import glob import time import logging import json import os import hashlib import typing from dataclasses import dataclass, field from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, List, Union, Iterator from .blockdevice import BlockDevice from .helpers import get_filesystem_type, convert_size_to_gb, split_bind_name from import storage from ..exceptions import DiskError, SysCallError, UnknownFilesystemFormat from ..output import log from ..general import SysCommand from .btrfs.btrfs_helpers import subvolume_info_from_path from .btrfs.btrfssubvolumeinfo import BtrfsSubvolumeInfo @dataclass class PartitionInfo: partition_object: 'Partition' device_path: str # This would be /dev/sda1 for instance bootable: bool size: float sector_size: int start: Optional[int] end: Optional[int] pttype: Optional[str] filesystem_type: Optional[str] partuuid: Optional[str] uuid: Optional[str] mountpoints: List[Path] = field(default_factory=list) def __post_init__(self): if not all([self.partuuid, self.uuid]): for i in range(storage['DISK_RETRY_ATTEMPTS']): lsblk_info = SysCommand(f"lsblk --json -b -o+LOG-SEC,SIZE,PTTYPE,PARTUUID,UUID,FSTYPE {self.device_path}").decode('UTF-8') try: lsblk_info = json.loads(lsblk_info) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: log(f"Could not decode JSON: {lsblk_info}", fg="red", level=logging.ERROR) raise DiskError(f'Failed to retrieve information for "{self.device_path}" with lsblk') if not (device := lsblk_info.get('blockdevices', [None])[0]): raise DiskError(f'Failed to retrieve information for "{self.device_path}" with lsblk') self.partuuid = device.get('partuuid') self.uuid = device.get('uuid') # Lets build a list of requirements that we would like # to retry and build (stuff that can take time between partprobes) requirements = [] requirements.append(self.partuuid) # Unformatted partitions won't have a UUID if lsblk_info.get('fstype') is not None: requirements.append(self.uuid) if all(requirements): break self.partition_object.partprobe() time.sleep(max(0.1, storage['DISK_TIMEOUTS'] * i)) def get_first_mountpoint(self) -> Optional[Path]: if len(self.mountpoints) > 0: return self.mountpoints[0] return None class Partition: def __init__( self, path: str, block_device: BlockDevice, part_id :Optional[str] = None, filesystem :Optional[str] = None, mountpoint :Optional[str] = None, encrypted :bool = False, autodetect_filesystem :bool = True, ): if not part_id: part_id = os.path.basename(path) if type(block_device) is str: raise ValueError(f"Partition()'s 'block_device' parameter has to be a archinstall.BlockDevice() instance!") self.block_device = block_device self._path = path self._part_id = part_id self._target_mountpoint = mountpoint self._encrypted = None self._encrypted = encrypted self._wipe = False self._type = 'primary' if mountpoint: self.mount(mountpoint) self._partition_info = self._fetch_information() if not autodetect_filesystem and filesystem: self._partition_info.filesystem_type = filesystem if self._partition_info.filesystem_type == 'crypto_LUKS': self._encrypted = True # I hate doint this but I'm currently unsure where this # is acutally used to be able to fix the typing issues properly @typing.no_type_check def __lt__(self, left_comparitor :BlockDevice) -> bool: if type(left_comparitor) == Partition: left_comparitor = left_comparitor.path else: left_comparitor = str(left_comparitor) # The goal is to check if /dev/nvme0n1p1 comes before /dev/nvme0n1p5 return self._path < left_comparitor def __repr__(self, *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> str: mount_repr = '' if mountpoint := self._partition_info.get_first_mountpoint(): mount_repr = f", mounted={mountpoint}" elif self._target_mountpoint: mount_repr = f", rel_mountpoint={self._target_mountpoint}" classname = self.__class__.__name__ if self._encrypted: return f'{classname}(path={self._path}, size={self.size}, PARTUUID={self.part_uuid}, parent={self.real_device}, fs={self._partition_info.filesystem_type}{mount_repr})' else: return f'{classname}(path={self._path}, size={self.size}, PARTUUID={self.part_uuid}, fs={self._partition_info.filesystem_type}{mount_repr})' def as_json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ this is used for the table representation of the partition (see FormattedOutput) """ partition_info = { 'type': self._type, 'PARTUUID': self.part_uuid, 'wipe': self._wipe, 'boot': self.boot, 'ESP': self.boot, 'mountpoint': self._target_mountpoint, 'encrypted': self._encrypted, 'start': self.start, 'size': self.end, 'filesystem': self._partition_info.filesystem_type } return partition_info def __dump__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # TODO remove this in favour of as_json return { 'type': self._type, 'PARTUUID': self.part_uuid, 'wipe': self._wipe, 'boot': self.boot, 'ESP': self.boot, 'mountpoint': self._target_mountpoint, 'encrypted': self._encrypted, 'start': self.start, 'size': self.end, 'filesystem': { 'format': self._partition_info.filesystem_type } } def _call_lsblk(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: self.partprobe() # This sleep might be overkill, but lsblk is known to # work against a chaotic cache that can change during call # causing no information to be returned (blkid is better) # time.sleep(1) # TODO: Maybe incorporate a re-try system here based on time.sleep(max(0.1, storage.get('DISK_TIMEOUTS', 1))) try: output = SysCommand(f"lsblk --json -b -o+LOG-SEC,SIZE,PTTYPE,PARTUUID,UUID,FSTYPE {self.device_path}").decode('UTF-8') except SysCallError as error: # It appears as if lsblk can return exit codes like 8192 to indicate something. # But it does return output so we'll try to catch it. output = error.worker.decode('UTF-8') if output: try: lsblk_info = json.loads(output) return lsblk_info except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: log(f"Could not decode JSON: {output}", fg="red", level=logging.ERROR) raise DiskError(f'Failed to read disk "{self.device_path}" with lsblk') def _call_sfdisk(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: output = SysCommand(f"sfdisk --json {self.block_device.path}").decode('UTF-8') if output: sfdisk_info = json.loads(output) partitions = sfdisk_info.get('partitiontable', {}).get('partitions', []) node = list(filter(lambda x: x['node'] == self._path, partitions)) if len(node) > 0: return node[0] return {} raise DiskError(f'Failed to read disk "{self.block_device.path}" with sfdisk') def _fetch_information(self) -> PartitionInfo: lsblk_info = self._call_lsblk() sfdisk_info = self._call_sfdisk() if not (device := lsblk_info.get('blockdevices', [None])[0]): raise DiskError(f'Failed to retrieve information for "{self.device_path}" with lsblk') mountpoints = [Path(mountpoint) for mountpoint in device['mountpoints'] if mountpoint] bootable = sfdisk_info.get('bootable', False) or sfdisk_info.get('type', '') == 'C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B' return PartitionInfo( partition_object=self, device_path=self._path, pttype=device['pttype'], partuuid=device['partuuid'], uuid=device['uuid'], sector_size=device['log-sec'], size=convert_size_to_gb(device['size']), start=sfdisk_info.get('start', None), end=sfdisk_info.get('size', None), bootable=bootable, filesystem_type=device['fstype'], mountpoints=mountpoints ) @property def target_mountpoint(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._target_mountpoint @property def path(self) -> str: return self._path @property def filesystem(self) -> str: return self._partition_info.filesystem_type @property def mountpoint(self) -> Optional[Path]: if len(self.mountpoints) > 0: return self.mountpoints[0] return None @property def mountpoints(self) -> List[Path]: return self._partition_info.mountpoints @property def sector_size(self) -> int: return self._partition_info.sector_size @property def start(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._partition_info.start @property def end(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._partition_info.end @property def end_sectors(self) -> Optional[int]: start = self._partition_info.start end = self._partition_info.end if start and end: return start + end return None @property def size(self) -> Optional[float]: return self._partition_info.size @property def boot(self) -> bool: return self._partition_info.bootable @property def partition_type(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._partition_info.pttype @property def part_uuid(self) -> str: return self._partition_info.partuuid @property def uuid(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the UUID as returned by lsblk for the **partition**. This is more reliable than relying on /dev/disk/by-uuid as it doesn't seam to be able to detect md raid partitions. For bind mounts all the subvolumes share the same uuid """ for i in range(storage['DISK_RETRY_ATTEMPTS']): if not self.partprobe(): raise DiskError(f"Could not perform partprobe on {self.device_path}") time.sleep(storage.get('DISK_TIMEOUTS', 1) * i) partuuid = self._safe_uuid if partuuid: return partuuid raise DiskError(f"Could not get PARTUUID for {self.path} using 'blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {self.path}'") @property def _safe_uuid(self) -> Optional[str]: """ A near copy of self.uuid but without any delays. This function should only be used where uuid is not crucial. For instance when you want to get a __repr__ of the class. """ if not self.partprobe(): if self.block_device.partition_type == 'iso9660': return None log(f"Could not reliably refresh PARTUUID of partition {self.device_path} due to partprobe error.", level=logging.DEBUG) try: return SysCommand(f'blkid -s UUID -o value {self.device_path}').decode('UTF-8').strip() except SysCallError as error: if self.block_device.partition_type == 'iso9660': # Parent device is a Optical Disk (.iso dd'ed onto a device for instance) return None log(f"Could not get PARTUUID of partition using 'blkid -s UUID -o value {self.device_path}': {error}") @property def _safe_part_uuid(self) -> Optional[str]: """ A near copy of self.uuid but without any delays. This function should only be used where uuid is not crucial. For instance when you want to get a __repr__ of the class. """ if not self.partprobe(): if self.block_device.partition_type == 'iso9660': return None log(f"Could not reliably refresh PARTUUID of partition {self.device_path} due to partprobe error.", level=logging.DEBUG) try: return SysCommand(f'blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {self.device_path}').decode('UTF-8').strip() except SysCallError as error: if self.block_device.partition_type == 'iso9660': # Parent device is a Optical Disk (.iso dd'ed onto a device for instance) return None log(f"Could not get PARTUUID of partition using 'blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {self.device_path}': {error}") return self._partition_info.uuid @property def encrypted(self) -> Union[bool, None]: return self._encrypted @property def parent(self) -> str: return self.real_device @property def real_device(self) -> str: output = SysCommand('lsblk -J').decode('UTF-8') if output: for blockdevice in json.loads(output)['blockdevices']: if parent := self.find_parent_of(blockdevice, os.path.basename(self.device_path)): return f"/dev/{parent}" return self._path raise DiskError('Unable to get disk information for command "lsblk -J"') @property def device_path(self) -> str: """ for bind mounts returns the physical path of the partition """ device_path, bind_name = split_bind_name(self._path) return device_path @property def bind_name(self) -> str: """ for bind mounts returns the bind name (subvolume path). Returns none if this property does not exist """ device_path, bind_name = split_bind_name(self._path) return bind_name @property def subvolumes(self) -> Iterator[BtrfsSubvolumeInfo]: from .helpers import findmnt def iterate_children_recursively(information): for child in information.get('children', []): if target := child.get('target'): if child.get('fstype') == 'btrfs': if subvolume := subvolume_info_from_path(Path(target)): yield subvolume if child.get('children'): for subchild in iterate_children_recursively(child): yield subchild if self._partition_info.filesystem_type == 'btrfs': for mountpoint in self._partition_info.mountpoints: if result := findmnt(mountpoint): for filesystem in result.get('filesystems', []): if subvolume := subvolume_info_from_path(mountpoint): yield subvolume for child in iterate_children_recursively(filesystem): yield child def partprobe(self) -> bool: try: if self.block_device: return 0 == SysCommand(f'partprobe {self.block_device.device}').exit_code except SysCallError as error: log(f"Unreliable results might be given for {self._path} due to partprobe error: {error}", level=logging.DEBUG) return False def detect_inner_filesystem(self, password :str) -> Optional[str]: log(f'Trying to detect inner filesystem format on {self} (This might take a while)', level=logging.INFO) from ..luks import luks2 try: with luks2(self, storage.get('ENC_IDENTIFIER', 'ai') + 'loop', password, auto_unmount=True) as unlocked_device: return unlocked_device.filesystem except SysCallError: pass return None def has_content(self) -> bool: fs_type = self._partition_info.filesystem_type if not fs_type or "swap" in fs_type: return False temporary_mountpoint = '/tmp/' + hashlib.md5(bytes(f"{time.time()}", 'UTF-8') + os.urandom(12)).hexdigest() temporary_path = Path(temporary_mountpoint) temporary_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if (handle := SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/mount {self._path} {temporary_mountpoint}')).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f'Could not mount and check for content on {self._path} because: {handle}') files = len(glob.glob(f"{temporary_mountpoint}/*")) iterations = 0 while SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/umount -R {temporary_mountpoint}").exit_code != 0 and (iterations := iterations + 1) < 10: time.sleep(1) temporary_path.rmdir() return True if files > 0 else False def encrypt(self, password: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ A wrapper function for luks2() instances and the .encrypt() method of that instance. """ from ..luks import luks2 handle = luks2(self, None, None) return handle.encrypt(self, password=password) def format(self, filesystem :Optional[str] = None, path :Optional[str] = None, log_formatting :bool = True, options :List[str] = [], retry :bool = True) -> bool: """ Format can be given an overriding path, for instance /dev/null to test the formatting functionality and in essence the support for the given filesystem. """ if filesystem is None: filesystem = self._partition_info.filesystem_type if path is None: path = self._path # This converts from fat32 -> vfat to unify filesystem names filesystem = get_mount_fs_type(filesystem) # To avoid "unable to open /dev/x: No such file or directory" start_wait = time.time() while Path(path).exists() is False and time.time() - start_wait < 10: time.sleep(0.025) if log_formatting: log(f'Formatting {path} -> {filesystem}', level=logging.INFO) try: if filesystem == 'btrfs': options = ['-f'] + options mkfs = SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.btrfs {' '.join(options)} {path}").decode('UTF-8') if mkfs and 'UUID:' not in mkfs: raise DiskError(f'Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {mkfs}') self._partition_info.filesystem_type = filesystem elif filesystem == 'vfat': options = ['-F32'] + options log(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.vfat {' '.join(options)} {path}") if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.vfat {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self._partition_info.filesystem_type = filesystem elif filesystem == 'ext4': options = ['-F'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.ext4 {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self._partition_info.filesystem_type = filesystem elif filesystem == 'ext2': options = ['-F'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.ext2 {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self._partition_info.filesystem_type = 'ext2' elif filesystem == 'xfs': options = ['-f'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.xfs {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self._partition_info.filesystem_type = filesystem elif filesystem == 'f2fs': options = ['-f'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.f2fs {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self._partition_info.filesystem_type = filesystem elif filesystem == 'ntfs3': options = ['-f'] + options if (handle := SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mkfs.ntfs -Q {' '.join(options)} {path}")).exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not format {path} with {filesystem} because: {handle.decode('UTF-8')}") self._partition_info.filesystem_type = filesystem elif filesystem == 'crypto_LUKS': # from ..luks import luks2 # encrypted_partition = luks2(self, None, None) # encrypted_partition.format(path) self._partition_info.filesystem_type = filesystem else: raise UnknownFilesystemFormat(f"Fileformat '{filesystem}' is not yet implemented.") except SysCallError as error: log(f"Formatting ran in to an error: {error}", level=logging.WARNING, fg="orange") if retry is True: log(f"Retrying in {storage.get('DISK_TIMEOUTS', 1)} seconds.", level=logging.WARNING, fg="orange") time.sleep(storage.get('DISK_TIMEOUTS', 1)) return self.format(filesystem, path, log_formatting, options, retry=False) if get_filesystem_type(path) == 'crypto_LUKS' or get_filesystem_type(self.real_device) == 'crypto_LUKS': self._encrypted = True else: self._encrypted = False return True def find_parent_of(self, data :Dict[str, Any], name :str, parent :Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: if data['name'] == name: return parent elif 'children' in data: for child in data['children']: if parent := self.find_parent_of(child, name, parent=data['name']): return parent return None def mount(self, target :str, fs :Optional[str] = None, options :str = '') -> bool: if not self._partition_info.get_first_mountpoint(): log(f'Mounting {self} to {target}', level=logging.INFO) if not fs: fs = self._partition_info.filesystem_type fs_type = get_mount_fs_type(fs) Path(target).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if self.bind_name: device_path = self.device_path # TODO options should be better be a list than a string if options: options = f"{options},subvol={self.bind_name}" else: options = f"subvol={self.bind_name}" else: device_path = self._path try: if options: mnt_handle = SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mount -t {fs_type} -o {options} {device_path} {target}") else: mnt_handle = SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/mount -t {fs_type} {device_path} {target}") # TODO: Should be redundant to check for exit_code if mnt_handle.exit_code != 0: raise DiskError(f"Could not mount {self._path} to {target} using options {options}") except SysCallError as err: raise err # Update the partition info since the mount info has changed after this call. self._partition_info = self._fetch_information() return True return False def unmount(self) -> bool: worker = SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/umount {self._path}") exit_code = worker.exit_code # Without to much research, it seams that low error codes are errors. # And above 8k is indicators such as "/dev/x not mounted.". # So anything in between 0 and 8k are errors (?). if exit_code and 0 < exit_code < 8000: raise SysCallError(f"Could not unmount {self._path} properly: {worker}", exit_code=exit_code) # Update the partition info since the mount info has changed after this call. self._partition_info = self._fetch_information() return True def filesystem_supported(self) -> bool: """ The support for a filesystem (this partition) is tested by calling partition.format() with a path set to '/dev/null' which returns two exceptions: 1. SysCallError saying that /dev/null is not formattable - but the filesystem is supported 2. UnknownFilesystemFormat that indicates that we don't support the given filesystem type """ try: self.format(self._partition_info.filesystem_type, '/dev/null', log_formatting=False) except (SysCallError, DiskError): pass # We supported it, but /dev/null is not formattable as expected so the mkfs call exited with an error code except UnknownFilesystemFormat as err: raise err return True def get_mount_fs_type(fs :str) -> str: if fs == 'ntfs': return 'ntfs3' # Needed to use the Paragon R/W NTFS driver elif fs == 'fat32': return 'vfat' # This is the actual type used for fat32 mounting return fs