# drawing Just another guided/automated [Arch Linux](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Linux) installer with a twist. The installer also doubles as a python library to access each individual installation step for customized installs. Pre-built ISO's can be found here which autostarts archinstall *(in a safe guided mode)*: https://hvornum.se/archiso/ * archinstall [discord](https://discord.gg/cqXU88y) server * ~~archinstall [documentation](#)~~ *(TBA)* * ~~archinstall guided install ISO's: https://hvornum.se/archiso/~~ *(Being re-built to v2.0)* * archinstall on [#archinstall@freenode (IRC)](irc://#archinstall@FreeNode) # Usage ## ~~Run on Live-CD (Binary)~~ Currently this method is not supported until v2.1.0, this due to the rework of the contextualized approach. # wget https://gzip.app/archinstall # chmod +x archinstall; ./archinstall ~~This downloads and runs a "compiled" *(using nuitka)* version of the project.
It defaults to starting a guided install with some safety checks in place.~~ ## Run on Live-CD with Python: # wget https://github.com/Torxed/archinstall/archive/v2.0.1.tar.gz # tar xvzf v2.0.1.tar.gz # cd archinstall-2.0.1 # pacman -S --noconfirm python; python examples/main_example.py This will ask for a disk and a password before **wiping the entire disk**. ## Run using PIP and Python module: # pip install archinstall # python -m archinstall examples/main_example.py ~~This assumes tho that `python >= 3.8` and `pip` is present *(not always the case on the default Arch Linux ISO)*, see above for pre-built ISO's containing Python+pip or follow the [docs](docs/) to see how to build an ISO yourself.~~ only `pip install archinstall` is currently supported, running as a module is planned for v2.0.5 or v2.1.0. ## Scripting an installation Assuming you're building your own ISO and want to create an automated install process.
This is probably what you'll need, a [minimal example](examples/main_example.py) of how to install using archinstall as a Python library. ```python import archinstall, getpass # Unmount and close previous runs archinstall.sys_command(f'umount -R /mnt', surpress_errors=True) archinstall.sys_command(f'cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/luksloop', surpress_errors=True) # Select a harddrive and a disk password harddrive = archinstall.select_disk(archinstall.all_disks()) disk_password = getpass.getpass(prompt='Disk password (won\'t echo): ') with archinstall.Filesystem(harddrive, archinstall.GPT) as fs: # Use the entire disk instead of setting up partitions on your own fs.use_entire_disk('luks2') if harddrive.partition[1].size == '512M': raise OSError('Trying to encrypt the boot partition for petes sake..') harddrive.partition[0].format('fat32') with archinstall.luks2(harddrive.partition[1], 'luksloop', disk_password) as unlocked_device: unlocked_device.format('btrfs') with archinstall.Installer(unlocked_device, hostname='testmachine') as installation: if installation.minimal_installation(): installation.add_bootloader(harddrive.partition[0]) installation.add_additional_packages(['nano', 'wget', 'git']) installation.install_profile('workstation') installation.user_create('anton', 'test') installation.user_set_pw('root', 'toor') installation.add_AUR_support() ``` This installer will perform the following: * Prompt the user to select a disk and disk-password * Proceed to wipe said disk * Sets up a default 100% used disk with encryption * Installs a basic instance of Arch Linux *(base base-devel linux linux-firmware btrfs-progs efibootmgr)* * Installs and configures a bootloader * Install additional packages *(nano, wget, git)* * Installs a network-profile called `workstation` *(more on network profiles in the docs)* * Adds AUR support by compiling and installing [yay](https://github.com/Jguer/yay) > **Creating your own ISO:** Follow [ArchISO](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/archiso)'s guide on how to create your own ISO or use a pre-built [guided ISO](https://hvornum.se/archiso/) to skip the python installation step, or to create auto-installing ISO templates. Further down are examples and cheat sheets on how to create different live ISO's. ## End note ![description](https://github.com/Torxed/archinstall/raw/master/docs/description.jpg)