import json import logging import os import pathlib import re import time from typing import Union from .blockdevice import BlockDevice from ..exceptions import SysCallError, DiskError from ..general import SysCommand from ..output import log from import storage ROOT_DIR_PATTERN = re.compile('^.*?/devices') GIGA = 2 ** 30 def convert_size_to_gb(size): return round(size / GIGA,1) def sort_block_devices_based_on_performance(block_devices): result = {device: 0 for device in block_devices} for device, weight in result.items(): if device.spinning: weight -= 10 else: weight += 5 if device.bus_type == 'nvme': weight += 20 elif device.bus_type == 'sata': weight += 10 result[device] = weight return result def filter_disks_below_size_in_gb(devices, gigabytes): for disk in devices: if disk.size >= gigabytes: yield disk def select_largest_device(devices, gigabytes, filter_out=None): if not filter_out: filter_out = [] copy_devices = [*devices] for filter_device in filter_out: if filter_device in copy_devices: copy_devices.pop(copy_devices.index(filter_device)) copy_devices = list(filter_disks_below_size_in_gb(copy_devices, gigabytes)) if not len(copy_devices): return None return max(copy_devices, key=(lambda device : device.size)) def select_disk_larger_than_or_close_to(devices, gigabytes, filter_out=None): if not filter_out: filter_out = [] copy_devices = [*devices] for filter_device in filter_out: if filter_device in copy_devices: copy_devices.pop(copy_devices.index(filter_device)) if not len(copy_devices): return None return min(copy_devices, key=(lambda device : abs(device.size - gigabytes))) def convert_to_gigabytes(string): unit = string.strip()[-1] size = float(string.strip()[:-1]) if unit == 'M': size = size / 1024 elif unit == 'T': size = size * 1024 return size def device_state(name, *args, **kwargs): # Based out of: if os.path.isfile('/sys/block/{}/device/block/{}/removable'.format(name, name)): with open('/sys/block/{}/device/block/{}/removable'.format(name, name)) as f: if == '1': return path = ROOT_DIR_PATTERN.sub('', os.readlink('/sys/block/{}'.format(name))) hotplug_buses = ("usb", "ieee1394", "mmc", "pcmcia", "firewire") for bus in hotplug_buses: if os.path.exists('/sys/bus/{}'.format(bus)): for device_bus in os.listdir('/sys/bus/{}/devices'.format(bus)): device_link = ROOT_DIR_PATTERN.sub('', os.readlink('/sys/bus/{}/devices/{}'.format(bus, device_bus))) if, path): return return True # lsblk --json -l -n -o path def all_disks(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("partitions", False) drives = {} lsblk = json.loads(SysCommand('lsblk --json -l -n -o path,size,type,mountpoint,label,pkname,model').decode('UTF_8')) for drive in lsblk['blockdevices']: if not kwargs['partitions'] and drive['type'] == 'part': continue drives[drive['path']] = BlockDevice(drive['path'], drive) return drives def harddrive(size=None, model=None, fuzzy=False): collection = all_disks() for drive in collection: if size and convert_to_gigabytes(collection[drive]['size']) != size: continue if model and (collection[drive]['model'] is None or collection[drive]['model'].lower() != model.lower()): continue return collection[drive] def split_bind_name(path :Union[pathlib.Path, str]) -> list: # we check for the bind notation. if exist we'll only use the "true" device path if '[' in str(path) : # is a bind path (btrfs subvolume path) device_path, bind_path = str(path).split('[') bind_path = bind_path[:-1].strip() # remove the ] else: device_path = path bind_path = None return device_path,bind_path def get_mount_info(path :Union[pathlib.Path, str], traverse=False, return_real_path=False) -> dict: device_path,bind_path = split_bind_name(path) for traversal in list(map(str, [str(device_path)] + list(pathlib.Path(str(device_path)).parents))): try: log(f"Getting mount information for device path {traversal}", level=logging.INFO) output = SysCommand(f'/usr/bin/findmnt --json {traversal}').decode('UTF-8') if output: break except SysCallError: pass if not traverse: break if not output: raise DiskError(f"Could not get mount information for device path {path}") output = json.loads(output) # for btrfs partitions we redice the filesystem list to the one with the source equals to the parameter # i.e. the subvolume filesystem we're searching for if 'filesystems' in output and len(output['filesystems']) > 1 and bind_path is not None: output['filesystems'] = [entry for entry in output['filesystems'] if entry['source'] == str(path)] if 'filesystems' in output: if len(output['filesystems']) > 1: raise DiskError(f"Path '{path}' contains multiple mountpoints: {output['filesystems']}") if return_real_path: return output['filesystems'][0], traversal else: return output['filesystems'][0] if return_real_path: return {}, traversal else: return {} def get_partitions_in_use(mountpoint) -> list: from .partition import Partition try: output = SysCommand(f"/usr/bin/findmnt --json -R {mountpoint}").decode('UTF-8') except SysCallError: return [] mounts = [] if not output: return [] output = json.loads(output) for target in output.get('filesystems', []): mounts.append(Partition(target['source'], None, filesystem=target.get('fstype', None), mountpoint=target['target'])) for child in target.get('children', []): mounts.append(Partition(child['source'], None, filesystem=child.get('fstype', None), mountpoint=child['target'])) return mounts def get_filesystem_type(path): device_name, bind_name = split_bind_name(path) try: return SysCommand(f"blkid -o value -s TYPE {device_name}").decode('UTF-8').strip() except SysCallError: return None def disk_layouts(): try: if (handle := SysCommand("lsblk -f -o+TYPE,SIZE -J")).exit_code == 0: return json.loads(handle.decode('UTF-8')) else: log(f"Could not return disk layouts: {handle}", level=logging.WARNING, fg="yellow") return None except SysCallError as err: log(f"Could not return disk layouts: {err}", level=logging.WARNING, fg="yellow") return None except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err: log(f"Could not return disk layouts: {err}", level=logging.WARNING, fg="yellow") return None def encrypted_partitions(blockdevices :dict) -> bool: for partition in blockdevices.values(): if partition.get('encrypted', False): yield partition def find_partition_by_mountpoint(block_devices, relative_mountpoint :str): for device in block_devices: for partition in block_devices[device]['partitions']: if partition.get('mountpoint', None) == relative_mountpoint: return partition def partprobe(): SysCommand(f'bash -c "partprobe"') time.sleep(5) def convert_device_to_uuid(path :str) -> str: device_name, bind_name = split_bind_name(path) for i in range(storage['DISK_RETRY_ATTEMPTS']): partprobe() # TODO: Convert lsblk to blkid # (lsblk supports BlockDev and Partition UUID grabbing, blkid requires you to pick PTUUID and PARTUUID) output = json.loads(SysCommand(f"lsblk --json -o+UUID {device_name}").decode('UTF-8')) for device in output['blockdevices']: if (dev_uuid := device.get('uuid', None)): return dev_uuid time.sleep(storage['DISK_TIMEOUTS']) raise DiskError(f"Could not retrieve the UUID of {path} within a timely manner.")