import glob import pathlib import logging import json from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any, Iterator, TYPE_CHECKING from ..exceptions import SysCallError from ..general import SysCommand from ..output import log if TYPE_CHECKING: from .btrfs import BtrfsSubvolumeInfo @dataclass class MapperDev: mappername :str @property def name(self): return self.mappername @property def path(self): return f"/dev/mapper/{self.mappername}" @property def partition(self): from .helpers import uevent, get_parent_of_partition from .partition import Partition from .blockdevice import BlockDevice for mapper in glob.glob('/dev/mapper/*'): path_obj = pathlib.Path(mapper) if == self.mappername and pathlib.Path(mapper).is_symlink(): dm_device = (pathlib.Path("/dev/mapper/") / path_obj.readlink()).resolve() for slave in glob.glob(f"/sys/class/block/{}/slaves/*"): partition_belonging_to_dmcrypt_device = pathlib.Path(slave).name try: uevent_data = SysCommand(f"blkid -o export /dev/{partition_belonging_to_dmcrypt_device}").decode() except SysCallError as error: log(f"Could not get information on device /dev/{partition_belonging_to_dmcrypt_device}: {error}", level=logging.ERROR, fg="red") information = uevent(uevent_data) block_device = BlockDevice(get_parent_of_partition('/dev/' / pathlib.Path(information['DEVNAME']))) return Partition(information['DEVNAME'], block_device=block_device) raise ValueError(f"Could not convert {self.mappername} to a real dm-crypt device") @property def mountpoint(self) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]: try: data = json.loads(SysCommand(f"findmnt --json -R {self.path}").decode()) for filesystem in data['filesystems']: return pathlib.Path(filesystem.get('target')) except SysCallError as error: # Not mounted anywhere most likely log(f"Could not locate mount information for {self.path}: {error}", level=logging.WARNING, fg="yellow") pass return None @property def mount_information(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: from .helpers import find_mountpoint return list(find_mountpoint(self.path)) @property def filesystem(self) -> Optional[str]: from .helpers import get_filesystem_type return get_filesystem_type(self.path) @property def subvolumes(self) -> Iterator['BtrfsSubvolumeInfo']: from .btrfs import subvolume_info_from_path for mountpoint in self.mount_information: if target := mountpoint.get('target'): if subvolume := subvolume_info_from_path(pathlib.Path(target)): yield subvolume