from __future__ import annotations import signal import sys import time from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, List, Dict, Set from .device_handler import device_handler from .device_model import ( DiskLayoutConfiguration, DiskLayoutType, PartitionTable, FilesystemType, DiskEncryption, LvmVolumeGroup, Size, Unit, SectorSize, PartitionModification, EncryptionType, LvmVolume, LvmConfiguration ) from ..hardware import SysInfo from ..luks import Luks2 from import Menu from ..output import debug, info from ..general import SysCommand if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class FilesystemHandler: def __init__( self, disk_config: DiskLayoutConfiguration, enc_conf: Optional[DiskEncryption] = None ): self._disk_config = disk_config self._enc_config = enc_conf def perform_filesystem_operations(self, show_countdown: bool = True): if self._disk_config.config_type == DiskLayoutType.Pre_mount: debug('Disk layout configuration is set to pre-mount, not performing any operations') return device_mods = list(filter(lambda x: len(x.partitions) > 0, self._disk_config.device_modifications)) if not device_mods: debug('No modifications required') return device_paths = ', '.join([str(mod.device.device_info.path) for mod in device_mods]) # Issue a final warning before we continue with something un-revertable. # We mention the drive one last time, and count from 5 to 0. print(str(_(' ! Formatting {} in ')).format(device_paths)) if show_countdown: self._do_countdown() # Setup the blockdevice, filesystem (and optionally encryption). # Once that's done, we'll hand over to perform_installation() partition_table = PartitionTable.GPT if SysInfo.has_uefi() is False: partition_table = PartitionTable.MBR for mod in device_mods: device_handler.partition(mod, partition_table=partition_table) if self._disk_config.lvm_config: for mod in device_mods: if boot_part := mod.get_boot_partition(): debug(f'Formatting boot partition: {boot_part.dev_path}') self._format_partitions( [boot_part], mod.device_path ) self.perform_lvm_operations() else: for mod in device_mods: self._format_partitions( mod.partitions, mod.device_path ) for part_mod in mod.partitions: if part_mod.fs_type == FilesystemType.Btrfs: device_handler.create_btrfs_volumes(part_mod, enc_conf=self._enc_config) def _format_partitions( self, partitions: List[PartitionModification], device_path: Path ): """ Format can be given an overriding path, for instance /dev/null to test the formatting functionality and in essence the support for the given filesystem. """ # don't touch existing partitions create_or_modify_parts = [p for p in partitions if p.is_create_or_modify()] self._validate_partitions(create_or_modify_parts) # make sure all devices are unmounted device_handler.umount_all_existing(device_path) for part_mod in create_or_modify_parts: # partition will be encrypted if self._enc_config is not None and part_mod in self._enc_config.partitions: device_handler.format_encrypted( part_mod.safe_dev_path, part_mod.mapper_name, part_mod.safe_fs_type, self._enc_config ) else: device_handler.format(part_mod.safe_fs_type, part_mod.safe_dev_path) # synchronize with udev before using lsblk SysCommand('udevadm settle') lsblk_info = device_handler.fetch_part_info(part_mod.safe_dev_path) part_mod.partn = lsblk_info.partn part_mod.partuuid = lsblk_info.partuuid part_mod.uuid = lsblk_info.uuid def _validate_partitions(self, partitions: List[PartitionModification]): checks = { # verify that all partitions have a path set (which implies that they have been created) lambda x: x.dev_path is None: ValueError('When formatting, all partitions must have a path set'), # crypto luks is not a valid file system type lambda x: x.fs_type is FilesystemType.Crypto_luks: ValueError( 'Crypto luks cannot be set as a filesystem type'), # file system type must be set lambda x: x.fs_type is None: ValueError('File system type must be set for modification') } for check, exc in checks.items(): found = next(filter(check, partitions), None) if found is not None: raise exc def perform_lvm_operations(self): info('Setting up LVM config...') if not self._disk_config.lvm_config: return if self._enc_config: self._setup_lvm_encrypted( self._disk_config.lvm_config, self._enc_config ) else: self._setup_lvm(self._disk_config.lvm_config) self._format_lvm_vols(self._disk_config.lvm_config) def _setup_lvm_encrypted(self, lvm_config: LvmConfiguration, enc_config: DiskEncryption): if enc_config.encryption_type == EncryptionType.LvmOnLuks: enc_mods = self._encrypt_partitions(enc_config, lock_after_create=False) self._setup_lvm(lvm_config, enc_mods) self._format_lvm_vols(lvm_config) # export the lvm group safely otherwise the Luks cannot be closed self._safely_close_lvm(lvm_config) for luks in enc_mods.values(): luks.lock() elif enc_config.encryption_type == EncryptionType.LuksOnLvm: self._setup_lvm(lvm_config) enc_vols = self._encrypt_lvm_vols(lvm_config, enc_config, False) self._format_lvm_vols(lvm_config, enc_vols) for luks in enc_vols.values(): luks.lock() self._safely_close_lvm(lvm_config) def _safely_close_lvm(self, lvm_config: LvmConfiguration): for vg in lvm_config.vol_groups: for vol in vg.volumes: device_handler.lvm_vol_change(vol, False) device_handler.lvm_export_vg(vg) def _setup_lvm( self, lvm_config: LvmConfiguration, enc_mods: Dict[PartitionModification, Luks2] = {} ): self._lvm_create_pvs(lvm_config, enc_mods) for vg in lvm_config.vol_groups: pv_dev_paths = self._get_all_pv_dev_paths(vg.pvs, enc_mods) device_handler.lvm_vg_create(pv_dev_paths, # figure out what the actual available size in the group is vg_info = device_handler.lvm_group_info( if not vg_info: raise ValueError('Unable to fetch VG info') # the actual available LVM Group size will be smaller than the # total PVs size due to reserved metadata storage etc. # so we'll have a look at the total avail. size, check the delta # to the desired sizes and subtract some equally from the actually # created volume avail_size = vg_info.vg_size desired_size = sum([vol.length for vol in vg.volumes], Size(0, Unit.B, SectorSize.default())) delta = desired_size - avail_size max_vol_offset = delta.convert(Unit.B) max_vol = max(vg.volumes, key=lambda x: x.length) for lv in vg.volumes: offset = max_vol_offset if lv == max_vol else None debug(f'vg: {}, vol: {}, offset: {offset}') device_handler.lvm_vol_create(, lv, offset) while True: debug('Fetching LVM volume info') lv_info = device_handler.lvm_vol_info( if lv_info is not None: break time.sleep(1) self._lvm_vol_handle_e2scrub(vg) def _format_lvm_vols( self, lvm_config: LvmConfiguration, enc_vols: Dict[LvmVolume, Luks2] = {} ): for vol in lvm_config.get_all_volumes(): if enc_vol := enc_vols.get(vol, None): if not enc_vol.mapper_dev: raise ValueError('No mapper device defined') path = enc_vol.mapper_dev else: path = vol.safe_dev_path # wait a bit otherwise the mkfs will fail as it can't # find the mapper device yet device_handler.format(vol.fs_type, path) if vol.fs_type == FilesystemType.Btrfs: device_handler.create_lvm_btrfs_subvolumes(path, vol.btrfs_subvols, vol.mount_options) def _lvm_create_pvs( self, lvm_config: LvmConfiguration, enc_mods: Dict[PartitionModification, Luks2] = {} ): pv_paths: Set[Path] = set() for vg in lvm_config.vol_groups: pv_paths |= self._get_all_pv_dev_paths(vg.pvs, enc_mods) device_handler.lvm_pv_create(pv_paths) def _get_all_pv_dev_paths( self, pvs: List[PartitionModification], enc_mods: Dict[PartitionModification, Luks2] = {} ) -> Set[Path]: pv_paths: Set[Path] = set() for pv in pvs: if enc_pv := enc_mods.get(pv, None): if mapper := enc_pv.mapper_dev: pv_paths.add(mapper) else: pv_paths.add(pv.safe_dev_path) return pv_paths def _encrypt_lvm_vols( self, lvm_config: LvmConfiguration, enc_config: DiskEncryption, lock_after_create: bool = True ) -> Dict[LvmVolume, Luks2]: enc_vols: Dict[LvmVolume, Luks2] = {} for vol in lvm_config.get_all_volumes(): if vol in enc_config.lvm_volumes: luks_handler = device_handler.encrypt( vol.safe_dev_path, vol.mapper_name, enc_config.encryption_password, lock_after_create ) enc_vols[vol] = luks_handler return enc_vols def _encrypt_partitions( self, enc_config: DiskEncryption, lock_after_create: bool = True ) -> Dict[PartitionModification, Luks2]: enc_mods: Dict[PartitionModification, Luks2] = {} for mod in self._disk_config.device_modifications: partitions = mod.partitions # don't touch existing partitions filtered_part = [p for p in partitions if not p.exists()] self._validate_partitions(filtered_part) # make sure all devices are unmounted device_handler.umount_all_existing(mod.device_path) enc_mods = {} for part_mod in filtered_part: if part_mod in enc_config.partitions: luks_handler = device_handler.encrypt( part_mod.safe_dev_path, part_mod.mapper_name, enc_config.encryption_password, lock_after_create=lock_after_create ) enc_mods[part_mod] = luks_handler return enc_mods def _lvm_vol_handle_e2scrub(self, vol_gp: LvmVolumeGroup): # from arch wiki: # If a logical volume will be formatted with ext4, leave at least 256 MiB # free space in the volume group to allow using e2scrub if any([vol.fs_type == FilesystemType.Ext4 for vol in vol_gp.volumes]): largest_vol = max(vol_gp.volumes, key=lambda x: x.length) device_handler.lvm_vol_reduce( largest_vol.safe_dev_path, Size(256, Unit.MiB, SectorSize.default()) ) def _do_countdown(self) -> bool: SIG_TRIGGER = False def kill_handler(sig: int, frame: Any) -> None: print() exit(0) def sig_handler(sig: int, frame: Any) -> None: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, kill_handler) original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) for i in range(5, 0, -1): print(f"{i}", end='') for x in range(4): sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.25) print(".", end='') if SIG_TRIGGER: prompt = _('Do you really want to abort?') choice = Menu(prompt, Menu.yes_no(), skip=False).run() if choice.value == Menu.yes(): exit(0) if SIG_TRIGGER is False: SIG_TRIGGER = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) print() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler) return True