# archinstall Just a bare bone automated [Arch](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Linux) install # Autorun on Arch Live CD # cd ~/archlive # echo -e "git\npython-psutil" >> packages.both # echo "git clone https://github.com/Torxed/archinstall.git" >> ./airootfs/root/customize_airootfs.sh # echo "chmod +x ~/archinstall/archinstall.py" >> ./airootfs/root/customize_airootfs.sh # mkdir ./airootfs/etc/skel # echo '[[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && sh -c ~/archinstall/archinstall.py' >> ./airootfs/etc/skel/.zprofile # rm -v work/build.make_* && ./build.sh -v > Note: `~/archlive` might be different on your system, see [ArchISO#Setup](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/archiso#Setup) for more info. Whenever this live-cd boots, from here on now - it'll run `archinstall.py`. > CAUTION: If no parameters are given, it will devour the first disk in your system (/dev/sda, /dev/nvme0n1p2 etc). # Manually run it on a booted Live CD # git clone https://github.com/Torxed/archinstall.git # python3 ./archinstall/archinstall.py # Some parameters you can give it --drive= Which drive to install arch on, if absent, the first disk under /dev/ is used --size=100% (Default) Sets the size of the root filesystem (btrfs) --start=513MiB (Default) Sets the starting location of the root partition (TODO: /boot will take up space from 1MiB - , make sure boot is no larger than 513MiB) --pwfile=/tmp/diskpw (Default) Which file to use as the disk encryption password --hostname=Arcinstall (Default) Sets the hostname of the box --country=SE (Default) Default mirror allocation for fetching packages. --packages='' (Default) Which additional packages to install, defaults to none. (Space separated as it's passed unchanged to `pacstrap` --user= Adds an additional username to the system (default group Wheel) --post=reboot (Default) After a successful install, reboots into the system.