import archinstall import sys import os # TODO: Learn the dark arts of argparse... # (I summon thee dark spawn of cPython) def run_as_a_module(): """ Since we're running this as a 'python -m archinstall' module OR a nuitka3 compiled version of the project. This function and the file __main__ acts as a entry point. """ # Add another path for finding profiles, so that list_profiles() in Script() can find, etc.['PROFILE_PATH'].append(os.path.abspath(f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/examples')) if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.argv.append('guided') try: script = archinstall.Script(sys.argv[1]) except archinstall.ProfileNotFound as err: print(f"Couldn't find file: {err}") sys.exit(1) os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # Remove the example directory from the PROFILE_PATH, to avoid etc shows up in user input questions.['PROFILE_PATH'].pop() script.execute() if __name__ == '__main__': run_as_a_module()