import os import json import stat import readline from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, TYPE_CHECKING from .menu import Menu, MenuSelectionType from .storage import storage from .general import JSON, UNSAFE_JSON from .output import debug, info, warn if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any class ConfigurationOutput: def __init__(self, config: Dict): """ Configuration output handler to parse the existing configuration data structure and prepare for output on the console and for saving it to configuration files :param config: A dictionary containing configurations (basically archinstall.arguments) :type config: Dict """ self._config = config self._user_credentials: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._user_config: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._default_save_path = storage.get('LOG_PATH', Path('.')) self._user_config_file = 'user_configuration.json' self._user_creds_file = "user_credentials.json" self._sensitive = ['!users', '!root-password'] self._ignore = ['abort', 'install', 'config', 'creds', 'dry_run'] self._process_config() @property def user_credentials_file(self): return self._user_creds_file @property def user_configuration_file(self): return self._user_config_file def _process_config(self): for key, value in self._config.items(): if key in self._sensitive: self._user_credentials[key] = value elif key in self._ignore: pass else: self._user_config[key] = value # special handling for encryption password if key == 'disk_encryption' and value: self._user_credentials['encryption_password'] = value.encryption_password def user_config_to_json(self) -> str: return json.dumps({ 'config_version': storage['__version__'], # Tells us what version was used to generate the config **self._user_config, # __version__ will be overwritten by old version definition found in config 'version': storage['__version__'] }, indent=4, sort_keys=True, cls=JSON) def user_credentials_to_json(self) -> Optional[str]: if self._user_credentials: return json.dumps(self._user_credentials, indent=4, sort_keys=True, cls=UNSAFE_JSON) return None def show(self): print(_('\nThis is your chosen configuration:')) debug(" -- Chosen configuration --") info(self.user_config_to_json()) print() def _is_valid_path(self, dest_path: Path) -> bool: dest_path_ok = dest_path.exists() and dest_path.is_dir() if not dest_path_ok: warn( f'Destination directory {dest_path.resolve()} does not exist or is not a directory\n.', 'Configuration files can not be saved' ) return dest_path_ok def save_user_config(self, dest_path: Path): if self._is_valid_path(dest_path): target = dest_path / self._user_config_file target.write_text(self.user_config_to_json()) os.chmod(target, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP) def save_user_creds(self, dest_path: Path): if self._is_valid_path(dest_path): if user_creds := self.user_credentials_to_json(): target = dest_path / self._user_creds_file target.write_text(user_creds) os.chmod(target, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP) def save(self, dest_path: Optional[Path] = None): dest_path = dest_path or self._default_save_path if self._is_valid_path(dest_path): self.save_user_config(dest_path) self.save_user_creds(dest_path) def save_config(config: Dict): def preview(selection: str): match options[selection]: case "user_config": serialized = config_output.user_config_to_json() return f"{config_output.user_configuration_file}\n{serialized}" case "user_creds": if maybe_serial := config_output.user_credentials_to_json(): return f"{config_output.user_credentials_file}\n{maybe_serial}" return str(_("No configuration")) case "all": output = [config_output.user_configuration_file] if config_output.user_credentials_to_json(): output.append(config_output.user_credentials_file) return '\n'.join(output) return None try: config_output = ConfigurationOutput(config) options = { str(_("Save user configuration (including disk layout)")): "user_config", str(_("Save user credentials")): "user_creds", str(_("Save all")): "all", } save_choice = Menu( _("Choose which configuration to save"), list(options), sort=False, skip=True, preview_size=0.75, preview_command=preview, ).run() if save_choice.type_ == MenuSelectionType.Skip: return readline.set_completer_delims("\t\n=") readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") while True: path = input( _( "Enter a directory for the configuration(s) to be saved (tab completion enabled)\nSave directory: " ) ).strip(" ") dest_path = Path(path) if dest_path.exists() and dest_path.is_dir(): break info(_("Not a valid directory: {}").format(dest_path), fg="red") if not path: return prompt = _( "Do you want to save {} configuration file(s) in the following location?\n\n{}" ).format(options[str(save_choice.value)], dest_path.absolute()) save_confirmation = Menu(prompt, Menu.yes_no(), default_option=Menu.yes()).run() if save_confirmation == return debug("Saving {} configuration files to {}".format(options[str(save_choice.value)], dest_path.absolute())) match options[str(save_choice.value)]: case "user_config": config_output.save_user_config(dest_path) case "user_creds": config_output.save_user_creds(dest_path) case "all": except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): return