from __future__ import annotations import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Tuple from .device_model import PartitionModification, FilesystemType, BDevice, Size, Unit, PartitionType, PartitionFlag, \ ModificationStatus, DeviceGeometry from import Menu, ListManager, MenuSelection, TextInput from ..output import FormattedOutput, warn from .subvolume_menu import SubvolumeMenu if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class PartitioningList(ListManager): """ subclass of ListManager for the managing of user accounts """ def __init__(self, prompt: str, device: BDevice, device_partitions: List[PartitionModification]): self._device = device self._actions = { 'create_new_partition': str(_('Create a new partition')), 'suggest_partition_layout': str(_('Suggest partition layout')), 'remove_added_partitions': str(_('Remove all newly added partitions')), 'assign_mountpoint': str(_('Assign mountpoint')), 'mark_formatting': str(_('Mark/Unmark to be formatted (wipes data)')), 'mark_bootable': str(_('Mark/Unmark as bootable')), 'set_filesystem': str(_('Change filesystem')), 'btrfs_mark_compressed': str(_('Mark/Unmark as compressed')), # btrfs only 'btrfs_set_subvolumes': str(_('Set subvolumes')), # btrfs only 'delete_partition': str(_('Delete partition')) } display_actions = list(self._actions.values()) super().__init__(prompt, device_partitions, display_actions[:2], display_actions[3:]) def reformat(self, data: List[PartitionModification]) -> Dict[str, Optional[PartitionModification]]: table = FormattedOutput.as_table(data) rows = table.split('\n') # these are the header rows of the table and do not map to any User obviously # we're adding 2 spaces as prefix because the menu selector '> ' will be put before # the selectable rows so the header has to be aligned display_data: Dict[str, Optional[PartitionModification]] = {f' {rows[0]}': None, f' {rows[1]}': None} for row, user in zip(rows[2:], data): row = row.replace('|', '\\|') display_data[row] = user return display_data def selected_action_display(self, partition: PartitionModification) -> str: return str(_('Partition')) def filter_options(self, selection: PartitionModification, options: List[str]) -> List[str]: not_filter = [] # only display formatting if the partition exists already if not selection.exists(): not_filter += [self._actions['mark_formatting']] else: # only allow these options if the existing partition # was marked as formatting, otherwise we run into issues where # 1. select a new fs -> potentially mark as wipe now # 2. Switch back to old filesystem -> should unmark wipe now, but # how do we know it was the original one? not_filter += [ self._actions['set_filesystem'], self._actions['assign_mountpoint'], self._actions['mark_bootable'], self._actions['btrfs_mark_compressed'], self._actions['btrfs_set_subvolumes'] ] # non btrfs partitions shouldn't get btrfs options if selection.fs_type != FilesystemType.Btrfs: not_filter += [self._actions['btrfs_mark_compressed'], self._actions['btrfs_set_subvolumes']] else: not_filter += [self._actions['assign_mountpoint']] return [o for o in options if o not in not_filter] def handle_action( self, action: str, entry: Optional[PartitionModification], data: List[PartitionModification] ) -> List[PartitionModification]: action_key = [k for k, v in self._actions.items() if v == action][0] match action_key: case 'create_new_partition': new_partition = self._create_new_partition() data += [new_partition] case 'suggest_partition_layout': new_partitions = self._suggest_partition_layout(data) if len(new_partitions) > 0: data = new_partitions case 'remove_added_partitions': choice = self._reset_confirmation() if choice.value == Menu.yes(): data = [part for part in data if part.is_exists_or_modify()] case 'assign_mountpoint' if entry: entry.mountpoint = self._prompt_mountpoint() if entry.mountpoint == Path('/boot'): entry.set_flag(PartitionFlag.Boot) case 'mark_formatting' if entry: self._prompt_formatting(entry) case 'mark_bootable' if entry: entry.invert_flag(PartitionFlag.Boot) case 'set_filesystem' if entry: fs_type = self._prompt_partition_fs_type() if fs_type: entry.fs_type = fs_type # btrfs subvolumes will define mountpoints if fs_type == FilesystemType.Btrfs: entry.mountpoint = None case 'btrfs_mark_compressed' if entry: self._set_compressed(entry) case 'btrfs_set_subvolumes' if entry: self._set_btrfs_subvolumes(entry) case 'delete_partition' if entry: data = self._delete_partition(entry, data) return data def _delete_partition( self, entry: PartitionModification, data: List[PartitionModification] ) -> List[PartitionModification]: if entry.is_exists_or_modify(): entry.status = ModificationStatus.Delete return data else: return [d for d in data if d != entry] def _set_compressed(self, partition: PartitionModification): compression = 'compress=zstd' if compression in partition.mount_options: partition.mount_options = [o for o in partition.mount_options if o != compression] else: partition.mount_options.append(compression) def _set_btrfs_subvolumes(self, partition: PartitionModification): partition.btrfs_subvols = SubvolumeMenu( _("Manage btrfs subvolumes for current partition"), partition.btrfs_subvols ).run() def _prompt_formatting(self, partition: PartitionModification): # an existing partition can toggle between Exist or Modify if partition.is_modify(): partition.status = ModificationStatus.Exist return elif partition.exists(): partition.status = ModificationStatus.Modify # If we mark a partition for formatting, but the format is CRYPTO LUKS, there's no point in formatting it really # without asking the user which inner-filesystem they want to use. Since the flag 'encrypted' = True is already set, # it's safe to change the filesystem for this partition. if partition.fs_type == FilesystemType.Crypto_luks: prompt = str(_('This partition is currently encrypted, to format it a filesystem has to be specified')) fs_type = self._prompt_partition_fs_type(prompt) partition.fs_type = fs_type if fs_type == FilesystemType.Btrfs: partition.mountpoint = None def _prompt_mountpoint(self) -> Path: header = str(_('Partition mount-points are relative to inside the installation, the boot would be /boot as an example.')) + '\n' header += str(_('If mountpoint /boot is set, then the partition will also be marked as bootable.')) + '\n' prompt = str(_('Mountpoint: ')) print(header) while True: value = TextInput(prompt).run().strip() if value: mountpoint = Path(value) break return mountpoint def _prompt_partition_fs_type(self, prompt: str = '') -> FilesystemType: options = {fs.value: fs for fs in FilesystemType if fs != FilesystemType.Crypto_luks} prompt = prompt + '\n' + str(_('Enter a desired filesystem type for the partition')) choice = Menu(prompt, options, sort=False, skip=False).run() return options[choice.single_value] def _validate_value( self, sector_size: Size, total_size: Size, value: str ) -> Optional[Size]: match = re.match(r'([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z|%]*)', value, re.I) if match: value, unit = match.groups() if unit == '%': unit = if unit and unit not in Unit.get_all_units(): return None unit = Unit[unit] if unit else Unit.sectors return Size(int(value), unit, sector_size, total_size) return None def _enter_size( self, sector_size: Size, total_size: Size, prompt: str, default: Size ) -> Size: while True: value = TextInput(prompt).run().strip() size: Optional[Size] = None if not value: size = default else: size = self._validate_value(sector_size, total_size, value) if size: return size warn(f'Invalid value: {value}') def _prompt_size(self) -> Tuple[Size, Size]: device_info = self._device.device_info text = str(_('Current free sectors on device {}:')).format(device_info.path) + '\n\n' free_space_table = FormattedOutput.as_table(device_info.free_space_regions) prompt = text + free_space_table + '\n' total_sectors = device_info.total_size.format_size(Unit.sectors, device_info.sector_size) total_bytes = device_info.total_size.format_size(Unit.B) prompt += str(_('Total: {} / {}')).format(total_sectors, total_bytes) + '\n\n' prompt += str(_('All entered values can be suffixed with a unit: B, KB, KiB, MB, MiB...')) + '\n' prompt += str(_('If no unit is provided, the value is interpreted as sectors')) + '\n' print(prompt) largest_free_area: DeviceGeometry = max(device_info.free_space_regions, key=lambda r: r.get_length()) # prompt until a valid start sector was entered default_start = Size(largest_free_area.start, Unit.sectors, device_info.sector_size) start_prompt = str(_('Enter start (default: sector {}): ')).format(largest_free_area.start) start_size = self._enter_size( device_info.sector_size, device_info.total_size, start_prompt, default_start ) if start_size.value == largest_free_area.start: end_size = Size(largest_free_area.end, Unit.sectors, device_info.sector_size) else: end_size = Size(100, Unit.Percent, total_size=device_info.total_size) # prompt until valid end sector was entered end_prompt = str(_('Enter end (default: {}): ')).format(end_size.as_text()) end_size = self._enter_size( device_info.sector_size, device_info.total_size, end_prompt, end_size ) return start_size, end_size def _create_new_partition(self) -> PartitionModification: fs_type = self._prompt_partition_fs_type() start_size, end_size = self._prompt_size() length = end_size - start_size # new line for the next prompt print() mountpoint = None if fs_type != FilesystemType.Btrfs: mountpoint = self._prompt_mountpoint() partition = PartitionModification( status=ModificationStatus.Create, type=PartitionType.Primary, start=start_size, length=length, fs_type=fs_type, mountpoint=mountpoint ) if partition.mountpoint == Path('/boot'): partition.set_flag(PartitionFlag.Boot) return partition def _reset_confirmation(self) -> MenuSelection: prompt = str(_('This will remove all newly added partitions, continue?')) choice = Menu(prompt, Menu.yes_no(),, skip=False).run() return choice def _suggest_partition_layout(self, data: List[PartitionModification]) -> List[PartitionModification]: # if modifications have been done already, inform the user # that this operation will erase those modifications if any([not entry.exists() for entry in data]): choice = self._reset_confirmation() if choice.value == return [] from ..interactions.disk_conf import suggest_single_disk_layout device_modification = suggest_single_disk_layout(self._device) return device_modification.partitions def manual_partitioning( device: BDevice, prompt: str = '', preset: List[PartitionModification] = [] ) -> List[PartitionModification]: if not prompt: prompt = str(_('Partition management: {}')).format(device.device_info.path) + '\n' prompt += str(_('Total length: {}')).format(device.device_info.total_size.format_size(Unit.MiB)) manual_preset = [] if not preset: # we'll display the existing partitions of the device for partition in device.partition_infos: manual_preset.append( PartitionModification.from_existing_partition(partition) ) else: manual_preset = preset menu_list = PartitioningList(prompt, device, manual_preset) partitions: List[PartitionModification] = if menu_list.is_last_choice_cancel(): return preset return partitions