"""Arch Linux installer - guided, templates etc.""" import importlib import os from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Union from .lib import disk from .lib import menu from .lib import models from .lib import packages from .lib import exceptions from .lib import luks from .lib import locale from .lib import mirrors from .lib import networking from .lib import profile from .lib import interactions from . import default_profiles from .lib.hardware import SysInfo, GfxDriver from .lib.installer import Installer, accessibility_tools_in_use from .lib.output import FormattedOutput, log, error, debug, warn, info from .lib.storage import storage from .lib.global_menu import GlobalMenu from .lib.boot import Boot from .lib.translationhandler import TranslationHandler, Language, DeferredTranslation from .lib.plugins import plugins, load_plugin from .lib.configuration import ConfigurationOutput from .lib.general import ( generate_password, locate_binary, clear_vt100_escape_codes, JSON, UNSAFE_JSON, SysCommandWorker, SysCommand, run_custom_user_commands, json_stream_to_structure, secret ) if TYPE_CHECKING: _: Any __version__ = "2.5.6" storage['__version__'] = __version__ # add the custome _ as a builtin, it can now be used anywhere in the # project to mark strings as translatable with _('translate me') DeferredTranslation.install() # Log various information about hardware before starting the installation. This might assist in troubleshooting debug(f"Hardware model detected: {SysInfo.sys_vendor()} {SysInfo.product_name()}; UEFI mode: {SysInfo.has_uefi()}") debug(f"Processor model detected: {SysInfo.cpu_model()}") debug(f"Memory statistics: {SysInfo.mem_available()} available out of {SysInfo.mem_total()} total installed") debug(f"Virtualization detected: {SysInfo.virtualization()}; is VM: {SysInfo.is_vm()}") debug(f"Graphics devices detected: {SysInfo._graphics_devices().keys()}") # For support reasons, we'll log the disk layout pre installation to match against post-installation layout debug(f"Disk states before installing: {disk.disk_layouts()}") if os.getuid() != 0: print(_("Archinstall requires root privileges to run. See --help for more.")) exit(1) parser = ArgumentParser() def define_arguments(): """ Define which explicit arguments do we allow. Refer to https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html for documentation and https://docs.python.org/3/howto/argparse.html for a tutorial Remember that the property/entry name python assigns to the parameters is the first string defined as argument and dashes inside it '-' are changed to '_' """ parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s " + __version__) parser.add_argument("--config", nargs="?", help="JSON configuration file or URL") parser.add_argument("--creds", nargs="?", help="JSON credentials configuration file") parser.add_argument("--silent", action="store_true", help="WARNING: Disables all prompts for input and confirmation. If no configuration is provided, this is ignored") parser.add_argument("--dry-run", "--dry_run", action="store_true", help="Generates a configuration file and then exits instead of performing an installation") parser.add_argument("--script", default="guided", nargs="?", help="Script to run for installation", type=str) parser.add_argument("--mount-point","--mount_point", nargs="?", type=str, help="Define an alternate mount point for installation") parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Adds debug info into the log") parser.add_argument("--offline", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disabled online upstream services such as package search and key-ring auto update.") parser.add_argument("--no-pkg-lookups", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disabled package validation specifically prior to starting installation.") parser.add_argument("--plugin", nargs="?", type=str) def parse_unspecified_argument_list(unknowns :list, multiple :bool = False, err :bool = False) -> dict: """We accept arguments not defined to the parser. (arguments "ad hoc"). Internally argparse return to us a list of words so we have to parse its contents, manually. We accept following individual syntax for each argument --argument value --argument=value --argument = value --argument (boolean as default) the optional parameters to the function alter a bit its behaviour: * multiple allows multivalued arguments, each value separated by whitespace. They're returned as a list * error. If set any non correctly specified argument-value pair to raise an exception. Else, simply notifies the existence of a problem and continues processing. To a certain extent, multiple and error are incompatible. In fact, the only error this routine can catch, as of now, is the event argument value value ... which isn't am error if multiple is specified """ tmp_list = unknowns[:] # wastes a few bytes, but avoids any collateral effect of the destructive nature of the pop method() config = {} key = None last_key = None while tmp_list: element = tmp_list.pop(0) # retrieve an element of the list if element.startswith('--'): # is an argument ? if '=' in element: # uses the arg=value syntax ? key, value = [x.strip() for x in element[2:].split('=', 1)] config[key] = value last_key = key # for multiple handling key = None # we have the kwy value pair we need else: key = element[2:] config[key] = True # every argument starts its lifecycle as boolean else: if element == '=': continue if key: config[key] = element last_key = key # multiple key = None else: if multiple and last_key: if isinstance(config[last_key],str): config[last_key] = [config[last_key],element] else: config[last_key].append(element) elif err: raise ValueError(f"Entry {element} is not related to any argument") else: print(f" We ignore the entry {element} as it isn't related to any argument") return config def cleanup_empty_args(args: Union[Namespace, Dict]) -> Dict: """ Takes arguments (dictionary or argparse Namespace) and removes any None values. This ensures clean mergers during dict.update(args) """ if type(args) == Namespace: args = vars(args) clean_args = {} for key, val in args.items(): if type(val) == dict: val = cleanup_empty_args(val) if val is not None: clean_args[key] = val return clean_args def get_arguments() -> Dict[str, Any]: """ The handling of parameters from the command line Is done on following steps: 0) we create a dict to store the arguments and their values 1) preprocess. We take those arguments which use JSON files, and read them into the argument dict. So each first level entry becomes a argument on it's own right 2) Load. We convert the predefined argument list directly into the dict via the vars() function. Non specified arguments are loaded with value None or false if they are booleans (action="store_true"). The name is chosen according to argparse conventions. See above (the first text is used as argument name, but underscore substitutes dash) We then load all the undefined arguments. In this case the names are taken as written. Important. This way explicit command line arguments take precedence over configuration files. 3) Amend Change whatever is needed on the configuration dictionary (it could be done in post_process_arguments but this ougth to be left to changes anywhere else in the code, not in the arguments dictionary """ config: Dict[str, Any] = {} args, unknowns = parser.parse_known_args() # preprocess the JSON files. # TODO Expand the url access to the other JSON file arguments ? if args.config is not None: if not json_stream_to_structure('--config', args.config, config): exit(1) if args.creds is not None: if not json_stream_to_structure('--creds', args.creds, config): exit(1) # load the parameters. first the known, then the unknowns clean_args = cleanup_empty_args(args) config.update(clean_args) config.update(parse_unspecified_argument_list(unknowns)) # amend the parameters (check internal consistency) # Installation can't be silent if config is not passed if clean_args.get('config') is None: config["silent"] = False else: config["silent"] = clean_args.get('silent') # avoiding a compatibility issue if 'dry-run' in config: del config['dry-run'] return config def load_config(): """ refine and set some arguments. Formerly at the scripts """ from .lib.models import NetworkConfiguration arguments['locale_config'] = locale.LocaleConfiguration.parse_arg(arguments) if (archinstall_lang := arguments.get('archinstall-language', None)) is not None: arguments['archinstall-language'] = TranslationHandler().get_language_by_name(archinstall_lang) if disk_config := arguments.get('disk_config', {}): arguments['disk_config'] = disk.DiskLayoutConfiguration.parse_arg(disk_config) if profile_config := arguments.get('profile_config', None): arguments['profile_config'] = profile.ProfileConfiguration.parse_arg(profile_config) if mirror_config := arguments.get('mirror_config', None): arguments['mirror_config'] = mirrors.MirrorConfiguration.parse_args(mirror_config) if arguments.get('servers', None) is not None: storage['_selected_servers'] = arguments.get('servers', None) if arguments.get('nic', None) is not None: handler = models.NetworkConfigurationHandler() handler.parse_arguments(arguments.get('nic')) arguments['nic'] = handler.configuration if arguments.get('!users', None) is not None or arguments.get('!superusers', None) is not None: users = arguments.get('!users', None) superusers = arguments.get('!superusers', None) arguments['!users'] = models.User.parse_arguments(users, superusers) if arguments.get('bootloader', None) is not None: arguments['bootloader'] = models.Bootloader.from_arg(arguments['bootloader']) if arguments.get('disk_encryption', None) is not None and disk_config is not None: password = arguments.get('encryption_password', '') arguments['disk_encryption'] = disk.DiskEncryption.parse_arg( arguments['disk_config'], arguments['disk_encryption'], password ) def post_process_arguments(arguments): storage['arguments'] = arguments if mountpoint := arguments.get('mount_point', None): storage['MOUNT_POINT'] = Path(mountpoint) if arguments.get('debug', False): warn(f"Warning: --debug mode will write certain credentials to {storage['LOG_PATH']}/{storage['LOG_FILE']}!") if arguments.get('plugin', None): path = arguments['plugin'] load_plugin(path) load_config() define_arguments() arguments: Dict[str, Any] = get_arguments() post_process_arguments(arguments) # @archinstall.plugin decorator hook to programmatically add # plugins in runtime. Useful in profiles_bck and other things. def plugin(f, *args, **kwargs): plugins[f.__name__] = f def run_as_a_module(): """ This can either be run as the compiled and installed application: python setup.py install OR straight as a module: python -m archinstall In any case we will be attempting to load the provided script to be run from the scripts/ folder """ script = arguments.get('script', None) if script is None: print('No script to run provided') mod_name = f'archinstall.scripts.{script}' # by loading the module we'll automatically run the script importlib.import_module(mod_name)