import glob import pathlib import time import logging import json import os import hashlib from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, List, Union from .blockdevice import BlockDevice from .helpers import get_mount_info, get_filesystem_type, convert_size_to_gb, split_bind_name from import storage from ..exceptions import DiskError, SysCallError, UnknownFilesystemFormat from ..output import log from ..general import SysCommand class Partition: def __init__(self, path: str, block_device: BlockDevice, part_id :Optional[str] = None, filesystem :Optional[str] = None, mountpoint :Optional[str] = None, encrypted :bool = False, autodetect_filesystem :bool = True): if not part_id: part_id = os.path.basename(path) self.block_device = block_device self.path = path self.part_id = part_id self.mountpoint = mountpoint self.target_mountpoint = mountpoint self.filesystem = filesystem self._encrypted = None self.encrypted = encrypted self.allow_formatting = False if mountpoint: self.mount(mountpoint) try: mount_information = get_mount_info(self.path) except DiskError: mount_information = {} if self.mountpoint != mount_information.get('target', None) and mountpoint: raise DiskError(f"{self} was given a mountpoint but the actual mountpoint differs: {mount_information.get('target', None)}") if target := mount_information.get('target', None): self.mountpoint = target if not self.filesystem and autodetect_filesystem: if fstype := mount_information.get('fstype', get_filesystem_type(path)): self.filesystem = fstype if self.filesystem == 'crypto_LUKS': self.encrypted = True def __lt__(self, left_comparitor :BlockDevice) -> bool: if type(left_comparitor) == Partition: left_comparitor = left_comparitor.path else: left_comparitor = str(left_comparitor) # The goal is to check if /dev/nvme0n1p1 comes before /dev/nvme0n1p5 return self.path < left_comparitor def __repr__(self, *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> str: mount_repr = '' if self.mountpoint: mount_repr = f", mounted={self.mountpoint}" elif self.target_mountpoint: mount_repr = f", rel_mountpoint={self.target_mountpoint}" if self._encrypted: return f'Partition(path={self.path}, size={self.size}, PARTUUID={self._safe_uuid}, parent={self.real_device}, fs={self.filesystem}{mount_repr})' else: return f'Partition(path={self.path}, size={self.size}, PARTUUID={self._safe_uuid}, fs={self.filesystem}{mount_repr})' def __dump__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { 'type': 'primary', 'PARTUUID': self._safe_uuid, 'wipe': self.allow_formatting, 'boot': self.boot, 'ESP': self.boot, 'mountpoint': self.target_mountpoint, 'encrypted': self._encrypted, 'start': self.start, 'size': self.end, 'filesystem': { 'format': get_filesystem_type(self.path) } } @property def sector_size(self) -> Optional[int]: output = json.loads(SysCommand(f"lsblk --json -o+LOG-SEC {self.device_path}").decode('UTF-8')) for device in output['blockdevices']: return device.get('log-sec', None) @property def start(self) -> Optional[str]: output = json.loads(SysCommand(f"sfdisk --json {self.block_device.path}").decode('UTF-8')) for partition in output.get('partitiontable', {}).get('partitions', []): if partition['node'] == self.path: return partition['start'] # * self.sector_size @property def end(self) -> Optional[str]: # TODO: Verify that the logic holds up, that 'size' is the size without 'start' added to it. output = json.loads(SysCommand(f"sfdisk --json {self.block_device.path}").decode('UTF-8')) for partition in output.get('partitiontable', {}).get('partitions', []): if partition['node'] == self.path: return partition['size'] # * self.sector_size @property def size(self) -> Optional[float]: for i in range(storage['DISK_RETRY_ATTEMPTS']): self.partprobe() if (handle := SysCommand(f"lsblk --json -b -o+SIZE {self.device_path}")).exit_code == 0: lsblk = json.loads(handle.decode('UTF-8')) for device in lsblk['blockdevices']: return convert_size_to_gb(device['size']) time.sleep(storage['DISK_TIMEOUTS']) @property def boot(self) -> bool: output = json.loads(SysCommand(f"sfdisk --json {self.block_device.path}").decode('UTF-8')) # Get the bootable flag from the sfdisk output: # { # "partitiontable": { # "device":"/dev/loop0", # "partitions": [ # {"node":"/dev/loop0p1", "start":2048, "size":10483712, "type":"83", "bootable":true} # ] # } # } for partition in output.get('partitiontable', {}).get('partitions', []): if partition['node'] == self.path: return partition.get('bootable', False) return False @property def partition_type(self) -> Optional[str]: lsblk = json.loads(SysCommand(f"lsblk --json -o+PTTYPE {self.device_path}").decode('UTF-8')) for device in lsblk['blockdevices']: return device['pttype'] @property def uuid(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the PARTUUID as returned by lsblk. This is more reliable than relying on /dev/disk/by-partuuid as it doesn't seam to be able to detect md raid partitions. For bind mounts all the subvolumes share the same uuid """ for i in range(storage['DISK_RETRY_ATTEMPTS']): self.partprobe() partuuid = self._safe_uuid if partuuid: return partuuid time.sleep(storage['DISK_TIMEOUTS']) raise DiskError(f"Could not get PARTUUID for {self.path} using 'blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {self.path}'") @property def _safe_uuid(self) -> Optional[str]: """ A near copy of self.uuid but without any delays. This function should only be used where uuid is not crucial. For instance when you want to get a __repr__ of the class. """ self.partprobe() return SysCommand(f'blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {self.device_path}').decode('UTF-8').strip() @property def encrypted(self) -> Union[bool, None]: return self._encrypted @encrypted.setter def encrypted(self, value: bool) -> None: self._encrypted = value @property def parent(self) -> str: return self.real_device @property def real_device(self) -> str: for blockdevice in json.loads(SysCommand('lsblk -J').decode('UTF-8'))['blockdevices']: if parent := self.find_parent_of(blockdevice, os.path.basename(self.device_path)): return f"/dev/{parent}" # raise DiskError(f'Could not find appropriate parent for encrypted partition {self}') return self.path @property def device_path(self) -> str: """ for bind mounts returns the phisical path of the partition """ device_path, bind_name = split_bind_name(self.path) return device_path @property def bind_name(self) -> str: """ for bind mounts returns the bind name (subvolume path). Returns none if this property does not exist """ device_path, bind_name = split_bind_name(self.path) return bind_name def partprobe(self) -> bool: if SysCommand(f'bash -c "partprobe"').exit_code == 0: time.sleep(1) return True return False def detect_inner_filesystem(self, password :str) -> Optional[str]: log(f'Trying to detect inner filesystem format on {self} (This might take a while)', level=logging.INFO) from ..luks import luks2 try: with luks2(self, storage.get('ENC_IDENTIFIER', 'ai') + 'loop', password, auto_unmount=True) as unlocked_device: return unlocked_device.filesystem except SysCallError: return None def has_content(self) -> bool: fs_type = get_filesystem_type(self.path) if not fs_type or "swap" in fs_type: return False temporary_mountpoint = '/tmp/' + hashlib.md5(bytes(f"{time.time()}", 'UTF-8') + os.urandom(12)).hexdigest() temporary_path = pathlib.Path(temporary_mountpoint) temporary_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if (handle := SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/mount {self.path} {temporary_mountpoint}')).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f'Could not mount and check for content on {self.path} because: {b"".join(handle)}') files = len(glob.glob(f"{temporary_mountpoint}/*")) iterations = 0 while SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/umount -R {temporary_mountpoint}").exit_code != 0 and (iterations := iterations + 1) < 10: time.sleep(1) temporary_path.rmdir() return True if files > 0 else False def encrypt(self, *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> str: """ A wrapper function for luks2() instances and the .encrypt() method of that instance. """ from ..luks import luks2 handle = luks2(self, None, None) return handle.encrypt(self, *args, **kwargs) def format(self, filesystem :Optional[str] = None, path :Optional[str] = None, log_formatting :bool = True, options :List[str] = []) -> bool: """ Format can be given an overriding path, for instance /dev/null to test the formatting functionality and in essence the support for the given filesystem. """ if filesystem is None: filesystem = self.filesystem if path is None: path = self.path # This converts from fat32 -> vfat to unify filesystem names filesystem = get_mount_fs_type(filesystem) # To avoid "unable to open /dev/x: No such file or directory" start_wait = time.time() while pathlib.Path(path).exists() is False and time.time() - start_wait < 10: time.sleep(0.025) if log_formatting: log(f'Formatting {path} -> {filesystem}', level=logging.INFO) if filesystem == 'btrfs': options = ['-f'] + options if 'UUID:' not in (mkfs := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.btrfs {' '.join(options)} {path}").decode('UTF-8')): raise DiskError(f'Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {mkfs}') self.filesystem = filesystem elif filesystem == 'vfat': options = ['-F32'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.vfat {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self.filesystem = filesystem elif filesystem == 'ext4': options = ['-F'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.ext4 {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self.filesystem = filesystem elif filesystem == 'ext2': options = ['-F'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.ext2 {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f'Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {b"".join(handle)}') self.filesystem = 'ext2' elif filesystem == 'xfs': options = ['-f'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.xfs {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self.filesystem = filesystem elif filesystem == 'f2fs': options = ['-f'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.f2fs {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self.filesystem = filesystem elif filesystem == 'ntfs3': options = ['-f'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.ntfs -Q {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self.filesystem = filesystem elif filesystem == 'crypto_LUKS': # from ..luks import luks2 # encrypted_partition = luks2(self, None, None) # encrypted_partition.format(path) self.filesystem = filesystem else: raise UnknownFilesystemFormat(f"Fileformat '{filesystem}' is not yet implemented.") if get_filesystem_type(path) == 'crypto_LUKS' or get_filesystem_type(self.real_device) == 'crypto_LUKS': self.encrypted = True else: self.encrypted = False return True def find_parent_of(self, data :Dict[str, Any], name :str, parent :Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: if data['name'] == name: return parent elif 'children' in data: for child in data['children']: if parent := self.find_parent_of(child, name, parent=data['name']): return parent def mount(self, target :str, fs :Optional[str] = None, options :str = '') -> bool: if not self.mountpoint: log(f'Mounting {self} to {target}', level=logging.INFO) if not fs: if not self.filesystem: raise DiskError(f'Need to format (or define) the filesystem on {self} before mounting.') fs = self.filesystem fs_type = get_mount_fs_type(fs) pathlib.Path(target).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if self.bind_name: device_path = self.device_path # TODO options should be better be a list than a string if options: options = f"{options},subvol={self.bind_name}" else: options = f"subvol={self.bind_name}" else: device_path = self.path try: if options: mnt_handle = SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mount -t {fs_type} -o {options} {device_path} {target}") else: mnt_handle = SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mount -t {fs_type} {device_path} {target}") # TODO: Should be redundant to check for exit_code if mnt_handle.exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not mount {self.path} to {target} using options {options}") except SysCallError as err: raise err self.mountpoint = target return True return False def unmount(self) -> bool: worker = SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/umount {self.path}") # Without to much research, it seams that low error codes are errors. # And above 8k is indicators such as "/dev/x not mounted.". # So anything in between 0 and 8k are errors (?). if 0 < worker.exit_code < 8000: raise SysCallError(f"Could not unmount {self.path} properly: {worker}", exit_code=worker.exit_code) self.mountpoint = None return True def umount(self) -> bool: return self.unmount() def filesystem_supported(self) -> bool: """ The support for a filesystem (this partition) is tested by calling partition.format() with a path set to '/dev/null' which returns two exceptions: 1. SysCallError saying that /dev/null is not formattable - but the filesystem is supported 2. UnknownFilesystemFormat that indicates that we don't support the given filesystem type """ try: self.format(self.filesystem, '/dev/null', log_formatting=False, allow_formatting=True) except (SysCallError, DiskError): pass # We supported it, but /dev/null is not formattable as expected so the mkfs call exited with an error code except UnknownFilesystemFormat as err: raise err return True def get_mount_fs_type(fs :str) -> str: if fs == 'ntfs': return 'ntfs3' # Needed to use the Paragon R/W NTFS driver elif fs == 'fat32': return 'vfat' # This is the actual type used for fat32 mounting return fs