#!/usr/bin/python3 import traceback import os, re, struct, sys, json, pty, shlex import urllib.request, urllib.parse, ssl, signal from glob import glob from select import epoll, EPOLLIN, EPOLLHUP from socket import socket, inet_ntoa, AF_INET, AF_INET6, AF_PACKET from collections import OrderedDict as oDict from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE from time import sleep, time from random import choice from string import ascii_uppercase, ascii_lowercase, digits ## == Profiles Path can be set via --profiles-path=/path ## This just sets the default path if the parameter is omitted. profiles_path = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Torxed/archinstall/master/deployments' try: import psutil except: ## Time to monkey patch in all the stats and psutil fuctions if it isn't installed. class mem(): def __init__(self, free, percent=-1): self.free = free self.percent = percent class disk(): def __init__(self, size, free, percent): self.size = size self.free = free self.percent = percent class iostat(): def __init__(self, interface, bytes_sent=0, bytes_recv=0): self.interface = interface self.bytes_recv = int(bytes_recv) self.bytes_sent = int(bytes_sent) def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs): return f'iostat@{self.interface}[bytes_sent: {self.bytes_sent}, bytes_recv: {self.bytes_recv}]' class psutil(): def cpu_percent(interval=0): ## This just counts the ammount of time the CPU has spent. Find a better way! with cmd("grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage}'") as output: for line in output: return float(line.strip().decode('UTF-8')) def virtual_memory(): with cmd("grep 'MemFree: ' /proc/meminfo | awk '{free=($2)} END {print free}'") as output: for line in output: return mem(float(line.strip().decode('UTF-8'))) def disk_usage(partition): disk_stats = os.statvfs(partition) free_size = disk_stats.f_bfree * disk_stats.f_bsize disk_size = disk_stats.f_blocks * disk_stats.f_bsize percent = (100/disk_size)*free_size return disk(disk_size, free_size, percent) def net_if_addrs(): interfaces = {} for root, folders, files in os.walk('/sys/class/net/'): for name in folders: interfaces[name] = {} return interfaces def net_io_counters(pernic=True): data = {} for interface in psutil.net_if_addrs().keys(): with cmd("grep '{interface}:' /proc/net/dev | awk '{{recv=$2}}{{send=$10}} END {{print send,recv}}'".format(interface=interface)) as output: for line in output: data[interface] = iostat(interface, *line.strip().decode('UTF-8').split(' ',1)) return data ## FIXME: dependency checks (fdisk, lsblk etc) def sig_handler(signal, frame): print('Aborting further installation steps!') print(' Here\'s a summary of the commandline:') print(f' {sys.argv}') exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) rootdir_pattern = re.compile('^.*?/devices') harddrives = oDict() args = {} positionals = [] for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if '--' == arg[:2]: if '=' in arg: key, val = [x.strip() for x in arg[2:].split('=')] else: key, val = arg[2:], True args[key] = val else: positionals.append(arg) def get_default_gateway_linux(): """Read the default gateway directly from /proc.""" with open("/proc/net/route") as fh: for line in fh: fields = line.strip().split() if fields[1] != '00000000' or not int(fields[3], 16) & 2: continue return inet_ntoa(struct.pack(" origin/master\nUpdating 339d687..80b97f3\nFast-forward\n README.md | 2 +-\n 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)\n' if output != b'Already up to date': #tmp = re.findall(b'[0-9]+ file changed', output) #print(tmp) #if len(tmp): # num_changes = int(tmp[0].split(b' ',1)[0]) # if(num_changes): if not 'rebooted' in args: ## Reboot the script (in same context) print('[N] Rebooting the script') os.execv('/usr/bin/python3', ['archinstall.py'] + sys.argv + ['--rebooted',]) extit(1) def device_state(name): # Based out of: https://askubuntu.com/questions/528690/how-to-get-list-of-all-non-removable-disk-device-names-ssd-hdd-and-sata-ide-onl/528709#528709 if os.path.isfile('/sys/block/{}/device/block/{}/removable'.format(name, name)): with open('/sys/block/{}/device/block/{}/removable'.format(name, name)) as f: if f.read(1) == '1': return path = rootdir_pattern.sub('', os.readlink('/sys/block/{}'.format(name))) hotplug_buses = ("usb", "ieee1394", "mmc", "pcmcia", "firewire") for bus in hotplug_buses: if os.path.exists('/sys/bus/{}'.format(bus)): for device_bus in os.listdir('/sys/bus/{}/devices'.format(bus)): device_link = rootdir_pattern.sub('', os.readlink('/sys/bus/{}/devices/{}'.format(bus, device_bus))) if re.search(device_link, path): return return True def grab_partitions(dev): drive_name = os.path.basename(dev) parts = oDict() #o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/lsblk -o name -J -b {dev}'.format(dev=dev)).exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/lsblk -J {dev}'.format(dev=dev)).exec()) if b'not a block device' in o: ## TODO: Replace o = sys_command() with code, o = sys_command() ## and make sys_command() return the exit-code, way safer than checking output strings :P return {} if not o[:1] == b'{': print('[E] Error in getting blk devices:', o) exit(1) r = json.loads(o.decode('UTF-8')) if len(r['blockdevices']) and 'children' in r['blockdevices'][0]: for part in r['blockdevices'][0]['children']: #size = os.statvfs(dev + part['name'][len(drive_name):]) parts[part['name'][len(drive_name):]] = { #'size' : size.f_frsize * size.f_bavail, #'blocksize' : size.f_frsize * size.f_blocks 'size' : part['size'] } return parts def update_drive_list(): for path in glob('/sys/block/*/device'): name = re.sub('.*/(.*?)/device', '\g<1>', path) if device_state(name): harddrives['/dev/{}'.format(name)] = psutil.disk_usage('/dev/{}'.format(name)) def multisplit(s, splitters): s = [s,] for key in splitters: ns = [] for obj in s: x = obj.split(key) for index, part in enumerate(x): if len(part): ns.append(part) if index < len(x)-1: ns.append(key) s = ns return s def grab_url_data(path): safe_path = path[:path.find(':')+1]+''.join([item if item in ('/', '?', '=', '&') else urllib.parse.quote(item) for item in multisplit(path[path.find(':')+1:], ('/', '?', '=', '&'))]) ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() ssl_context.check_hostname = False ssl_context.verify_mode=ssl.CERT_NONE response = urllib.request.urlopen(safe_path, context=ssl_context) return response.read() def get_application_instructions(target): instructions = {} try: instructions = grab_url_data('{}/applications/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target)) except urllib.error.HTTPError: print('[N] No instructions found for: {}'.format(target)) return instructions print('[N] Found application instructions for: {}'.format(target)) try: instructions = json.loads(instructions.decode('UTF-8'), object_pairs_hook=oDict) except: print('[E] JSON syntax error in {}'.format('{}/applications/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target))) traceback.print_exc() exit(1) return instructions def get_instructions(target): instructions = {} try: instructions = grab_url_data('{}/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target)) except urllib.error.HTTPError: print('[N] No instructions found called: {}'.format(target)) return instructions print('[N] Found net-deploy instructions called: {}'.format(target)) try: instructions = json.loads(instructions.decode('UTF-8'), object_pairs_hook=oDict) except: print('[E] JSON syntax error in {}'.format('{}/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target))) traceback.print_exc() exit(1) return instructions def merge_dicts(d1, d2, before=True, overwrite=False): """ Merges d2 into d1 """ if before: d1, d2 = d2.copy(), d1.copy() overwrite = True for key, val in d2.items(): if key in d1: if type(d1[key]) in [dict, oDict] and type(d2[key]) in [dict, oDict]: d1[key] = merge_dicts(d1[key] if not before else d2[key], d2[key] if not before else d1[key], before=before, overwrite=overwrite) elif overwrite: d1[key] = val else: d1[key] = val return d1 def random_string(l): return ''.join(choice(ascii_uppercase + ascii_lowercase + digits) for i in range(l)) if __name__ == '__main__': update_git() # Breaks and restarts the script if an update was found. update_drive_list() if not os.path.isdir('/sys/firmware/efi'): print('[E] This script only supports UEFI-booted machines.') exit(1) ## Setup some defaults (in case no command-line parameters or netdeploy-params were given) if not 'size' in args: args['size'] = '100%' if not 'start' in args: args['start'] = '513MiB' if not 'pwfile' in args: args['pwfile'] = '/tmp/diskpw' if not 'hostname' in args: args['hostname'] = 'Archinstall' if not 'country' in args: args['country'] = 'SE' # 'all' if we don't want country specific mirrors. if not 'packages' in args: args['packages'] = '' # extra packages other than default if not 'post' in args: args['post'] = 'reboot' if not 'password' in args: args['password'] = '0000' # Default disk passord, can be or a fixed string if not 'default' in args: args['default'] = False if not 'profile' in args: args['profile'] = None if not 'profiles-path' in args: args['profiles-path'] = profiles_path if not 'rerun' in args: args['rerun'] = None if not 'ignore-rerun' in args: args['ignore-rerun'] = False if not 'localtime' in args: args['localtime'] = 'Europe/Stockholm' if args['country'] == 'SE' else 'GMT+0' # TODO: Arbitrary for now if not 'drive' in args: drives = sorted(list(harddrives.keys())) if len(drives) > 1 and 'force' not in args and ('default' in args and 'first-drive' not in args): for index, drive in enumerate(drives): print(f'{index}: {drive} ({harddrives[drive]})') drive = input('Select one of the above disks (by number): ') if not drive.isdigit(): raise KeyError("Multiple disks found, --drive=/dev/X not specified (or --force/--first-drive)") drives = [drives[int(drive)]] # Make sure only the selected drive is in the list of options args['drive'] = drives[0] # First drive found rerun = args['ignore-rerun'] if args['drive'][0] != '/': ## Remap the selected UUID to the device to be formatted. drive = get_drive_from_uuid(args['drive']) if not drive: print(f'[N] Could not map UUID "{args["drive"]}" to a device. Trying to match via PARTUUID instead!') drive = get_drive_from_part_uuid(args['drive']) if not drive: print(f'[E] Could not map UUID "{args["drive"]}" to a device. Aborting!') exit(1) args['drive'] = drive ## == If we got networking, # Try fetching instructions for this box and execute them. instructions = {} if get_default_gateway_linux(): locmac = get_local_MACs() if not len(locmac): print('[N] No network interfaces - No net deploy.') else: for mac in locmac: instructions = get_instructions(mac) if 'args' in instructions: ## == Recursively fetch instructions if "include" is found under {args: ...} while 'include' in instructions['args']: includes = instructions['args']['include'] print('[!] Importing net-deploy target: {}'.format(includes)) del(instructions['args']['include']) if type(includes) in (dict, list): for include in includes: instructions = merge_dicts(instructions, get_instructions(include), before=True) else: instructions = merge_dicts(instructions, get_instructions(includes), before=True) ## Update arguments if we found any for key, val in instructions['args'].items(): args[key] = val else: print('[N] No gateway - No net deploy') if args['profile'] and not args['default']: instructions = get_instructions(args['profile']) if len(instructions) <= 0: print('[E] No instructions by the name of {} was found.'.format(args['profile'])) print(' Installation won\'t continue until a valid profile is given.') print(' (this is because --profile was given and a --default is not given)') exit(1) else: first = True while not args['default'] and not args['profile'] and len(instructions) <= 0: profile = input('What template do you want to install: ') instructions = get_instructions(profile) if first and len(instructions) <= 0: print('[E] No instructions by the name of {} was found.'.format(profile)) print(' Installation won\'t continue until a valid profile is given.') print(' (this is because --default is not instructed and no --profile given)') first = False if 'args' in instructions: ## == Recursively fetch instructions if "include" is found under {args: ...} while 'include' in instructions['args']: includes = instructions['args']['include'] print('[!] Importing net-deploy target: {}'.format(includes)) del(instructions['args']['include']) if type(includes) in (dict, list): for include in includes: instructions = merge_dicts(instructions, get_instructions(include), before=True) else: instructions = merge_dicts(instructions, get_instructions(includes), before=True) ## Update arguments if we found any for key, val in instructions['args'].items(): args[key] = val if 'args' in instructions: ## TODO: Reuseable code, there's to many get_instructions, merge_dictgs and args updating going on. ## Update arguments if we found any for key, val in instructions['args'].items(): args[key] = val for key in args: if args[key] == '': args[key] = input(f'Enter a value for {key}: ') elif args[key] == '': args[key] = random_string(32) elif args[key] == '': args[key] = gen_yubikey_password() if not args[key]: print('[E] Failed to setup a yubikey password, is it plugged in?') exit(1) # if args['password'] == '': args['password'] = input('Enter a disk (and root) password: ') # elif args['password'] == '': # args['password'] = gen_yubikey_password() # if not args['password']: print(json.dumps(args, indent=4)) if args['default'] and not 'force' in args: if(input('Are these settings OK? (No return beyond this point) N/y: ').lower() != 'y'): exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(args['pwfile']): #PIN = '0000' with open(args['pwfile'], 'w') as pw: pw.write(args['password']) #else: # ## TODO: Convert to `rb` instead. # # We shouldn't discriminate \xfu from being a passwd phrase. # with open(args['pwfile'], 'r') as pw: # PIN = pw.read().strip() print() print('[!] Disk PASSWORD is: {}'.format(args['password'])) print() for i in range(5, 0, -1): print(f'Formatting in {i}...') sleep(1) if not args['rerun'] or args['ignore-rerun']: o = simple_command('/usr/bin/umount -R /mnt') o = simple_command('/usr/bin/cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/luksdev') print('[N] Setting up {drive}.'.format(**args)) # dd if=/dev/random of=args['drive'] bs=4096 status=progress # https://github.com/dcantrell/pyparted would be nice, but isn't officially in the repo's #SadPanda o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} mklabel gpt'.format(**args)).exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} mkpart primary FAT32 1MiB {start}'.format(**args)).exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} name 1 "EFI"'.format(**args)).exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} set 1 esp on'.format(**args)).exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} set 1 boot on'.format(**args)).exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} mkpart primary {start} {size}'.format(**args)).exec()) # TODO: grab paritions after each parted/partition step instead of guessing which partiton is which later on. # Create one, grab partitions - dub that to "boot" or something. do the next partition, grab that and dub it "system".. or something.. # This "assumption" has bit me in the ass so many times now I've stoped counting.. Jerker is right.. Don't do it like this :P args['paritions'] = grab_partitions(args['drive']) print(f'Partitions: (Boot: {list(args["paritions"].keys())[0]})') if len(args['paritions']) <= 0: print('[E] No paritions were created on {drive}'.format(**args), o) exit(1) for index, part_name in enumerate(sorted(args['paritions'].keys())): args['partition_{}'.format(index+1)] = part_name print(f'Partition info: {part_name}') print(json.dumps(args['paritions'][part_name], indent=4)) if not args['rerun'] or args['ignore-rerun']: o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/mkfs.vfat -F32 {drive}{partition_1}'.format(**args)).exec()) if (b'mkfs.fat' not in o and b'mkfs.vfat' not in o) or b'command not found' in o: print('[E] Could not setup {drive}{partition_1}'.format(**args), o) exit(1) # "--cipher sha512" breaks the shit. # TODO: --use-random instead of --use-urandom print('[N] Adding encryption to {drive}{partition_2}.'.format(**args)) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/cryptsetup -q -v --type luks2 --pbkdf argon2i --hash sha512 --key-size 512 --iter-time 10000 --key-file {pwfile} --use-urandom luksFormat {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args)).exec()) if not b'Command successful.' in o: print('[E] Failed to setup disk encryption.', o) exit(1) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/file /dev/mapper/luksdev').exec()) # /dev/dm-0 if b'cannot open' in o: o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/cryptsetup open {drive}{partition_2} luksdev --key-file {pwfile} --type luks2'.format(**args)).exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/file /dev/mapper/luksdev').exec()) # /dev/dm-0 if b'cannot open' in o: print('[E] Could not open encrypted device.', o) exit(1) if not args['rerun'] or args['ignore-rerun']: print('[N] Creating btrfs filesystem inside {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args)) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/mkfs.btrfs -f /dev/mapper/luksdev').exec()) if not b'UUID' in o: print('[E] Could not setup btrfs filesystem.', o) exit(1) o = simple_command('/usr/bin/mount | /usr/bin/grep /mnt') # /dev/dm-0 if len(o) <= 0: o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/mount /dev/mapper/luksdev /mnt').exec()) os.makedirs('/mnt/boot', exist_ok=True) o = simple_command('/usr/bin/mount | /usr/bin/grep /mnt/boot') # /dev/dm-0 if len(o) <= 0: o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/mount {drive}{partition_1} /mnt/boot'.format(**args)).exec()) if 'mirrors' in args and args['mirrors'] and 'country' in args and get_default_gateway_linux(): print('[N] Reordering mirrors.') o = simple_command("/usr/bin/wget 'https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country={country}&protocol=https&ip_version=4&ip_version=6&use_mirror_status=on' -O /root/mirrorlist".format(**args)) o = simple_command("/usr/bin/sed -i 's/#Server/Server/' /root/mirrorlist") o = simple_command('/usr/bin/rankmirrors -n 6 /root/mirrorlist > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist') pre_conf = {} if 'pre' in instructions: pre_conf = instructions['pre'] elif 'prerequisits' in instructions: pre_conf = instructions['prerequisits'] ## Prerequisit steps needs to NOT be executed in arch-chroot. ## Mainly because there's no root structure to chroot into. ## But partly because some configurations need to be done against the live CD. ## (For instance, modifying mirrors are done on LiveCD and replicated intwards) for title in pre_conf: print('[N] Network prerequisit step: {}'.format(title)) if args['rerun'] and args['rerun'] != title and not rerun: continue else: rerun = True for command in pre_conf[title]: raw_command = command opts = pre_conf[title][raw_command] if type(pre_conf[title][raw_command]) in (dict, oDict) else {} if len(opts): if 'pass-args' in opts or 'format' in opts: command = command.format(**args) ## FIXME: Instead of deleting the two options ## in order to mute command output further down, ## check for a 'debug' flag per command and delete these two if 'pass-args' in opts: del(opts['pass-args']) elif 'format' in opts: del(opts['format']) elif 'debug' in opts and opts['debug']: print('[N] Complete command-string: '.format(command)) else: print('[-] Options: {}'.format(opts)) #print('[N] Command: {} ({})'.format(raw_command, opts)) o = b''.join(sys_command('{c}'.format(c=command), opts).exec()) if type(conf[title][raw_command]) == bytes and len(conf[title][raw_command]) and not conf[title][raw_command] in b''.join(o): print('[W] Prerequisit step failed: {}'.format(b''.join(o).decode('UTF-8'))) #print(o) if not args['rerun'] or rerun: print('[N] Straping in packages.') o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/pacman -Syy').exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware btrfs-progs efibootmgr nano wpa_supplicant dialog {packages}'.format(**args)).exec()) if not os.path.isdir('/mnt/etc'): print('[E] Failed to strap in packages', o) exit(1) if not args['rerun'] or rerun: o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/genfstab -pU /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab').exec()) with open('/mnt/etc/fstab', 'a') as fstab: fstab.write('\ntmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0\n') # Redundant \n at the start? who knoes? o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt rm -f /etc/localtime').exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/{localtime} /etc/localtime'.format(**args)).exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt hwclock --hctosys --localtime').exec()) #o = sys_command('arch-chroot /mnt echo "{hostname}" > /etc/hostname'.format(**args)).exec() #o = sys_command("arch-chroot /mnt sed -i 's/#\(en_US\.UTF-8\)/\1/' /etc/locale.gen").exec() o = b''.join(sys_command("/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo '{hostname}' > /etc/hostname\"".format(**args)).exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command("/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' > /etc/locale.gen\"").exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command("/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' > /etc/locale.conf\"").exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt locale-gen').exec()) o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt chmod 700 /root').exec()) with open('/mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf', 'w') as mkinit: ## TODO: Don't replace it, in case some update in the future actually adds something. mkinit.write('MODULES=(btrfs)\n') mkinit.write('BINARIES=(/usr/bin/btrfs)\n') mkinit.write('FILES=()\n') mkinit.write('HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block encrypt filesystems keyboard fsck)\n') o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt mkinitcpio -p linux').exec()) ## WORKAROUND: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/13603#issuecomment-552246188 o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt bootctl --no-variables --path=/boot install').exec()) with open('/mnt/boot/loader/loader.conf', 'w') as loader: loader.write('default arch\n') loader.write('timeout 5\n') ## For some reason, blkid and /dev/disk/by-uuid are not getting along well. ## And blkid is wrong in terms of LUKS. #UUID = sys_command('blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args)).decode('UTF-8').exec().strip() UUID = simple_command("ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep {basename}{partition_2} | awk '{{print $9}}'".format(basename=os.path.basename(args['drive']), **args)).decode('UTF-8').strip() with open('/mnt/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf', 'w') as entry: entry.write('title Arch Linux\n') entry.write('linux /vmlinuz-linux\n') entry.write('initrd /initramfs-linux.img\n') entry.write('options cryptdevice=UUID={UUID}:luksdev root=/dev/mapper/luksdev rw intel_pstate=no_hwp\n'.format(UUID=UUID)) conf = {} if 'post' in instructions: conf = instructions['post'] elif not 'args' in instructions and len(instructions): conf = instructions for title in conf: if args['rerun'] and args['rerun'] != title and not rerun: continue else: rerun = True print('[N] Network Deploy: {}'.format(title)) if type(conf[title]) == str: print('[N] Loading {} configuration'.format(conf[title])) conf[title] = get_application_instructions(conf[title]) for command in conf[title]: raw_command = command opts = conf[title][command] if type(conf[title][command]) in (dict, oDict) else {} if len(opts): if 'pass-args' in opts or 'format' in opts: command = command.format(**args) ## FIXME: Instead of deleting the two options ## in order to mute command output further down, ## check for a 'debug' flag per command and delete these two if 'pass-args' in opts: del(opts['pass-args']) elif 'format' in opts: del(opts['format']) elif ('debug' in opts and opts['debug']) or ('debug' in conf and conf['debug']): print('[-] Options: {}'.format(opts)) if 'pass-args' in opts and opts['pass-args']: command = command.format(**args) #print('[N] Command: {} ({})'.format(command, opts)) ## https://superuser.com/questions/1242978/start-systemd-nspawn-and-execute-commands-inside ## !IMPORTANT ## ## arch-chroot mounts /run into the chroot environment, this breaks name resolves for some reason. ## Either skipping mounting /run and using traditional chroot is an option, but using ## `systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine temporary` might be a more flexible solution in case of file structure changes. if 'no-chroot' in opts and opts['no-chroot']: o = simple_command(command, opts) elif 'chroot' in opts and opts['chroot']: ## Run in a manually set up version of arch-chroot (arch-chroot will break namespaces). ## This is a bit risky in case the file systems changes over the years, but we'll probably be safe adding this as an option. ## **> Prefer if possible to use 'no-chroot' instead which "live boots" the OS and runs the command. o = simple_command("mount /dev/mapper/luksdev /mnt") o = simple_command("cd /mnt; cp /etc/resolv.conf etc") o = simple_command("cd /mnt; mount -t proc /proc proc") o = simple_command("cd /mnt; mount --make-rslave --rbind /sys sys") o = simple_command("cd /mnt; mount --make-rslave --rbind /dev dev") o = simple_command('chroot /mnt /bin/bash -c "{c}"'.format(c=command), opts=opts) o = simple_command("cd /mnt; umount -R dev") o = simple_command("cd /mnt; umount -R sys") o = simple_command("cd /mnt; umount -R proc") else: if 'boot' in opts and opts['boot']: ## So, if we're going to boot this maddafakker up, we'll need to ## be able to login. The quickest way is to just add automatic login.. so lessgo! ## Turns out.. that didn't work exactly as planned.. ## # if not os.path.isdir('/mnt/etc/systemd/system/console-getty.service.d/'): # os.makedirs('/mnt/etc/systemd/system/console-getty.service.d/') # with open('/mnt/etc/systemd/system/console-getty.service.d/override.conf', 'w') as fh: # fh.write('[Service]\n') # fh.write('ExecStart=\n') # fh.write('ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --autologin root -s %I 115200,38400,9600 vt102\n') ## So we'll add a bunch of triggers instead and let the sys_command manually react to them. ## " login" followed by "Passwodd" in case it's been set in a previous step.. usually this shouldn't be nessecary ## since we set the password as the last step. And then the command itself which will be executed by looking for: ## [root@ ~]# o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn -D /mnt -b --machine temporary', opts={'triggers' : { bytes(f'login:', 'UTF-8') : b'root\n', #b'Password:' : bytes(args['password']+'\n', 'UTF-8'), bytes(f'[root@{args["hostname"]} ~]#', 'UTF-8') : bytes(command+'\n', 'UTF-8'), }, **opts}).exec()) ## Not needed anymore: And cleanup after out selves.. Don't want to leave any residue.. # os.remove('/mnt/etc/systemd/system/console-getty.service.d/override.conf') else: o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine temporary {c}'.format(c=command), opts=opts).exec()) if type(conf[title][raw_command]) == bytes and len(conf[title][raw_command]) and not conf[title][raw_command] in o: print('[W] Post install command failed: {}'.format(o.decode('UTF-8'))) #print(o) ## == Passwords # o = sys_command('arch-chroot /mnt usermod --password {} root'.format(args['password'])) # o = sys_command("arch-chroot /mnt sh -c 'echo {pin} | passwd --stdin root'".format(pin='"{pin}"'.format(**args, pin=args['password'])), echo=True) o = simple_command("/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo 'root:{pin}' | chpasswd\"".format(**args, pin=args['password'])) if 'user' in args: o = ('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt useradd -m -G wheel {user}'.format(**args)) o = ("/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo '{user}:{pin}' | chpasswd\"".format(**args, pin=args['password'])) if args['post'] == 'reboot': o = simple_command('/usr/bin/umount -R /mnt') o = simple_command('/usr/bin/reboot now') else: print('Done. "umount -R /mnt; reboot" when you\'re done tinkering.')