz-{kernel}"

			kernel_parameters = []

			if not SysInfo.is_vm():
				vendor = SysInfo.cpu_vendor()
				if vendor == "AuthenticAMD":
				elif vendor == "GenuineIntel":
					debug(f"Unknown CPU vendor '{vendor}' detected. Archinstall won't add any ucode to firmware boot entry.")


			# blkid doesn't trigger on loopback devices really well,
			# so we'll use the old manual method until we get that sorted out.

			if root_partition.safe_fs_type.is_crypto():
				# TODO: We need to detect if the encrypted device is a whole disk encryption,
				#       or simply a partition encryption. Right now we assume it's a partition (and we always have)
				debug(f'Identifying root partition by PARTUUID: {root_partition.partuuid}')
				kernel_parameters.append(f'cryptdevice=PARTUUID={root_partition.partuuid}:luksdev root=/dev/mapper/luksdev rw rootfstype={root_partition.safe_fs_type.value} {" ".join(self._kernel_params)}')
				debug(f'Root partition is an encrypted device identifying by PARTUUID: {root_partition.partuuid}')
				kernel_parameters.append(f'root=PARTUUID={root_partition.partuuid} rw rootfstype={root_partition.safe_fs_type.value} {" ".join(self._kernel_params)}')

			device = disk.device_handler.get_device_by_partition_path(boot_partition.safe_dev_path)

			if not device:
				raise ValueError(f'Unable to find block device: {boot_partition.safe_dev_path}')

			cmd = f'efibootmgr ' \
				f'--disk {device.device_info.path} ' \
				f'--part {boot_partition.safe_dev_path} ' \
				f'--create ' \
				f'--label "{label}" ' \
				f'--loader {loader} ' \
				f'--unicode \'{" ".join(kernel_parameters)}\' ' \


		self.helper_flags['bootloader'] = "efistub"

	def add_bootloader(self, bootloader: Bootloader):
		Adds a bootloader to the installation instance.
		Archinstall supports one of three types:
		* systemd-bootctl
		* grub
		* efistub (beta)

		:param bootloader: Type of bootloader to be added

		for plugin in plugins.values():
			if hasattr(plugin, 'on_add_bootloader'):
				# Allow plugins to override the boot-loader handling.
				# This allows for bot configuring and installing bootloaders.
				if plugin.on_add_bootloader(self):
					return True

		boot_partition = self._get_boot_partition()
		root_partition = self._get_root_partition()

		if boot_partition is None:
			raise ValueError(f'Could not detect boot at mountpoint {}')

		if root_partition is None:
			raise ValueError(f'Could not detect root at mountpoint {}')

		info(f'Adding bootloader {bootloader.value} to {boot_partition.dev_path}')

		match bootloader:
			case Bootloader.Systemd:
			case Bootloader.Grub:
				self._add_grub_bootloader(boot_partition, root_partition)
			case Bootloader.Efistub:
				self._add_efistub_bootloader(boot_partition, root_partition)

	def add_additional_packages(self, packages: Union[str, List[str]]) -> bool:
		return self.pacman.strap(packages)

	def _enable_users(self, service: str, users: List[User]):
		for user in users:
			self.arch_chroot(f'systemctl enable --user {service}', run_as=user.username)

	def enable_sudo(self, entity: str, group :bool = False):
		info(f'Enabling sudo permissions for {entity}')

		sudoers_dir = f"{}/etc/sudoers.d"

		# Creates directory if not exists
		if not (sudoers_path := Path(sudoers_dir)).exists():
			# Guarantees sudoer confs directory recommended perms
			os.chmod(sudoers_dir, 0o440)
			# Appends a reference to the sudoers file, because if we are here sudoers.d did not exist yet
			with open(f'{}/etc/sudoers', 'a') as sudoers:
				sudoers.write('@includedir /etc/sudoers.d\n')

		# We count how many files are there already so we know which number to prefix the file with
		num_of_rules_already = len(os.listdir(sudoers_dir))
		file_num_str = "{:02d}".format(num_of_rules_already) # We want 00_user1, 01_user2, etc

		# Guarantees that entity str does not contain invalid characters for a linux file name:
		# \ / : * ? " < > |
		safe_entity_file_name = re.sub(r'(\\|\/|:|\*|\?|"|<|>|\|)', '', entity)

		rule_file_name = f"{sudoers_dir}/{file_num_str}_{safe_entity_file_name}"

		with open(rule_file_name, 'a') as sudoers:
			sudoers.write(f'{"%" if group else ""}{entity} ALL=(ALL) ALL\n')

		# Guarantees sudoer conf file recommended perms
		os.chmod(Path(rule_file_name), 0o440)

	def create_users(self, users: Union[User, List[User]]):
		if not isinstance(users, list):
			users = [users]

		for user in users:
			self.user_create(user.username, user.password, user.groups, user.sudo)

	def user_create(self, user :str, password :Optional[str] = None, groups :Optional[List[str]] = None, sudo :bool = False) -> None:
		if groups is None:
			groups = []

		# This plugin hook allows for the plugin to handle the creation of the user.
		# Password and Group management is still handled by user_create()
		handled_by_plugin = False
		for plugin in plugins.values():
			if hasattr(plugin, 'on_user_create'):
				if result := plugin.on_user_create(self, user):
					handled_by_plugin = result

		if not handled_by_plugin:
			info(f'Creating user {user}')
				SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} useradd -m -G wheel {user}')
			except SysCallError as err:
				raise SystemError(f"Could not create user inside installation: {err}")

		for plugin in plugins.values():
			if hasattr(plugin, 'on_user_created'):
				if result := plugin.on_user_created(self, user):
					handled_by_plugin = result

		if password:
			self.user_set_pw(user, password)

		if groups:
			for group in groups:
				SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} gpasswd -a {user} {group}')

		if sudo and self.enable_sudo(user):
			self.helper_flags['user'] = True

	def user_set_pw(self, user :str, password :str) -> bool:
		info(f'Setting password for {user}')

		if user == 'root':
			# This means the root account isn't locked/disabled with * in /etc/passwd
			self.helper_flags['user'] = True

		combo = f'{user}:{password}'
		echo = shlex.join(['echo', combo])
		sh = shlex.join(['sh', '-c', echo])

			SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} " + sh[:-1] + " | chpasswd'")
			return True
		except SysCallError:
			return False

	def user_set_shell(self, user :str, shell :str) -> bool:
		info(f'Setting shell for {user} to {shell}')

			SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} sh -c \"chsh -s {shell} {user}\"")
			return True
		except SysCallError:
			return False

	def chown(self, owner :str, path :str, options :List[str] = []) -> bool:
		cleaned_path = path.replace('\'', '\\\'')
			SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/arch-chroot {} sh -c 'chown {' '.join(options)} {owner} {cleaned_path}'")
			return True
		except SysCallError:
			return False

	def set_keyboard_language(self, language: str) -> bool:
		info(f"Setting keyboard language to {language}")

		if len(language.strip()):
			if not verify_keyboard_layout(language):
				error(f"Invalid keyboard language specified: {language}")
				return False

			# In accordance with
			# Setting an empty keymap first, allows the subsequent call to set layout for both console and x11.
			from .boot import Boot
			with Boot(self) as session:
				os.system('/usr/bin/systemd-run --machine=archinstall --pty localectl set-keymap ""')

					session.SysCommand(["localectl", "set-keymap", language])
				except SysCallError as err:
					raise ServiceException(f"Unable to set locale '{language}' for console: {err}")

				info(f"Keyboard language for this installation is now set to: {language}")
			info('Keyboard language was not changed from default (no language specified)')

		return True

	def set_x11_keyboard_language(self, language: str) -> bool:
		A fallback function to set x11 layout specifically and separately from console layout.
		This isn't strictly necessary since .set_keyboard_language() does this as well.
		info(f"Setting x11 keyboard language to {language}")

		if len(language.strip()):
			if not verify_x11_keyboard_layout(language):
				error(f"Invalid x11-keyboard language specified: {language}")
				return False

			from .boot import Boot
			with Boot(self) as session:
				session.SysCommand(["localectl", "set-x11-keymap", '""'])

					session.SysCommand(["localectl", "set-x11-keymap", language])
				except SysCallError as err:
					raise ServiceException(f"Unable to set locale '{language}' for X11: {err}")
			info(f'X11-Keyboard language was not changed from default (no language specified)')

		return True

	def _service_started(self, service_name: str) -> Optional[str]:
		if os.path.splitext(service_name)[1] not in ('.service', '.target', '.timer'):
			service_name += '.service'  # Just to be safe

		last_execution_time = b''.join(SysCommand(f"systemctl show --property=ActiveEnterTimestamp --no-pager {service_name}", environment_vars={'SYSTEMD_COLORS': '0'}))
		last_execution_time = last_execution_time.lstrip(b'ActiveEnterTimestamp=').strip()
		if not last_execution_time:
			return None

		return last_execution_time.decode('UTF-8')

	def _service_state(self, service_name: str) -> str:
		if os.path.splitext(service_name)[1] not in ('.service', '.target', '.timer'):
			service_name += '.service'  # Just to be safe

		state = b''.join(SysCommand(f'systemctl show --no-pager -p SubState --value {service_name}', environment_vars={'SYSTEMD_COLORS': '0'}))

		return state.strip().decode('UTF-8')