import os from functools import cached_property from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Dict, List from .general import SysCommand from .networking import list_interfaces, enrich_iface_types from .exceptions import SysCallError from .output import debug AVAILABLE_GFX_DRIVERS = { # Sub-dicts are layer-2 options to be selected # and lists are a list of packages to be installed "All open-source (default)": [ "mesa", "xf86-video-amdgpu", "xf86-video-ati", "xf86-video-nouveau", "xf86-video-vmware", "libva-mesa-driver", "libva-intel-driver", "intel-media-driver", "vulkan-radeon", "vulkan-intel", ], "AMD / ATI (open-source)": [ "mesa", "xf86-video-amdgpu", "xf86-video-ati", "libva-mesa-driver", "vulkan-radeon", ], "Intel (open-source)": [ "mesa", "libva-intel-driver", "intel-media-driver", "vulkan-intel", ], "Nvidia (open kernel module for newer GPUs, Turing+)": ["nvidia-open"], "Nvidia (open-source nouveau driver)": [ "mesa", "xf86-video-nouveau", "libva-mesa-driver" ], "Nvidia (proprietary)": ["nvidia"], "VMware / VirtualBox (open-source)": ["mesa", "xf86-video-vmware"], } class _SysInfo: def __init__(self): pass @cached_property def cpu_info(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Returns system cpu information """ cpu_info_path = Path("/proc/cpuinfo") cpu: Dict[str, str] = {} with as file: for line in file: if line := line.strip(): key, value = line.split(":", maxsplit=1) cpu[key.strip()] = value.strip() return cpu @cached_property def mem_info(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Returns system memory information """ mem_info_path = Path("/proc/meminfo") mem_info: Dict[str, int] = {} with as file: for line in file: key, value = line.strip().split(':') num = value.split()[0] mem_info[key] = int(num) return mem_info def mem_info_by_key(self, key: str) -> int: return self.mem_info[key] _sys_info = _SysInfo() class SysInfo: @staticmethod def has_wifi() -> bool: ifaces = list(list_interfaces().values()) return 'WIRELESS' in enrich_iface_types(ifaces).values() @staticmethod def has_uefi() -> bool: return os.path.isdir('/sys/firmware/efi') @staticmethod def _graphics_devices() -> Dict[str, str]: cards: Dict[str, str] = {} for line in SysCommand("lspci"): if b' VGA ' in line or b' 3D ' in line: _, identifier = line.split(b': ', 1) cards[identifier.strip().decode('UTF-8')] = str(line) return cards @staticmethod def has_nvidia_graphics() -> bool: return any('nvidia' in x.lower() for x in SysInfo._graphics_devices()) @staticmethod def has_amd_graphics() -> bool: return any('amd' in x.lower() for x in SysInfo._graphics_devices()) @staticmethod def has_intel_graphics() -> bool: return any('intel' in x.lower() for x in SysInfo._graphics_devices()) @staticmethod def cpu_vendor() -> Optional[str]: return _sys_info.cpu_info.get('vendor_id', None) @staticmethod def cpu_model() -> Optional[str]: return _sys_info.cpu_info.get('model name', None) @staticmethod def sys_vendor() -> str: with open(f"/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor") as vendor: return @staticmethod def product_name() -> str: with open(f"/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name") as product: return @staticmethod def mem_available() -> int: return _sys_info.mem_info_by_key('MemAvailable') @staticmethod def mem_free() -> int: return _sys_info.mem_info_by_key('MemFree') @staticmethod def mem_total() -> int: return _sys_info.mem_info_by_key('MemTotal') @staticmethod def virtualization() -> Optional[str]: try: return str(SysCommand("systemd-detect-virt")).strip('\r\n') except SysCallError as err: debug(f"Could not detect virtual system: {err}") return None @staticmethod def is_vm() -> bool: try: result = SysCommand("systemd-detect-virt") return b"none" not in b"".join(result).lower() except SysCallError as err: debug(f"System is not running in a VM: {err}") return False @staticmethod def _loaded_modules() -> List[str]: """ Returns loaded kernel modules """ modules_path = Path('/proc/modules') modules: List[str] = [] with as file: for line in file: module = line.split(maxsplit=1)[0] modules.append(module) return modules @staticmethod def requires_sof() -> bool: return 'snd_sof' in SysInfo._loaded_modules()