import os, stat from exceptions import * from helpers.disk import * from helpers.general import * from helpers.user_interaction import * class Installer(): def __init__(self, partition, *, profile=None, mountpoint='/mnt', hostname='ArchInstalled'): self.profile = profile self.hostname = hostname self.mountpoint = mountpoint self.partition = partition def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.partition.mount(self.mountpoint) return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # b''.join(sys_command(f'sync')) # No need to, since the underlaying fs() object will call sync. # TODO: if len(args) >= 2 and args[1]: raise args[1] return True def minimal_installation(self): if (sync_mirrors := sys_command('/usr/bin/pacman -Syy')).exit_code == 0: if (pacstrap := sys_command(f'/usr/bin/pacstrap {self.mountpoint} base base-devel linux linux-firmware btrfs-progs efibootmgr nano wpa_supplicant dialog')).exit_code == 0: return True else: log(f'Could not strap in base: {pacstrap.exit_code}') else: log(f'Could not sync mirrors: {sync_mirrors.exit_code}') def add_bootloader(self, partition): os.makedirs(f'{self.mountpoint}/boot', exist_ok=True) partition.mount(f'{self.mountpoint}/boot') o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} bootctl --no-variables --path=/boot install')) with open('/mnt/boot/loader/loader.conf', 'w') as loader: loader.write('default arch\n') loader.write('timeout 5\n') ## For some reason, blkid and /dev/disk/by-uuid are not getting along well. ## And blkid is wrong in terms of LUKS. #UUID = sys_command('blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args)).decode('UTF-8').strip() with open('/mnt/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf', 'w') as entry: entry.write('title Arch Linux\n') entry.write('linux /vmlinuz-linux\n') entry.write('initrd /initramfs-linux.img\n') ## blkid doesn't trigger on loopback devices really well, ## so we'll use the old manual method until we get that sorted out. # UUID = simple_command(f"blkid -s PARTUUID -o value /dev/{os.path.basename(args['drive'])}{args['partitions']['2']}").decode('UTF-8').strip() # entry.write('options root=PARTUUID={UUID} rw intel_pstate=no_hwp\n'.format(UUID=UUID)) UUID = b''.join(sys_command(f"ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep {os.path.basename(partition['path'])} | awk '{{print $9}}'")).decode('UTF-8').strip() entry.write(f'options cryptdevice=UUID={UUID}:luksdev root=/dev/mapper/luksdev rw intel_pstate=no_hwp\n')