from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum, auto from typing import List, Optional, Any, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar from archinstall.lib.output import FormattedOutput if TYPE_CHECKING: from archinstall.lib.installer import Installer _: Any TProfile = TypeVar('TProfile', bound='Profile') class ProfileType(Enum): # top level default_profiles Server = 'Server' Desktop = 'Desktop' Xorg = 'Xorg' Minimal = 'Minimal' Custom = 'Custom' # detailed selection default_profiles ServerType = 'ServerType' WindowMgr = 'Window Manager' DesktopEnv = 'Desktop Environment' CustomType = 'CustomType' # special things Tailored = 'Tailored' Application = 'Application' class GreeterType(Enum): Lightdm = 'lightdm' Sddm = 'sddm' Gdm = 'gdm' class SelectResult(Enum): NewSelection = auto() SameSelection = auto() ResetCurrent = auto() @dataclass class ProfileInfo: name: str details: Optional[str] gfx_driver: Optional[str] = None greeter: Optional[str] = None @property def absolute_name(self) -> str: if self.details is not None: return self.details return class Profile: def __init__( self, name: str, profile_type: ProfileType, description: str = '', current_selection: List[TProfile] = [], packages: List[str] = [], services: List[str] = [], support_gfx_driver: bool = False, support_greeter: bool = False ): = name self.description = description self.profile_type = profile_type self._support_gfx_driver = support_gfx_driver self._support_greeter = support_greeter # self.gfx_driver: Optional[str] = None self._current_selection = current_selection self._packages = packages self._services = services # Only used for custom default_profiles self.custom_enabled = False @property def current_selection(self) -> List[TProfile]: return self._current_selection @property def packages(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of packages that should be installed when this profile is among the choosen ones """ return self._packages @property def services(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of services that should be enabled when this profile is among the chosen ones """ return self._services @property def default_greeter_type(self) -> Optional[GreeterType]: """ Setting a default greeter type for a desktop profile """ return None def install(self, install_session: 'Installer'): """ Performs installation steps when this profile was selected """ def post_install(self, install_session: 'Installer'): """ Hook that will be called when the installation process is finished and custom installation steps for specific default_profiles are needed """ def json(self) -> Dict: """ Returns a json representation of the profile """ return {} def do_on_select(self) -> SelectResult: """ Hook that will be called when a profile is selected """ return SelectResult.NewSelection def current_selection_names(self) -> List[str]: if self._current_selection: return [ for s in self._current_selection] return [] def reset(self): self.set_current_selection([]) def set_current_selection(self, current_selection: List[TProfile]): self._current_selection = current_selection def is_top_level_profile(self) -> bool: top_levels = [ProfileType.Desktop, ProfileType.Server, ProfileType.Xorg, ProfileType.Minimal, ProfileType.Custom] return self.profile_type in top_levels def is_desktop_profile(self) -> bool: return self.profile_type == ProfileType.Desktop def is_server_type_profile(self) -> bool: return self.profile_type == ProfileType.ServerType def is_desktop_type_profile(self) -> bool: return self.profile_type == ProfileType.DesktopEnv or self.profile_type == ProfileType.WindowMgr def is_xorg_type_profile(self) -> bool: return self.profile_type == ProfileType.Xorg def is_tailored(self) -> bool: return self.profile_type == ProfileType.Tailored def is_custom_type_profile(self) -> bool: return self.profile_type == ProfileType.CustomType def is_graphic_driver_supported(self) -> bool: if not self._current_selection: return self._support_gfx_driver else: if any([p._support_gfx_driver for p in self._current_selection]): return True return False def is_greeter_supported(self) -> bool: return self._support_greeter def preview_text(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Used for preview text in profiles_bck. If a description is set for a profile it will automatically display that one in the preivew. If no preview or a different text should be displayed just """ if self.description: return self.description return None def packages_text(self) -> str: text = str(_('Installed packages')) + ':\n' nr_packages = len(self.packages) if nr_packages <= 5: col = 1 elif nr_packages <= 10: col = 2 elif nr_packages <= 15: col = 3 else: col = 4 text += FormattedOutput.as_columns(self.packages, col) return text