import glob import pathlib import logging from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from ...exceptions import DiskError from import storage from ...output import log from ...general import SysCommand from ..partition import Partition from ..helpers import findmnt from .btrfs_helpers import ( subvolume_info_from_path ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from ...installer import Installer from .btrfssubvolume import BtrfsSubvolume class BTRFSPartition(Partition): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Partition.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self, *args :str, **kwargs :str) -> str: mount_repr = '' if self.mountpoint: mount_repr = f", mounted={self.mountpoint}" elif self.target_mountpoint: mount_repr = f", rel_mountpoint={self.target_mountpoint}" if self._encrypted: return f'BTRFSPartition(path={self.path}, size={self.size}, PARTUUID={self._safe_uuid}, parent={self.real_device}, fs={self.filesystem}{mount_repr})' else: return f'BTRFSPartition(path={self.path}, size={self.size}, PARTUUID={self._safe_uuid}, fs={self.filesystem}{mount_repr})' @property def subvolumes(self): for filesystem in findmnt(pathlib.Path(self.path), recurse=True).get('filesystems', []): if '[' in filesystem.get('source', ''): yield subvolume_info_from_path(filesystem['target']) def iterate_children(struct): for child in struct.get('children', []): if '[' in child.get('source', ''): yield subvolume_info_from_path(child['target']) for sub_child in iterate_children(child): yield sub_child for child in iterate_children(filesystem): yield child def create_subvolume(self, subvolume :pathlib.Path, installation :Optional['Installer'] = None) -> 'BtrfsSubvolume': """ Subvolumes have to be created within a mountpoint. This means we need to get the current installation target. After we get it, we need to verify it is a btrfs subvolume filesystem. Finally, the destination must be empty. """ # Allow users to override the installation session if not installation: installation = storage.get('installation_session') # Determain if the path given, is an absolute path or a releative path. # We do this by checking if the path contains a known mountpoint. if str(subvolume)[0] == '/': if filesystems := findmnt(subvolume, traverse=True).get('filesystems'): if (target := filesystems[0].get('target')) and target != '/' and str(subvolume).startswith(target): # Path starts with a known mountpoint which isn't / # Which means it's an absolut path to a mounted location. pass else: # Since it's not an absolute position with a known start. # We omit the anchor ('/' basically) and make sure it's appendable # to the later subvolume = subvolume.relative_to(subvolume.anchor) # else: We don't need to do anything about relative paths, they should be appendable to as-is. # If the subvolume is not absolute, then we do two checks: # 1. Check if the partition itself is mounted somewhere, and use that as a root # 2. Use an active Installer().target as the root, assuming it's filesystem is btrfs # If both above fail, we need to warn the user that such setup is not supported. if str(subvolume)[0] != '/': if self.mountpoint is None and installation is None: raise DiskError("When creating a subvolume on BTRFSPartition()'s, you need to either initiate a archinstall.Installer() or give absolute paths when creating the subvoulme.") elif self.mountpoint: subvolume = self.mountpoint / subvolume elif installation: ongoing_installation_destination = if type(ongoing_installation_destination) == str: ongoing_installation_destination = pathlib.Path(ongoing_installation_destination) subvolume = ongoing_installation_destination / subvolume subvolume.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # log(f'Attempting to create subvolume at {subvolume}', level=logging.DEBUG, fg="grey") if glob.glob(str(subvolume / '*')): raise DiskError(f"Cannot create subvolume at {subvolume} because it contains data (non-empty folder target is not supported by BTRFS)") # Ideally we would like to check if the destination is already a subvolume. # But then we would need the mount-point at this stage as well. # So we'll comment out this check: # elif subvolinfo := subvolume_info_from_path(subvolume): # raise DiskError(f"Destination {subvolume} is already a subvolume: {subvolinfo}") # And deal with it here: SysCommand(f"btrfs subvolume create {subvolume}") return subvolume_info_from_path(subvolume)